These Hilarious Photoshop Fails Are Revealing The Truth Behind All The Editing

For many, Photoshop is a best friend that keeps them company when they struggle to get a perfect picture. But this best buddy can turn into your worst enemy if you fail to recognize its features! These people gave rise to hilarious disasters with their Photoshop edits. If you are thinking about editing those vacation pictures, then make sure you don’t end up in this list of terrible fails.

Can’t Really Count The Differences!

Since putting filters on your photos to enhance them is trending right now, this girl decided to take it to another level. It looks like she applied quite a few filters and then put those Photoshop tools to use. It didn’t go her way. We are unable to ignore the nose editing. The surprising part is she felt the need to change it. People need to love their features in their natural form. 

Okay, coming back to the picture, the editing is terrible and there is not a single thing that matches her original self. Too much Photoshop for one day!

It Was A Rainy Day… Or Maybe Not?

We know you see those abs and the guys wanted you to notice their fit body (obviously!). But don’t let one thing deceive you. Take a good look here. It’s pouring heavily and their t-shirts are wet but what about their hair? They are dry without a single drop of rain affecting their hairstyle! Weird, right?

This is their Photoshop mistake and it didn’t take rocket scientists to figure it out. Try harder next time, guys! Take a class or two in Photoshop editing and you will not find yourself in such an embarrassing situation ever again.

Attractive Jawline Attempt!!!

Not everyone is born with Robert Pattinson’s jawline and men do wish to gain that feature. We guess there are facial exercises to achieve it or maybe some cosmetic surgeries! But who wants to spend so much time on attaining a perfect jawline and hence, they turn to Photoshop. 

This guy made an attempt at giving himself the attractive feature and failed miserably. He needs to watch more tutorials and learn better. We see a square face and it is everything but charming. Let’s spread a new word here – Natural is the new trendy!

Flexibility Level: Infinite

Beat this level of flexibility while taking a shower. 

Just kidding. Do not try this or you’ll end up injuring yourself. This is not even a half-decent promotion of anything that’s being advertised here. They could have photographed a giraffe instead of using Photoshop on that girl.

That neck position is making us uncomfortable. Do people of this world take bath this way? It is highly doubtful. You can’t be this flexible even if you practice yoga and indulge in gymnastics regularly. This is only possible with poor skills In Photoshop.

Photoshop Better Than Workout!

Going to the gym takes a lot of effort. You need solid motivation to get out of your bed and pick those weights at the gym. We can’t get the biceps and the calves by stuffing our mouth with chips as we lie on our bed. Or maybe we can? Photoshop to your rescue!

But before you jump right in, keep in mind that it can lead to some terrible disaster as you fake those calf muscles. After looking at this fail, we would recommend you to start with a workout session and keep it real!

Squid Is Disappointed…

We get that the man wanted to do something adventurous on his trip but he took the adventure to his laptop where he used Photoshop to boast his “explorer” side! That squid is so fake and we wonder if that guy can actually stand even a few meters away from this fast-swimming animal. 

The enormous animal is not happy about this entire pose. Do people try this in real? It’s just bizarre! Pick new adventures and do them in reality. That would deserve an appreciation.

Makeup On Point.

Still struggling to highlight your cheekbones and contour perfectly? Every woman can relate to this battle with the makeup. There is a lot of practice involved before one can ace a perfect makeup look. But in the digital world, it has become easier to make your highlight flawless with slight Photoshop “touch-ups”. 

All you need is to apply the makeup as you know it, take a selfie and let the software do its magic. You can see how it turned out! That’s a drastic change and people can tell it’s not real.

More Beach Days Than Gym Days...

People love to hang out on the beach during the summer but we all know that only a few work hard for the beach bodies. It can be awkward to click pictures when you have a not-so-toned body. 

No one wants to have a comments section flooded with their friends mocking them. So, this is what happened when a guy decided to upload his beach picture. He passed it through Photoshop. 

Those “twin” belly buttons are proof of the disaster! All he wanted were some abs and an extra belly button was complementary!

A “Smooth” Affair.

So, the girls attended a carnival and they had to show (-off!) how fun it was to their friends. They clicked a few pictures and before they uploaded their favorite one, they added a smoothing effect and it spread like wildfire on the entire picture. Even the grass wasn’t spared.

What’s wrong with that girl’s hand? It is swirling at a speed beyond our imagination. All thanks to the filter they chose! The smoothing didn’t happen right here. Better luck next time!

Not The Kind of Body We Need.

