The Smartest Dog Breeds Around The World

The furry friends may not be able to solve a puzzle with you or help you with your homework, but they can be the best buddies you can play outdoors with or go for a healing walk with them by your side. Dogs are considered smart according to a few factors that have been tested by experts on various breeds. The way they grasp the tricks taught to them or the training they undergo are some of the aspects defining how whip-smart a pooch is. While we might just love to cuddle with our pet pup on the couch, there’s still a little hope residing in our hearts that our dog could learn a few clever ways and have quicker reflexes. There are a few breeds of canines that have been given the tag of being the smartest and what else do we wish for!

Border Collie

If there’s one dog breed that’s always on its toes and possesses the energy and smartness to perform some important tasks, it is Border Collie. These herding dogs have remarkable abilities and that is why they are placed in charge of the flocks of sheep in Scotland and Wales. This breed understands the instructions of the owner quite well and adjusts to the schedules just effortlessly. After a small period of training, the supervisors can take a break once in a while as these canines would complete the work allotted to them even in their absence. These attentive dogs are definitely brilliant and dedicated!


How many times have you pictured yourself petting an adorable little poodle? We have lost that count officially and we hope someone knocks on our door with the cute pup wrapped in a blanket and we bring it home. However, one thing that you have been missing while mesmerized by those puppy eyes is how sharp these little Poodles are. The dog cognoscenti know the hidden skills of these pooches. This intelligent breed has amazing swimming capabilities and also, these dogs are proficient hunters. Turns out, poodles are multi-talented as there’s always more than what meets the eye in their case.

German Shepherd

When we speak of the loyal and valiant dogs, German Shepherds come to our mind instantly. Their athletic build makes them a favorite for many dog lovers. The way they learn and finish their training prepares them well for the police and military tasks. These dogs know their way out of a difficult situation and will protect their owner at all costs. They are loving, tough, and adventurous, all at once. This breed can do a variety of work including livestock guarding, herding, being a friendly family pet, and police work.

Golden Retriever

One cheerful dog that makes everyone around them smile is a Golden Retriever. We can spot this adorable pooch from a distance as they carry a special charm and bring joy to the surroundings. Apart from raising the spirits of humans around them, these pooches have a genius mind and work as search dogs. They are chosen to be service and therapy dogs for their uplifting and affectionate nature. They can be your best friends who will make you smile even when it feels that your world came crashing down! The trick here is to hug them tight.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman pinscher is the breed of guard dogs that act like a tough shield and are endowed with protective instincts. While they might seem like they are always ready to fight any enemies (which they actually do!), they can be quite adorable too. These canines are affable and those who have brought them home know how relaxing and pleasant it is to spend time with a Doberman. Their intelligence is unmatched and they react to any situation swiftly and attentively. Once trained, they become one of the best dog breeds to keep around!

Shetland Sheepdog

With just 11 to 24 pounds on the weighing scale, Shetland sheepdogs carry a bag full of smartness and love. They share a kinship with Collie and so, these Scottish herding dogs have been trained quite well since the time they were first discovered. The soft Sheltie might be a tiny pooch when first picked up, this breed would never cease to amaze their owners. They have such a keen eye for detail and are known for their brilliant attitude. Also, you can’t help but keep stroking their mushy fur, it’s relieving.

Labrador Retriever

There’s a reason why Labrador retriever is the most popular breed in the United States - they are bright, amiable, and diligent! The evidence of their smartness goes way back when they were taken on fishing boats. Labs were made to jump into the water and fetch harpooned fish. Now, we all know these pooches as super-friendly and they offer delightful company to the humans around them. Hunting is another trait that brings these observant dogs to this list. You’ll never be deprived of love when you have a Labrador retriever by your side!


