These Award Show Moments Will Make You Cringe

Awards shows hold the title of having the most cringe moments. You never know what will happen during award events. The uncertainty of the happenings of the Award shows is one of their most thrilling aspects. As celebrities walk the red carpet in the most opulent and lavish attire, the drama is what we love most about the evening. 

When it comes to drama, most celebrities take it lightly and make fun of themselves. However, to some celebrities, the drama might be embarrassing. Nonetheless, they might choose to never talk about it.

We can usually depend on award events to be lively. You would be able to witness everything from humiliating falls to wardrobe malfunctions. A few confrontations and uncomfortable acceptance speeches can also be witnessed during Award show events. The list below mentions some unforgettable and terrible award ceremony events.

Imma Let You Finish by Kanye West and Taylor Swift, 2009 MTV Video Music Awards

Undoubtedly, the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards go down in history as one of the most embarrassing award ceremony moments ever. At the famous event, Kanye West suddenly appeared on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift as she was making her victory speech. He said something that was both unexpected and rude. 

Kanye West came on the stage and addressed the crowd by telling them Beyoncé should have won. Imagine someone disturbing your victory speech by saying that you don’t deserve the given award. 

Kanye West just came up on the stage to say that he’ll let Taylor continue her speech but he thinks that Beyoncé has one of the greatest music videos ever. It was the most uncomfortable moment ever for both Taylor & Queen B.

Yes, even Beyoncé appeared embarrassed. Nonetheless, Taylor continued her speech and eventually went on to win hundreds of accolades. There were only regrets that came to Kanye’s share.

2014 Academy Awards: John Travolta Refers to Idina Menzel as "Adele Dazeem"

There is no one whose voice is quite like Idina Menzel's. The Wicked and Rent actress is fairly well-known. However, her popularity wasn’t enough to stop 2014 Oscar presenter John Travolta from mispronouncing her name. Getting your name pronounced wrong is something we all face. However, calling a whole different name is a different thing.

Idina was going to perform. She was going to sing a song on the stage of the 2014 Academy Awards. When the presenter of the show called her name before she sang "Let it Go" from Frozen, he made a big blunder.

Travolta called her wickedly gifted one and only, before saying her name, which was quite the entrance. Afterward, he introduced her as Adele Dazeem. Nonetheless, it was pretty awkward for Idina.

Nevertheless, Idina took it lightly and also remembered to take her revenge. She got back at him a year later. She was the presenter of the 2015 Academy Award. She was supposed to call Travolta and she took her chance. She introduced him as Glom Bazinga and welcomed him to the 2015 Academy Awards.

Jennifer Lawrence Stumbles at the 2013 Oscars

The Hunger Games actress Jennifer Lawrence stumbled as she approached the stage to accept her Oscar. She was called to receive her award for her spectacular role in the film titled Silver Linings Playbook. Her fall made the whole situation much more embarrassing. 

However, Jennifer being Jennifer, took the whole situation extremely light-heartedly. The actress made a comedy out of it. She even thanked the crowd in her acceptance speech for helping her up after she had fallen. Nevertheless, she was asked about her famous Oscar fall in each one of her interviews.

Jennifer Lawrence revealed that while she was walking on the stairs, the phrase "Cakewalk, cakewalk, cakewalk," was running through her head. She also expressed that her hairdresser had instructed her to "Kick, Walk, Kick, Walk. However, the word that was stuck in her brain was Cakewalk, Cakewalk. 

Jennifer was supposed to kick the dress out as she’ll be walking. Nonetheless, she completely forgot the instructions and that made her fall. We must agree that these Awards show dresses can be a little tricky to wear.

In 2020, Ricky Gervais mocks Hollywood and the Golden Globes

Ricky Gervais has been an integral part of the Golden Globes Award. He has presided over the Golden Globes five times. Every one of his appearances has been impressive. However, during the 2020 ceremony, he offered commentary about Hollywood. He just instructed the crowd to refrain from using the award as a springboard for a political statement.

Nonetheless, it was quite an explicit speech. He bluntly said that winning an award at Golden Globe doesn’t make the winner special or expert about anything. He just said that people winning the award doesn’t bring them in a position to lecture the people about anything. 

