The Ups and Downs of Jonathan Scott's Life

Jonathan Scott, who co-starred with his brother Drew in the tremendously popular reality TV series Property Brothers, gained millions of fans all over the world. Although Scott's brotherly dream team made headlines around the world, it wasn't his only bond that inspired his fans.  

Fans were overjoyed to see him hanging out with TV producer Jacinta Kuznetsov. The two seemed to have actually found their soul mates in one another. So when the couple revealed they were no longer together in 2018, the world was taken aback. What could have possibly gone wrong for this ideal pair to cause them to split up?

Power Couple

Everyone who saw Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov together assumed they had a wonderful relationship. There was no competition for the couple when it came to public displays of affection and they never failed to deliver Hollywood good looks, so it was all the more shocking when they announced their separation.

 However, those who had a close bond with them understood that Scott had secrets from his past that could destroy even the strongest of relationships.

Dynamic Duo

Jonathan and Drew knew they wanted to be entertainers from a very young age. But those weren't the only characteristics they had displayed since they were very little. Their father deserves all the praise for this. He always made sure the brothers were familiar with house repairs and maintenance.

Both of them had a profound understanding of property management as they were growing up. The two lads moved to Alberta, Canada, with their father when they were 14 years old to begin a very exciting project: building their own house.

Double the Fun

Jonathan and Drew shared the same unique and unbreakable bond that the twins were known for having. The Scott brothers' closeness only became stronger as a result of their shared interest in real estate, despite the fact that it was common for siblings to have different interests that ultimately affected their personal relationships.

They studied together at the University of Calgary, where they both got business management degrees. The two were headed for a rewarding career in real estate, but their chosen path was not the usual one.

Passion Project

The Scott brothers were busy making plans for their promising future rather than wasting time, like their batchmates, by partying their way through college with frat houses and keg parties. The two pooled their savings and, with their eyes firmly fixed on their goals, purchased a home close to where they already lived.

The brothers started repairing it right away, and they eventually sold the refurbished property for a large profit. They had now experienced success for the first time, and this was just the beginning.

On the Way

Following their graduation from the University of Calgary, Drew and Jonathan Scott went straight away laying the fundamental foundations for a successful real estate career. Jonathan Scott, though, wasn't blind to the fact that his first experience with ambition had sprung from a totally different place.

 In addition to his love and talent for real estate, Scott had a genuine passion and talent for acting, dating all the way back to his days as a magician. He wondered if he would ever be able to merge these two quite distinct life goals.

Double Act

Surprisingly, Scott figured out a way to combine his love of performing and entertaining others with his love for real estate management. As the two brothers continued to build a prosperous career in real estate, they ultimately drew the interest of several TV producers, who were looking for more of these charming and accomplished real estate experts.

 The energetic duo soon secured a spot on their own reality TV program, the now widely popular Property Brothers. However, neither of the brothers was prepared for the fame that would come, let alone the romantic adventures that would come after.

Fame and Fortune

Anyone who knew the Scott brothers believed that their TV program would be an instant success with viewers and fans. They were not only very skilled and educated in their respective fields, but also unbelievably hilarious, charismatic, and their incredible chemistry with one another made them a treat to watch.

 The Property Brothers released their own line of books, radio shows, music, and acting before they even realized it, and they quickly expanded into a veritable empire. Although their professional lives were thriving, even more, exciting events were about to take place behind the scenes.

Matter of the Heart

The fact that Jonathan Scott was in the seventh heaven was clearly evident. He finally fulfilled his ideal dream of combining his love for real estate and performance by having an exceptionally successful TV career.

Additionally, he had the privilege of going to work every day alongside his brother and best friend! But behind the scenes, this TV star's ideal life still lacked one thing. He had everything he wished for, but no one special to share it with.

Sudden Soulmate

Jonathan had the good fortune to have the kind of life that everyone desired. However, there was still one thing that was still missing in his life, that is, to fall in love with his soul mate. He had no idea that he was about to go on a love journey.

 He went to a special charity event in 2015 for animal rights, but once he got there, he had other thoughts. He had caught a glimpse of a blonde beauty across the room and had fallen in love at first sight. But would he have the nerve to confront this mysterious siren?

