These Are The Weirdly Ridiculous Internet Challenges

According to the dictionary, CRAZY means to be INSANE. The internet is a bizarre place and so are the people on it. Life wasn’t enough to throw challenges to our faces and that is the reason internet is giving us some important challenges to complete. 

Don’t blame us for introducing you to such absurd challenges. Let’s just hand you over slapstick and let’s get the ball rolling.

Fire Challenge

Now that we have mentioned life-threatening, this challenge describes the category perfectly. It didn’t just set the internet on ablaze but it made people set themselves on fire. People were willing to put inflammable liquid on their half-naked body and set themselves on fire.

It sounds insane to us; we don’t know what motivated people to do such to themselves. The first-ever video of the challenge appeared in 2012. Many people were seriously injured in the task and a few have lost lives as well.

Do these people lack some basic sense or are we really missing out on the “real fun”?

Tide Pod Challenge

Do you need anyone to tell you that consuming tide pods can be harmful? Well, we thought everyone knew. It turns out, we were wrong and these millennial kids are kinda obsessed with things going wrong. Tide pods were supposed to be used to wash clothes and nothing else. 

However, in late 2015, it appeared that people want to consume them. A YouTuber then decided to take advantage of the issue and started off the challenge.People started following this trend and in no time it was the next viral thing. Due to the negative implications it had on the audience, YouTube decided to take down all the videos.

Not everything that looks like candy is supposed to be eaten.

Duct Tape Challenge

During World War II, this sticky, multipurpose adhesive was invented and people used it for various purposes. From artwork to clothing, it is used everywhere, however, we never thought that this tape could be used to tie people.

In the infamous duct tape challenge, people were supposed to tie themselves with duct tape and then they had three minutes to release themselves from the duct tapes. In the process of having fun, people have ended up hurting themselves. 

A teenager suffered severe head injuries, a brain aneurysm and damage to his eye socket. We just hope that the duct tape is put where it really belongs and no other person dares to put it on the body.

Condom Challenge

Condoms are a basic instrument used to prevent pregnancy, STDs, and infections. Who would have thought there could be a challenge created out of this? Well, millennials are too hopeless to think of anything progressive. Hence, they come up with such futile challenges. 

Have you ever thought of filling a condom with a balloon? Yes, these people thought of it and then put it on a friends head, god knows for what reason. Before this insane challenge started off, people were actually snorting condoms and we are still trying to figure out what purpose did it serve.

The Pass-Out Challenge

We are so blessed that we are a bunch of 90s kids who didn’t have much access to the internet. If we needed some attention, we would just cry a bit and our job was done. However, this generation is not satisfied with the parents’ attention. 

They need much more than that and that is why they use insane challenges and a camera to get what they want. In this one, children are chocking/strangling themselves to pass out. Why would one do that to oneself? We need some kind of supervision over these chaotic kids. PHEW!

When kids choose such ways to kill themselves, we aren’t really sure where this society is headed.

Car Surfing Challenge

Can someone tell us what was going on in their head when this idea popped up in their heads? Wasn’t sea enough for them to surf? Experimenting is okay but what is the use of the experimenting when it can cost you your life. 

In this bizarre challenge, people get on the top of their cars and surf. Some people would do it in the parking areas and some would take the risky stunts to the roads. This stunt has not just injured people seriously but has even claimed the lives of dumb people. That’s what happens when you are trying to surf on road at full speed.

Corn On The Drill Challenge

We understand you guys have some exponential amount of time to yourself. However, that doesn’t mean you make eating a scary task. Corns are the best thing but they become a terror when combined with a drill machine.

This lethal challenge expects you to eat entire corn that is plugged in a working drill machine. The viral videos started floating on the sea of the web in 2012 and it became viral when a woman failed at it. She lost a patch of hair and we are shocked by the fact that she managed to save her set of 32 teeth.

Salt And Ice Challenge

Science is a tricky and these people make us hate it even more. Did you know salt helps in melting ice? Well, these people used that scientific fact and created a challenge out of it. In this one people used a part of their brain and took a logical step. They didn’t take the challenge too far.

They used to cover their arm in salt and put ice on it just to experience a burning sensation, similar to that of frostbite. Can we get one answer here? Why would you want to experience frostbite?

Collar Bone Challenge

If you were thinking your collar bones are useless, then you should know that you are completely wrong. Men love women’s collar bones and so do coins. This absurd challenge helps us to know one important question, the one we have been trying to answer all our lives. 

How many coins can your collar bone hold? Yes, that’s the only aim of this challenge and we can’t be less thankless for this invention. You can measure the depth of your collarbone by keeping an egg or a strawberry.

Thank you millennials, for wasting our time and your effort. We’d pray for your brain to grow a bit. You need some of it to be a bit productive in life.

Hot Pepper Challenge

What can you expect when human meets with hot pepper? Fire? Spice? Saliva? Well, that is exactly what happens here. People are obsessed with recording themselves on camera even though they are looking obnoxious. 

Otherwise, no one would put anything like hot pepper in their mouths and want to see their own reaction. We know when we put something that spicy inside us we can just gag and let the saliva flow out of my mouth. If it can sound so gross, imagine it happening. No one should have a right to record themselves in such a state.