Those muscles are not we dream of or desire for. They are too much and no one will believe them to be real. Why would anyone Photoshop in such a crazy way? It makes no sense at all. 

We wonder about the intentions behind this editing! Did he want to impress anyone? He needs to know that this won’t cut it. He needs to step up his game and take a break from Photoshop editing!

If you have a gym membership, use it wisely and the process might be slow but at least you won’t be mocked after all that sweat.

The Unforgettable Purple Streets!

The image on the left side is so mesmerizing and makes us want to go there. Who wouldn’t want to stand under the purple shade and on the purple roads! 

Look at the picture where the girls are taking pictures, that’s the actual thing. The Jacaranda trees are undoubtedly in a beautiful hue of violet. But they don’t really have the intensity to make the roads look that way. So, what you see on the left is fabricated with the help of Photoshop. 

The truth is right in front of you. It’s still beautiful, right?

A Fan Of Sandcastles.

This dad seems so fond of sandcastles that he added a fake one to their family vacation picture. Maybe they made one and it didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to be or maybe they had no time to build one. Either way, his idea backfired when his wife uploaded a picture at the same place with no sandcastle at all. 


Unless you are an artist skilled in the sand art, there is no way you can build that amazing sandcastle. We don’t know if the kid is talented here! He might get inspired and make a “real” one someday.

Supernatural And Paranormal…

A perfect family had a not-so-perfect family picture moment.

They look so happy but the dog seems disappointed. Why so? Maybe he knows their secret - they can stand even without their legs (which basically means they are floating in the air, huh?). He was a good secret-keeper until this picture was taken and then went through Photoshop.

We just hope that their house is not haunted because this looks more like a paranormal activity than an edit. Keep guessing the reasons for their legs vanishing in the picture. You might come up with a better explanation.

Can It Get Any Worse?

People seem to be obsessed with getting fit bodies but are not ready to step into a gym or plan a workout routine. Everyone prefers shortcuts and Photoshop is that way. However, instead of giving you a perfect muscular body, the edits can make it look the worst. Yes, we are pointing to this photo. 

The left shoulder and the right shoulder are not in sync. There is so much wrong with his chest and belly area. Go on, keep figuring out the blunders. It might not end!

Beer Foam Or Shampoo Foam?

Foam or no foam, beer matters. Let’s respect the beer and make sure its foam does not need Photoshop editing to make it look better in pictures. Forget looking better, we might lose interest in beer if this continues (or maybe not).

This kind of Physics was not taught to us in school or college. Please keep gravity in your mind and think again before trying to defy it. That’s quite not possible here. So, be careful before you make that foam rise to an inconceivable level. No one’s visiting your pub in that case.

Now The Audience Knows!!!

When we glance at the first picture, it looks like an intense incident is being covered by the reporter. The images ahead change that thought and bring out the reality. 

If the line could not be crossed due to some safety reasons, why are there instruments behind it? This means the line was crossed. Where are people getting all these ideas from? It’s baffling!

Be very careful when you are watching the news on your television, there can some misguiding elements!

Spare The Little Ones.

Hold on, we need to breathe after looking at this! 

Babies are the cutest just the way they are. They don’t need any filters, makeup or editing to look good. We will attempt at pulling their cheeks even if they are not highlighted. We prefer them natural pink and squishy!

Look what they did to this little girl. Our hearts break after looking at this. The eyebrows and the lipstick are disturbing. Please don’t use your “Photoshop talent” on kids ever again!

Pick A Spray Tan Next Time.

The girl wanted to have a tan so desperately that she used Photoshop to give a tanned look to her skin. She covered her face, her legs and her right hand. Unfortunately, she missed applying the tan filter on her left hand. It looks really creepy!

Try replacing tan Photoshop edit with a spray tan, it might work better. You will not forget any part of your body in the process. Also, natural tan is cool too but we know it’s difficult to attain!

Meanwhile In An Alien World!

Take your eyes off that glittery dress and look at the window frame. It is giving a ghostly feel to the window pane. It is not difficult to guess the cause of this eerie situation in the background. The girl made an attempt at shrinking her waist and didn’t notice the effect it had on the backdrop. 

We wish she knew about the consequences and the things would have been less embarrassing for her. Now everyone is wondering what her actual waist size is!

The Mystifying Secret Of Leg…

Okay, that’s terrifying. We were worried for a second and we know you were too. It makes us wonder what they attempted at changing that resulted in such a bewildering picture. Obviously, they made a few edits in the shape of her legs and didn’t realize the outcome that accompanied.

