These Adorable Tweets Will Show You What Innocence Looks Like

Aww-dorability goes a long way and who knew Twitter could be so endearing?

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Alcohol definitely brings out the kid within us and while we read this tweet we can imagine two kids fighting over being a better “best friend”. The next morning, these two might not remember what they did but they definitely made someone’s day better.

To witness something this adorable among adults is rare and we want this best friend, so add us in your duo and let’s make it a group.

I Wanna Read

It is so difficult to find a book worth reading and once you find it, your next few days are sorted. However, this cat did come across a book but realized that she can’t read. This image describes her mood and we are in awe of this book lover.

We wish some of our human friends loved books this way so that we could share our love for books with someone.

Tonight’s Plan

By reading this tweet, we know from where the little girl got her humor. Seems like the little girl has tasted her dad’s blood and she liked how it tasted. We know what will be they doing in the coming nights as well. After all, vampires need their dosage, don’t they?

We just hope Twitter doesn’t flag this tweet because of the creepy ending of the tweet.

Marry Him

If your boyfriend considers your love for your pup important, know that he is a keeper and this gesture is winning hearts all over the internet. If you are presented with such a bouquet on your birthday, you are surrounded by some really special people in your life.

Hold on to them because they don’t just consider you important, they feel that your dog is equally important, actually more!

Love At First Sight

This picture just took our heart away! We want someone who could stare us continuously like this dog has been doing. If it were me capturing this picture, I would just get the dog and his wife to my home. Only if the owner of this care didn’t mind!

Just keep looking at me, it’s been a lonely year! Single life is tough!

Done With The World

If a five-year-old is saying, “I am done with the world” that means something is really wrong with the world and we need more such mothers. Not many mothers can notice the difference in their kids’ behavior. 

She spotted it and made sure she shared it with other parents who can be there with their kids when they feel low.

Heart Eyes Popping Out

*Janice Style* OH MY GOD! This one is melting our hearts and we can’t help it. Our two favorite creatures on this earth are in one picture and we are in love at this sight. Moreover, the sugar dripping love between the two of them is what we need among humans.

Okay, we are losing it; there comes a heart attack.

Frozen In Two Hours

If the father-daughter duo is this fun, we want to be parents soon. We want to irritate the hell out of our kids and make them feel like we are the coolest parents ever, maybe they will get our swag in genes as well. 

So, serious, we are proud of you for adapting to your dad’s coding; he needed a taste his own medicine. Kids are anyway meant for that.

Can He Even Read?

It is a great way to convince your children because they can read. Nevertheless, does the dog even know what you are doing to him? However, the concern this person has for his dog is beyond the definition of true love. Also, his humor is on fire because this genius has given us a technique to feed our kids the medicine they should be eating but they end up dumping in the bin.


Working at a drive-through can be interesting. At least the drive-through challenges have made it quite interesting. However, this one is not related to ordering the same food. When your husband makes sure you know how amazing you look, it is going to give you butterflies no matter how old you have grown. 

Being together for fifty years and getting a compliment from your better half is a feeling you can never get bored of and this tweet made us feel the same. *Already crying*

Going Back To School

It is such a heart-warming feel to see a daughter motivating her dad to go back to college to pursue his dream of a complete education. It is obvious that the dad is going to be nervous about taking this step but if your kids are the ones motivating you, none can de-motivate you and your intentions.

He is indeed the cutest dad!


When children are growing, they are exposed to millions and billions of new words. So, choosing the words for your kids can be a tricky job. They are going to say wrong ones more often than the right ones. This little one used the ‘H’ word that wasn’t really the best choice. 

Keeping hangers in the car can be tricky if your kid doesn’t know what to call the accessory.

I Need To Tell You Something

We all have a story to tell and in this world of bad listeners, we can’t really tell it to anyone without interruption. If five-year-olds have a story to tell, it must be about her schoolmate who stole her lunch. However, we being in our adult age have hundreds of stories about our daily life and adventures but we don’t have a confidant to hear our stories.

What world are we living in?

You Can’t See Me

Our hearts are melting on seeing this little kitten. Losing your pet can really give you a heart attack and finding them for one long hour makes you feel terrible. That hour goes on for eternity and you can’t help but cry. And the situation becomes even more difficult when your pet is this cute. It is obvious that everyone wants such an adorable cat.

Finding her in a tissue box will make you fall in love with her even more. This picture is proof.

That Sounds Easy

Why can’t we think like every 3-year-old? Everything would be possible and achievable. As we grow, we can’t really help but think about the negatives about a situation. The simplest situation is turned complicated and all credit goes to an adult mind. 

Even the adult motivational speakers create anxiety in you by speaking loudly but this one managed to do it calmly without making the situation tense. We all need one person like this one in our lives.


When it comes to fall in love, our food preferences need to match. Otherwise, we are just done with each other. If you don’t like pancakes, you gotta leave because who doesn’t love pancakes? At least, this boy’s wife should be one of those.

In this unpredictable world, it isn’t easy to fall in love. However, if you two have a common love for food, love can happen!

Not Just The Cat

Getting pregnant is big and the news of your pregnancy can leave you shocked. Well, this cat just showed the legit expression of humans when they get to know about the bun in their oven. The only difference is humans don’t really show it on their faces due to their manipulative nature but this cat did.

So, who all can relate?

Thank God

Children feel nagged all the time but parents don’t understand it and they never will. Because, hey, they are the parents and they have all the right to nag you, irritate you, mess with you, and do whatever they feel like.

And when it comes to cleaning the mess, we are all like this one. Thank you for making it the last time.

This Dad’s A Superhero

How endearing it is to see a single dad making all the efforts to be both the parents for her daughter! This one just stole our hearts and we are in love with this kind of fatherhood. Ours just know how to ground us! *puppy face*

To the daughter of this man, can we switch? Just kidding, we love our dad, not really!

Waffle Dates At Waffle Home

If waffle dates turn out to be this special, we are up for them every night. Well, we don’t mind them even if we don’t get this special treatment though! We are waffle hoggers! Guilty! 

Jokes apart, if such people existed in every food place, there wouldn’t be a beggar sleeping on roads during chilly nights. We all need such homes!