Girl Online

Scott started to feel guilty as the night came to an end since he knew he had lost the opportunity. After the event was over, no one could find the mysterious blonde beauty.

However, he wouldn't let this stand in the way of his pursuit of love, so he turned to the other visitors to see if they knew her name. As soon as he found it out, he went directly to social media to get to know this enigmatic Jacinta Kuznetsov.

Now that he had found her online, did he have the guts to drop her a text?

The Right Words

Scott was ecstatic to have found the mysterious woman who had stolen his heart. The next step, though, was the one that was challenging for him. He spent a lot of time thinking of the perfect words to say to her.

 The thought of messaging her out of the blue like this made him feel extremely anxious. But at the same time, he didn't want to be a weirdo who just silently stalked people on social media. so he eventually gathered the courage to text her and ask her out.

It was make-or-break time. Would his message win her over?

First Date

When Kuznetsov answered Scott's message, not only did she reply, but she also agreed to go out with him, which amazed Scott. The reality TV star was delighted to finally go on a date with his dream girl from the charity event.

 Sadly, the date did now go as well as he was expecting. Scott wasn't very experienced when it came to dating, so he kept asking her way too many questions and didn't let the conversation happen naturally.

When the date was almost over, Kuznetsov became really agitated and told Scott that she was tired of his questioning. Was their relationship already over before it even started?

Second Chance

Luckily for Scott, Kuznetsov decided to give him another shot. The stunning blonde agreed to meet him again so that they could start over from square one. Scott was ecstatic, but he was suddenly even more anxious than he had been before.

He had to really amp up his game because his previous behaviour had definitely turned her off. Would he be able to charm her and show his true self to her?

Second Time Lucky

The truth was that Scott's first attempt to win over Kuznetsov on their first date had failed miserably because he was very concerned about creating a good impression and controlling how their evening should proceed. But, in reality, these events must unfold naturally and follow their course.

Their second date was a big success and their chemistry was easy to observe when he was finally able to unwind and be himself. And this would only be the start of a lovely romance.

Loved Up

It didn't take long for Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov to realize they were deeply in love with one another. Scott's days of annoying her with strange and uninteresting questions were long gone, and as they grew closer and entered a love relationship, the two grew to feel immensely comfortable with one another.

Scott believed he had everything now, including a successful profession and a lovely home life, and that his life was complete. As he wanted to be cautious with this new, priceless gem in his life, the couple made sure that their relationship was kept a secret until they were ready to officially reveal it to the public. However, the truth of their love was about to be unveiled to the world.

Going Public

The happy couple finally felt ready to disclose to their supporters and viewers the truth of their relationship after spending a long time enjoying their romance. The world rejoiced when Scott and Kuznetsov both declared that they were actually a couple on their own Instagram accounts. They had no idea that more turbulent days lay ahead.

Screen Time

Scott's beloved Kuznetsov began making prominent appearances everywhere in addition to on his social media profiles. Her occasional appearances on Property Brothers, the brothers’ famous reality series, pleased fans by providing more glimpses into the happy marriage of the couple.

It appeared like the two brothers' lives were completely perfect when Linda Phan, Drew Scott's girlfriend, also started showing up. On the other hand, as is frequently the case, things were about to become a little more complex behind the scenes.

Dream Holiday

For Jonathan Scott, everything appeared to be going exactly as planned. Along with his brother and closest friend, he had a successful profession and achieved all of his goals. He was also deeply in love with his dream girlfriend.

So it came as no surprise when, in December 2016, he decided to elope with his girlfriend to the Hawaiian island of Maui for a romantic Christmas. Rumours of an upcoming engagement also spread as word of the exquisite vacation spread. Fans were waiting on pins and needles to see if they would return from their ideal vacation with a special announcement.

Chilling Out

Scott and Kuznetsov's romantic Christmas vacation to Maui, a lush Hawaiian island, was undoubtedly a dream come true for them. The two of them shared many photos of themselves together, enjoying the lovely surroundings and some alone time.

despite the beautiful setting and the wonderful time they were having, Scott showed no signs of having proposed. Fans were perplexed—what was happening, exactly? Their vacation photos showed them in love and happiness, but was there trouble in paradise?