Kylie Challenge

Plum, luscious lips are desirable and so is Kylie Jenner. Hence, people wanted the luscious lips like hers. The Kardashian clan is known for its beautiful daughters and their sagas. Kylie, the youngest of the clan is known to have undergone numerous surgeries and you can find it to be true when you see her old pictures. 

People somehow thought she was challenging them. Without her provocation, they took the challenge and got some drastic results. Some crossed the limit and their lips started tearing apart. Even when the doctors were warning against the challenge, people didn’t stop where they were supposed to. 

Hence, the Kylie Jenner lips ruined.

A4 Waist Challenge

When people ask about the perfect proportion of body and the answer comes out to be, “34-28-34”. Ditch that proportion now, we have a perfect way to know the perfect waistline. Have you come across an A4 sheet? We assume you do that on a daily basis. 

Now put it over your waist and if your waist gets covered up under that sheet, you are successful at the challenge called, “A4 waist”. Well, if you fall in our category and your waistline is way beyond the limit of the sheet, you will have to join the gym to nail this challenge. 

Warning: This challenge can disturb you on so many levels, you can’t even imagine.

Eyeballing Challenge

Do you remember the old good days when children use to take a bottle and peek into it just to take a deep look into it? Well, now people have grown up to do the same. The only difference is that the bottle is filled with vodka and you will have to consume it through your eyes. This challenge is plain stupid and harmful to one’s body. This challenge can be fun for a while because you can get drunk at a faster pace. Eventually, it is going to melt your cornea and you don’t need to tell us that it might take away your sight.

100 Layers Challenge

Layering is essential but when people are getting rid of the layers in summers, people were actually getting under 100 of layers of makeup. We are still unable to understand what kind of satisfaction it offered to people.

Girls are mad about makeup and this challenge defines their love for makeup accurately. Putting 100 layers of mascara, lipstick, foundation, eyeshadows, nail paints, etc. was one thing trending on the internet. The craze was humungous and we can see it in the videos still floating in the sea of the internet.

Bikini Bridge Challenge

We can’t understand what is wrong with the people of this century. They are making this world a senseless place. If anyone could make us understand the use of this bridge that they make out of their bikini, we’d be thankful. 

We understand they are showing off their oh-so-perfect assets but then it turns out to be a challenge of showing the leanest belly, isn’t it? 

Hence, it was all about body shaming. When people started commenting things like, “If your girl doesn’t have a bikini bridge, why are you even with her?” we knew we were not going to take a part of this cringe-worthy challenge.

Phone Pinching Challenge

How do you feel when your phone falls down on the floor? 

Okay, that was easy. 

We have a different question for you!

How do you feel when your phone falls down in the sewage where you no hope to find it ever again?

Does your heart rate drop? You start breathing heavily? You start to panic? 

Well, these people are challenging them with the same fear. 

They hold their phone while pinching with the strongest hold. The part that makes it scary is that people are holding their phones over sewage, Niagara falls, and the pots at their homes.

Insane! Why would one do that to oneself and one’s phone?

Ice Bucket Challenge

We can’t hate it much because it has a social cause attached to it. We don’t need to explain to you what ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is. It is a challenge that was happening not just in the western part of the world. The whole world was in it.

People were pouring ice-cold water on the top of their heads for nothing. Not exactly nothing but we still want to know if the challenge has managed to get what it was aiming to achieve. After five years, we are still wondering wasn’t there any other effective way to raise money?

Mannequin Challenge

We would love to be a bit proud of the kids of the 21st century. So, if you could stop doing senseless acts and focus on making a career out of videos, please do it. 

This seems like a challenge that was an inventory of a lazy and bored person. Standing there, doing nothing; we can easily assume it is an artwork of a lazy person. People came up with videos in bizarre places and being mannequin. In hospitals, at shoot locations, in school, etc. these lazy people were everywhere with their bunch of friends and a camera.

In Your Feelings Challenge

The roads were used for the driving purpose until this challenge came up. We have seen people dancing on pavements and bringing entertainment to people. However, in this challenge people changed the game. 

They were dancing on the roads to the song “In my feelings”. You could see these people shooting this challenge over and over again until they got a perfect shot. The sight was hilarious and we are still amused at the innocence of these millennials for creating such risky challenges.

Do The Harlem Challenge

How does it feel when no one pays attention to your dashing dance moves? This challenge starts in a similar way and then you can see the whole world dancing in the video. The common thread to all the videos is the song they all danced on, the “Harlem shake”.

The first-ever video appeared on a YouTube channel on February 2, 2013. The viral trend was then all over the place and everyone was watching them on their Facebook feed because Instagram was not really a thing back then.

Bottle Cap Challenge

With zero creativity, this challenge is the latest one. June 25, 2019, was the date when this challenge surfaced on the internet for the first time. This is basically an invention of a taekwondo instructor, Max Holloway.

A bottle is placed on a plain surface with a cap loosely fixed on it. The person has to untwist the cap with a roundhouse kick. Sounds simple?

The catch here is that the bottle has to remain stationary while the cap flies in the air.

After going through all these aimless challenges, we are glad we don’t belong to this generation where everything is about killing time.