Whoever decided to photoshop this image, definitely had no clue how feet and legs look in that pose. We genuinely beg that person to be careful with their photoshop skills next time.

Sunset View And Ruined Picture!

The girl should have chosen another pose for this picture if she had to Photoshop it. The placement of her hand blew up in her face as her editing got revealed with that weird shape the hand got. 

The waist got perfectly shaped, however, the other body parts experienced uncanny changes. Her hand has drastically taken an “alien” look. 

Such Photoshop skills are still a mystery to us. Why would anyone want to ruin an amazing picture with such a stunning sunset view!

Mirror Reveals The Hidden Secrets!

This girl thought that she did a wonderful job of making some edits to the selfie by reducing her waist and making herself look skinny. But she didn’t know that a mirror can shatter all her dreams of becoming a social media star. The mirror behind her spilled all the secrets and showed the reality. 

Photoshop won’t always help you, it can lead to a lot of humiliation if not used right. We think it’s better to put yourself out there just the way you are. (Slight smart editing is preferred!).

Before And After Party?

The girl’s own photoshoot at home is poles apart from the pictures that were taken at the party. This is because she had no power over the photos taken there and so, could not put them through Photoshop before uploading. 

These contrasting pictures depict before and after party scenes. She looks like she had a lot of beer followed by a good amount of food. We are not complaining, everyone does that! 

Don’t forget that you will always be tagged. Take a note.

Nothing Natural About This!!!

Don’t let her “doll face” fool you. There is not a single element here that can be called natural. This picture has “face-tune” written all over it. She was definitely not born with those big eyes, she made them look that way!

After all this editing, she described it as a no-makeup selfie. Yes, we understand that there’s no makeup because there is a lot of face-tuning and filters. 

We are not supporting this level of editing in any case. Take small steps towards this skill, people!

And Then A Major Faux Pas…

The model posed according to the instructions given to her. She might not have seen this coming.

The ones responsible for giving the final touches to the photos skipped the important details and that resulted in a serious fail. They successfully cinched her waist and failed at applying the same modification to the shadow on the reflecting floor. 

Such errors are not expected from the professional team. Photoshop seems to be doing more bad than good to the people!

Shape Of You And The Handrail!

The adorable picture with love pouring is ruined by a disastrous Photoshop edit. The shape of the body needed an enhancement according to someone and it led to some unnecessary modifications in the background too. 

That kind of handrail is new to us. The credit for this ill-shaped design goes to Photoshop. Not to forget, that kid’s hand on her mom’s back is scaring us. 

Once you get over the cuteness of the picture from far away, you’ll start noticing everything that’s wrong. Everyone wants to look good in a bikini but refuse to work for that body!

Long, Longer, Longest And More…

We highly doubt if anyone is born with such long legs. This is weird and unpleasant to watch. Why did she decide to do this to her legs? This is nowhere close to being attractive. It is horrifying and we are concerned. 

We hope she realized her mistake and didn’t apply any edits on her legs further. In fact, no more Photoshop on your body parts if your knowledge of the software is limited. 

No one wants to look ghostly after putting in efforts during the editing. It is better to leave things in the way they occur naturally.

House Gets A Digital Makeover.

Someone was not satisfied with the way their backyard looks and decided to make some changes digitally. Such efforts just for the sake of putting some pictures on social media! 

Firstly, the colors are confusing. The left picture conveys a beige tone to the home while the "modified" one says it’s all white. It’s perplexing.

Secondly, The AC unit has magically disappeared (we all know from where that magic came) and the attempt has us in splits. 

Finally, we are not even sure anymore if the little plant pots and decorations are real. So many doubts!

Extraordinary Nails and Fingers!

Those hands don’t ever need Manicure. They are perfect and flawless or rather wrinkle-free which is not humanly possible. The cuticles are non-existent here and that’s not giving out a good message. People need to learn to accept themselves with all the “flaws”. They are special and natural!

We don’t expect our fingers to look unbelievably pretty with this nail paint. It needs editing too and that’s a task. You can utilize your precious time doing better innovative things rather than applying filters to your pictures that might end up to be a terrible failure.

The Story Of A “Special” Horse.

Do you sense something wrong? Yes, there is so much wrong here. Why were that innocent creature’s legs cropped out from such a beautiful picture? We wish someone told him what he was deprived of.

There must be a valid explanation for this as you cannot miss an error of this level. We would like to see the hidden parts here. The horse would definitely not be happy about this cropping out if the picture got revealed to him. 