Additionally, there were discussions on a wide range of taboo subjects, such as the lack of diversity in Hollywood, Jeffrey Epstein, and ISIS. Despite the fact that discussions were going on much larger issues, Ricky Gervais took the chance to promote his program titled After Life. This is called being a good marketer.

Madonna Shunned at the 2015 BRIT Awards

No matter how famous you are, falling on stage is always embarrassing. Obviously, not everyone could take falling on the stage as light-heartedly as Jennifer Lawrence. A similar blunder happened with Madonna at the 2015 BRIT Awards.

Madonna collapsed on the stage while singing one of her famous songs titled Living for Love. The whole credit for her fall goes to a wardrobe malfunction. Before it could be undone, a backup dancer tore off her cape. Nonetheless, it caused the diva to stumble back down the steps. 

One fact that can be appreciated was that the mishap happened when she was singing the line of her song “I let down my guard.” It just so happened that the fall happened then. It seemed like it was a part of the screenplay only.

Whatever the case, it appeared to be rather painful. Nonetheless, Madonna, being a savage, handled it like a real pro. She paused her performance for a second, gathered herself, and continued with the rest of the performance.

Backtrack Errors by Beyoncé and Sean Paul during the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards

It is indeed incredible to witness Beyoncé slated to perform at award presentations. We all love to see her on the stage. However, even Queen B is like most stars who have had her share of mishaps at the Award functions. 

Yes, she has also experienced bad luck at award events. During the 2003 MTV Europe Music Awards, Sean Paul was performing "Baby Boy.” During his performance, there were some track issues.

Paul resumed rapping and he kept saying, "Baby boy, you are so damn great.” However, Beyoncé noticed the issue and nodded to the crowd, and asked them how they were doing before leaving the stage. The team ultimately had to do a second take.

2014 Grammy Awards: Taylor Swift Believes She Won Another Grammy

Taylor is great when it comes to winning awards. Therefore, when she was there at the 2014 Grammy Awards, she thought that she has won another Grammy. However, she couldn’t have been more wrong. 

When presenter Alicia Keys appeared to be about to announce Red, Taylor's face was worth seeing when she believed her record had won Album of the Year. Nonetheless, we must agree that it was quite an acceptable behavior of Taylor Swift. 

However, Swift was wrong as Daft Punk, who were costumed as robots, won the Grammy that year for their album titled Random Access Memories. Not winning the 2014 award was not like a drawback for Swift.

Taylor Swift had previously won Album of the Year in 2010 for her album Fearless. She has many awards registered in her name. She now holds 11 Grammys, including three for Album of the Year. It is quite fascinating. Isn’t it?

Miley Cyrus's retort from Nicki Minaj during the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards

Nicki Minaj came onto Miley Cyrus using the platform MTV Video Music Awards after Cyrus’s interview. Miley Cyrus during an interview mentioned that Nicki Minaj is not too kind. 

Nonetheless, Minaj considered the whole of Cyrus’s interview as a personal attack on her. Therefore, when she was given an opportunity to give an acceptance speech after winning the award for Best Hip-Hop Video to thank her fans, she clapped out at Cyrus.

During her acceptance speech, Minaj straight-out called Cyrus and cursed her. After cursing her, she just asked how she was doing. The interesting fact is that she didn’t call out her name. She just addressed her by saying that one who made a negative comment about her. 

Nonetheless, everyone was sure that Minaj was addressing Miley. We are just not sure which vocalist was happy with the response.

Michael Jackson believed he had won an award at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards that didn't exist

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant musicians of the century is Michael Jackson. However, not even he was exempted from having an awkward Awards moment. The 2002 MTV VMAs was held on Michael Jackson’s birthday. During the event, Britney Spears presented him to wish him a "happy birthday.” 

While wishing for Michael Jackson, Britney expressed her views by saying that he was the "artist of the millennium." It might be this description that created the whole misunderstanding. When he stepped on stage, he thought that he was given the award titled “Artist of the Millennium.” 

Michael Jackson innocently stepped up and started giving an acceptance speech. He started his speech by saying that if someone had told him when he was a small boy in Indiana that he would be receiving the 'Artist of the Millennium award,' he wouldn't have believed it. Later, Michael realized that such an honor doesn’t exist.