Mixed Messages

The real status of Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov's relationship was a subject of confusion for many. There were times when it appeared like the two would be together forever and be devoted to one another, but other times it appeared that they still saw the relationship as if it was in its early stage and wanted to take things slowly.

Fans started to have a sneaking suspicion that something was keeping them from taking the next step even though it was obvious they were deeply in love. But no one could have foreseen what would ultimately come to light.

Squad Goals

While the public was still uncertain as to whether Scott and Kuznetsov would ever get married, the couple soon shared some exciting news with the world. The Scott brothers and their girlfriends were all moving in together in the same house!

Is it a dream come true or a recipe for disaster to live with your twin brother and both of your partners? Only time can tell...

Shock Announcement

Fans were curious to know how the two happy couples would get along after moving in together, but none could have predicted the bombshell Scott and Kuznetsov were about to drop. In the beginning of 2018, Scott shared a beautiful picture of him and Kuznetsov on Instagram, but in the caption, he shocked fans by announcing that they were breaking up.

He explained that they had parted ways amicably and were still good friends. However, many fans doubted whether it was actually the case and turned to see what Kuznetsov had to say.

Hidden Truth

When the fans went to Kuznetsov's page to check her side of the story about the breakup, they were shocked to see that she had shared the exact same statement that Scott had posted. Everyone commended them for their mature behaviour, which was in complete contrast to many other celebrity relationships that ended publicly.

However, there was still a serious question. What exactly had caused this happy couple to split up if they still felt such a strong bond? The truth was that Scott's past dark secret was going to come to light.

Secret Past

The truth was that there was information regarding Jonathan Scott's life that had never been made public before. As the fans adored the beautiful social media posts from both him and Kuznetsov and wanted to find a relationship as loving and open as theirs, they did not realize that Scott was still carrying the scars from a previous relationship, one that he had never disclosed to his fans.

Scott had already been married once. After two years of marriage, he and Kelsy Ully, his ex-wife, divorced in 2010. Was this the reason he hesitated to ask Kuznetsov to marry him?

Separation Anxiety

Those who sincerely admired Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov's relationship wondered about the possible reasons for their breakup. Around this time, there was speculation that the relationship had been strained because of Scott's deep bond with his twin brother.

The two couples separated after initially moving into a four-person house, with Scott and Jacinta moving to Toronto. Has Scott's pining for his twin brother caused the love relationship to become too strained?

Down Time

Another theory that surfaced regarding the real reason for Scott and Kuznetsov's unexpected breakup was that the blonde beauty had simply had enough of the celebrity lifestyle. Before dating Scott, she was a producer, but her work in that field didn't bring her to the public's attention in the same way that dating Scott has.

Could it be that Kuznetsov was simply under too much pressure from fame, which ruined their relationship?

A Brave Face

Scott was trying to put the past behind him and move on with his life when an important event that would cause him both joy and sorrow was about to happen. Scott went to Italy to attend his brother's wedding to Linda Phan around a month after he had broken up with Kuznetsov.

Even though he was happy for his brother's happy news, he couldn't help but cry as he remembered how hard his breakup with Kuznetsov had been for him. He had no idea that there was still reason to be positive about the future—in more ways than one.

Moving On

Despite how painful and terrible it must have been for Jonathan Scott and Jacinta Kuznetsov to break up after being so much in love, they have both been very inspirational in how they have handled it and moved on. They continue to be good friends and even work on Property Brothers projects together.

Amazingly, their separation has allowed them both to move on in ways none of them had anticipated. It is rare to witness a celebrity separate with such respect and decency.

Keeping Busy

It didn't take long for fans to begin speculating about whether Scott or Kuznetsov would walk out with someone else after they announced their breakup. Scott, however, gave his full attention to his work and believed that before entering another relationship, his heart needed to be completely healed.

He joked in an interview with People magazine that he was "very much involved with fourteen construction projects right now." Scott didn't want to jump right into something new, but Kuznetsov had a quite different perspective.