It’s shocking that no one noticed this fault before the release of the photo. It’s way too obvious. Even a two-year-old can point this out!

Cloning Gone Wrong.

Similar looking people doing similar actions at the same time. WHAT?

We understand not many people wanted to watch the game. We don’t mind that but we do mind this Photoshop editing. It’s still hard to figure out why they decided to do this to the picture. They created identical copies of the audience members and placed them at various places among the crowd. 

They thought that no one would notice this “smart” move, however, that’s the first thing grabbing the attention of people. At least change the outfits next time!

The Futuristic Arms

This is what we call advertising gone wrong. Meanwhile, we are looking for the benefits of having excessively long arms. It’s easy to reach the things placed at great heights easily and there might be some more advantages.

Okay, no more dreaming, of course, Photoshop is to blame for this. Who won’t wonder about that absurdly long arm? Swimmers have long toned arms but this is exaggerated for sure. Undoubtedly, a prominent fail at Photoshop. 

They need to update their banner to attract customers instead of scaring them away.

Peas on the rice or peas in the air?

Food needs to be kept away from Photoshop. That is such a fail, not to mention the peas are nowhere close to rice. If your restaurant is offering plain rice without any vegetables, then let it be that way. No one is coming in for those peas.

Also, if peas were that important, prepare rice with them instead of adding them digitally that they lose their essence. 

Food is good in its simplest form. Why ruin it with such edits?

Magic Carpet In Real Life!

No, it’s not just you, we all feel the same. 

Photoshop skills are taken high above the ground level here. It seems like they were chilling someplace when magically transported to a new place. We wonder how that happens! But deep inside we all know how this is even possible.

Their outing landed on a “magic carpet” which was flowing in the air amidst beautiful scenery. We are not sure about the background they initially had. It probably wasn’t as good as this greenery. They had to shift!

Disappointments And More Disappointments.

We wonder if he smiled the same after seeing his picture get Photoshop editing or maybe, he asked for it. People do not have step into a gym anymore for muscle building, just know a few tools on your computer and you are good to go! 

The guy wanted to show-off his muscle power as he lifted those “heavy” cans. It couldn’t be done with the biceps and triceps, right? 

Also, there’s one doubt! Did his right arm had the privilege of receiving muscular editing too? We guess the body part clearly visible in the picture is the one that gets lucky.

Baby And A Ghost!!!

Are they advertising a robot arm that can handle anything and placed anywhere? People need that especially to take care of babies who need constant attention. Well, let’s face reality! That’s not the case. It is just a poor modification of the picture.

There can be another perspective here. We can label it as a ghost too instead of a robot arm. It depends on what you imagine first. People need to be alert while putting out such pictures on the internet. It’s funny how they take action with haste and end up being the center of mockery.

From Where To Begin?

This type of modification requires no practice, no skills and least amount of time! You don’t need any talent to ruin a photo. We don’t even know where to point in the beginning. Can you find a thing normal here? 

There are a lot of asymmetries present with the arms not matching the size of the face. All the weirdness is contained in one picture. We really want to focus on the pasta but that’s not happening with other elements being so uncanny. 

Okay, we might need a plate of pasta to recover from this shock!

Same Pajamas, Different Faces.

Even if we consider buying those PJs for once, that face editing is a repulsive factor. It makes us think what the original faces looked like. They can’t be as horrible as this Photoshop attempt to replace them. it would have been to just see the pajamas set without any faces at all. We would prefer that!

They didn’t even spare the youngest kid. Everyone in the photoshoot became a target of some awful editing. Next time, hire the models that would not need any replacement during the final touches.

Keep Counting…

Buying a waffle maker is not a tough decision, you just want one that serves you hot and crisp waffles. Also, we don’t want to be confused about the number of holes in them. Look at the waffle iron, you can see four holes and the waffle placed under it has five. How is that possible?

The airbrushing technique is applied to the waffles too. Who cares about the holes in the waffles as long as we can have them without putting in much effort. 

Enough of “waffle talk”, it’s making us hungry! We have to deal with this fail as well.

Headphones Needed Support.

The company wanted to promote the headphones in a proper way and this is how they came around to it. They knew people want to see how they would look while listening to music with those on. So, instead of performing a professional photoshoot, they relied on Photoshop. No, it didn’t turn out as desired. 

Everyone can recognize the fake placement of the headphones across the man’s head. It’s not fooling anyone! A lot of improvement is required in this field.