The tiny frame of this pooch can be quite deceptive as the Papillon breed has a lot in its secret little store. The royalty reflected through this pup is quite noticeable from afar. The physical features are stunning with the long straight ears and smoothly flowing fur that grabs everyone’s attention.    Apart from these exterior classy and “butterfly-like” characteristics, a Papillon has an impressive power to learn various tricks. A lot comes wrapped in this little beautiful package! As family pets, these dogs are a perfect fit and the owners are proud to have them around.


You can trust a Rottweiler for protection and it won’t ever disappoint you! Such is the reputation of this special breed. They are reliable canines who have been guard dogs for a long time now. A Rottweiler would be thrilled for the training and will definitely grasp a few tricks. Once you bring a Rottie home, you are in for a few surprises. The entertainment would be boundless as they are always active and ready for a new venture.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian cattle dog has always been considered to have an intelligent and focused mind considering the tasks performed by this breed. They were trained to endure the harsh terrains and surroundings of Australia by the British settlers. They have proved their intelligence time and again especially while following herds and keeping an eye on them continuously for even days at a stretch. Surprisingly, these dogs have the potential to ensure the safety and discipline of the herd without any supervision. They might be your pet but you will always spot them in search of work that keeps them alert and nimble.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

A Pembroke walking inside a room full of people will receive the attention of one and all. That’s how adorable and gregarious this breed is! It will uplift the mood of the place by showcasing the learned tricks and goofing around playfully. This pooch will easily adapt to the environment he is brought in and will find comfort even without a company. The critical thinking abilities are not just associated with human anymore, on research, the breed aficionados have witnessed certain dogs showing these skills and Pembroke is one such breed. Have a play session with a Pembroke and you’ll be in awe of this pup!

Catahoula Leopard Dog

This intelligent breed that takes its name from Catahoula Parish, Louisiana are alert watchdogs and remain cautious of any strangers. They have that magical sense to detect any trouble around them. So, hunting and herding come naturally to these canines. If that’s still not enough, Catahoula Leopard Dogs possess boundless energy and stamina. They won’t need a breather while indulged in strenuous activities but you might want to relax for a while watching them run and jump. Once you befriend a Catahoula, you’ll be showered with affection.

Miniature Schnauzer

The true furry friend is here to blow your minds with its agile mind and enchanting personality. The miniature schnauzers have always impressed its owners with the smartness they possess combined with their gentle nature. They will make themselves home wherever you take them and that is the most soothing quality in a pooch. Not to miss, this breed has an inclination towards hunting as they can unveil their vigilance and proficiency in identifying patterns. Be careful, they catch it all!

English Springer Spaniel

When the discussion is about being highly responsive and impeccable at comprehending nonverbal instructions, English springer spaniels own the stage. If you are still in doubt about the smartness of the dogs, you need to meet this breed and watch them work really hard when assigned hunting. Since the aim behind breeding this variety was to make them skilled at working with humans, they have won that challenge and now, are chosen for plenty of tasks that involves guiding and helping people. This breed adapts to various sounds and with time, these dogs know how to react to every sound that’s sent in their direction.

Belgian Tervuren

Belgian Tervurens or Tervs have been trained to accomplish the missions of two specific categories of dogs – guard dogs and herding dogs and well, they have taken over both the fields. All that this breed desires is a laborious piece of work and you will see them cheerfully completing the task. Belgian farmers bred them initially to fulfill the need for livestock guarding and now, these lively and sparky dogs can’t sit idle for even a moment. If you can keep them busy and have the sources to utilize their agility, you won’t regret one second with them. When these Tervs find themselves in a stagnating situation, they would hop around and grab the first opportunity they discover to toil away.


With an incredible talent for hunting, Schipperkes would always be on the lookout for a chance to hunt. They are extremely smart and sharp. The proofs of their brilliant mind are numerous and if you have ever run into one, you know how capable they are. The training is a cherry on top for this breed. Trained Schipperkes would be so curious and would follow anything or anyone that attracts them. They understand the instructions and keep you on your toes too. They can fit in a home but the zest they are filled with would lead to constant barking sounds as they want to utilize the energy that’s inside the little package. Entertain them with games and everyone wins!