Wedding Bells

After his unexpected breakup with Kuznetsov, Jonathan Scott decided to take some time for himself and concentrate on his work, but for her, the situation was totally different. Despite the pain and heartbreak she felt after losing Scott, Kuznetsov fell in love again far sooner than she had ever thought, and she recently announced her engagement!

You read that right—less than seven months after parting ways with Scott, Kuznetsov announced she was engaged to her long-time friend and new lover Will Allen.

Island Hopping

After everything that Scott and Kuznetsov had been through together, no one could envy either of them a taste of genuine happiness. Fans were therefore extremely happy and motivated to see that Allen and Kuznetsov, who had recently engaged, take a quick trip to Roatan in the Caribbean to celebrate.

She jokingly wrote in the caption of one of her Instagram posts, "Will only answer to Ariel from now on." However, there was a more serious side to their trip.

Giving Back

One could say that the blonde beauty believed in the idea of fundraising and charitable events, keeping in mind how Scott and Kuznetsov met at a charity event. That is why even while on vacation to celebrate her engagement, Kuznetsov found time to draw attention to the issues with poverty and education that Roatan and the neighbouring regions of Honduras face.

The fact that his ex-flame was still determined to help others must have made Scott happy. Or at least he would be if he weren't sidetracked by a new love of his own.

New Girlfriend

After spending some time alone and allowing his heart to heal following the devastating breakup with Kuznetsov, Scott finally let a new lover into his life. Moreover, that new lover is none other than Zooey Deschanel, the famous New Girl actress!

For the first few months of their relationship, the two kept their romance a secret, but they have since acknowledged it in several heartfelt Instagram posts. On her Instagram page, Deschanel praised Scott, writing, "This incredible guy makes me truly happy every single day and fills my life with love and joy."

The New Girl

In the beginning, Scott kept his relationship with the New Girl actress a secret, but how did they actually meet? Deschanel and Scott got to know each other while recording a Carpool Karaoke episode with their brothers and sisters in August 2019. The two of them hit it off right away.

Even Jonathan Scott was quite surprised by how fast he moved on from Jacinta Kuznetsov.

Pleasant Surprise

In Scott's opinion, meeting Deschanel was a "pleasant surprise" for him because he wasn't searching for a new relationship so soon after splitting with Kuznetsov. “I set the bar higher for what I want in a partner, so it's absolutely unique for me. I was a little taken aback. It was undoubtedly a lovely surprise”, Scott told Us Weekly.

Similar to Scott, Deschanel had recently ended her four-year marriage to Jacob Pechenik, with whom she has a daughter and a son. However, the two got along well instantly.

Instant Chemistry

Their chemistry and connection were evident as soon as they were introduced to one another. Additionally, they had a lot of similar interests. When Jonathan and Zooey first met while filming Carpool Karaoke, they "had instant chemistry," a source told Us Weekly.

 They bonded over their mutual love for Christmas carols as well as music, movies, and theatre. Their chemistry was unquestionable, but what really made their relationship work were their common interests and sense of humour.

Shared Interest

The similarities in Scott and Deschanel's personalities and interests led to their relationship. According to an insider who spoke to Us Weekly, they began "texting and talking on the phone and it blossomed from there."

 Both of them were quite clear in their minds that they weren't looking for a relationship, but they bonded so quickly that it ultimately ended up being the complete opposite of what they wanted. Since the first meeting in August 2019, their relationship has been on the fast track!

Instagram Official

They have shared many romantic posts on Instagram since they first announced their romance. Fans, however, went into a frenzy when they shared their first photo as a couple in October 2019, making their relationship public on Instagram.

In a Halloween-themed photo, Jonathan held Deschanel in his arms as they stood with Drew and his wife Linda Phan. Jonathan shared the image on Instagram with the caption, "Last night was so much fun. It was definitely not me who screamed at such a high pitch!" Soon after that, reports about the couple's engagement started to spread.

Engagement Rumours

In November 2020, more than a year into their relationship rumours of Jonathan Scott and Zooey Deschanel's engagement began to surface. The Property Brothers star, however, immediately put an end to them.

During an appearance on The Covino & Rich Show on SiriusXM, Scott said, "I'm quite confident that I will ask my girlfriend to marry me before I tell a reporter." although the two lovebirds haven't yet gotten engaged, Scott is aware of how fortunate he is to have the New Girl actress in his life.

Dating Up

Scott couldn't stop gushing about how amazing his girlfriend Zooey Deschanel is. He bragged over her to Entertainment Tonight following their second anniversary, stating, "And I am aware that I am getting older! I simply need to keep setting higher standards and maintain them."

How adorable! However, we have to wonder if Deschanel ever gets the Scott brothers mixed up. We are certain that we have done so in the past.


As the Scott brothers are twins, it is understandable that they could be confused, but Deschanel doesn't have this issue. According to the actress, Jonathan and Drew do not have any similarities in terms of appearance, and they have very distinct personalities.

Without a doubt, the two complement each other perfectly, and after dating for a while, they were prepared to move further in their relationship. They were ready to hit the news once more.


The media soon covered the news of Scott and Deschanel taking the next step in their relationship and buying a house together. They soon began to renovate it.

"When we initially brought [Zooey's] kids by the property, they called it the Park House. You know what happens when you give something a name, whether it's a skinny stray dog or the lovely house of your dreams? You keep it. In Drew + Jonathan Reveal, Jonathan wrote "The Park House was mine and Zooey's by the time you knew it,"

While settling into their new house, the couple did have some setbacks.

Forever Home

Scott and Deschanel faced some supply and construction delays as a result of the pandemic. Despite these issues, they still make the perfect team and are literally couple goals! In a Drew + Jonathan Reveal article, Scott said, "We have each other, and we have time; we can spend the rest of our lives together in this house. Our house.”

“Our ideal home, where we can play host to friends and relatives while also enjoying seeing the kids giggle and explore the yard.”

Reflecting on the Past

Although Scott and Deschanel are in the perfect relationship, it wasn't easy for him to move on after his unexpected breakup with Jacinta Kuznetsov, and he only recently spoke up to People about what caused their breakup.

Scott told the news source, "She wanted to achieve a lot of things in her life, and it did not include following a partner around on the road as they pursued their career." Even though it was practically impossible to stay together after trying to compromise, he still found it difficult to end things, especially after learning that she got engaged less than a year later.

So how did he react to the news?

Hit Hard

Everyone is aware that Kuznetsov moved on to a new man and got engaged shortly after their shocking breakup, which wasn't easy for the Property Brother. “I won't deny that I was upset. I wasn't ready to date. Nothing about it ever crossed my mind," he confessed to People. But as a realist, I understood that it was not my place to determine when and who she would date.”

However, he was able to accept the separation after some treatment and healing time.

Coming to Terms

Scott is friendly with his ex-girlfriend, even though they broke up a few years ago. Despite how painful the split was, he now realizes that they weren't meant to be. The two are still friends and support one another.

Scott told People, ""I've acknowledged the fact that we were not the right as life partners, regardless of what we had," Scott said in a statement to People.” Although we don't speak often, we get along well and both know we are there if needed.”

Early Beginnings

Let's start from the beginning to comprehend Jonathan Scott's past and how this affected the fate of his connection with Kuznetsov. The Scott brothers were raised on a horse farm with their artistic and creative parents just outside of Vancouver, Canada.

From an early age, their parents encouraged them to pursue their goals and lead independent lives, and it was obvious that they both had what it took to succeed in the glamour of show business. However, nobody could have predicted the path that lay before them as they chased success.

Magic Man

From a young age, Scott knew he wanted to work in show business, but at first, it seemed like his route to fame would take a totally different turn. At first, Scott was adamant about becoming famous as a magician, wowing audiences with incredible card tricks and dexterity.

But as he rose to fame, the aspiring star discovered more about the less glamorous aspects of the entertainment industry, and the budding magician experienced an abrupt change of heart.

Looking to the Future

Looking back on Scott's romantic past, it's fair to say that he has experienced both highs and lows when it comes to matters of the heart. Although he initially kept his first marriage a secret, the TV personality has started to open up more and more about his personal life to his followers as he has become more at ease in the spotlight.

It is evident that despite their split, he and Jacinta Kuznetsov are still close and a big part of the family. We may all take inspiration from the polite and loving manner in which these two stars parted ways, opening the door to a new love for them both.