Nonetheless, we know that if there would have been an award titled Artist of the Millennium award then none other than him would be more worthy of receiving the title in those days.

2014 Emmy Awards, Sofia Vergara Standing on a Pedestal

There is no doubt that Sofia Vergara is one of Hollywood's most attractive actresses. Everyone including Bruce Rosenblum, head of the Television Academy, shares that opinion. However, she is also not exempted from having an awkward TV moment.

One time, Rosenblum spoke on the TV industry and concluded with a statement that stated that the success of the TV industry depends on offering the viewer something engaging to watch. We are sure that he was talking about the storyline and screenplay.

However, the Modern Family actress understood a whole different thing. She just made a posture after listening to Rosenblum. It was as if she was indicating that she is a worthy thing to watch. Vergara surely provided entertainment for us. She was indeed worthy of an award.

James Franco and Anne Hathaway – 2011 Academy Awards

Nonetheless, it is important to have great hosting partners for an Awards show to become a hit. Sometimes two actors have great chemistry when presenting at the Oscars. However, not all times are like that. Some other times it turns out like Anne Hathaway and James Franco's hosting. 

Hathway and Franco looked like two opposite personalities at the 2011 Academy Awards. She showed a lot of enthusiasm as opposed to Franco who had laid back attitude the entire evening. The two actors couldn't be more different. No chemistry existed between them.

There were several embarrassing incidents during the event. The whole plot was disengaging. Among all the disastrous moments, Franco's costume as Marilyn Monroe from the movie titled Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was the absolute worst. 

Despite everything, Franco had a decent night. The 2010 film titled 127 Hours earned him a nomination for Best Actor. However, we still believe that the organization should focus more on choosing a pair of comparable hosts to host their show.

Melody from The Pussycat Dolls Arrives LATE for Their Performance at the 2006 American Music Awards

Another performance that wasn't exactly as expected is the late arrival of one of the members of the Melody from The Pussycat Dolls for their performance at the 2006 American Music Awards. It was indeed very unprofessional. 

Nonetheless, the Pussycat Dolls's performance of "Buttons" was going so well. It was going too perfectly that the public nearly failed to notice that one of the band members was absent for most of the song. 

Yeah, the band was doing their performance without a member. With barely 40 seconds remaining in the song, Melody Thornton abruptly onto the stage and started singing over Nicole Scherzinger's vocals. Undoubtedly, if she hasn’t appeared then no one would have known that she was missing.

Thornton later admitted to feeling worthless in the group in an interview in 2019. We ponder whether her arriving late to the 2006 American Music Awards was connected to the notorious performance.

2009 American Music Awards: Jennifer Lopez Tumbles During Performance

Jennifer Lopez is a fantastic dancer in addition to being a phenomenal vocalist. Her skills add excitement to all of her presentations. She never abstains from trying new things.

Jennifer Lopez tried a stunt during her rendition of "Louboutins" by utilizing her backing dancers as a stairway and climbing up each one before diving off the last. However, as she is not a stunt specialist, a mishap happened. Lopez missed the landing slightly during the performance and ended up crashing on her butt.

Nonetheless, Lopez ended the song with even more vigor. The most admiring fact about her is that she is so professional that people hardly noticed when she hopped back to her feet. She seemed to be fired up as a result of the error. She is truly a class actress.

James Haven and Angelina Jolie share a kiss during the 2000 Academy Awards

Even though Angelina Jolie won Best Supporting Actress at the 2000 Academy Awards for “Girl Interrupted,” the talk of the town was something different. Everyone was talking about the kiss she shared with her brother James Haven instead of her winning the award.

Well, it is indeed weird to kiss your brother. Jolie came with her brother to the 2000 Academy Awards. During her victory speech, she stated that she was in love with her brother and her brother also shared the same feeling. She also revealed that Haven just embraced her and said that he loved her. 

The cringe-worthy part is yet to come. After saying these loving words about her brother, Lopez and Haven shared a kiss on the lips on the red carpet while returning back from the show. 

Obviously, the brother and sister team, who have a history of being close, didn’t find it weird. However, the case of the public was different. As most of us are not used to seeing a brother and a sister kiss, their kiss indeed took us by surprise.

Lil Mama Attends Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' 2009 MTV Video Music Awards Performance

There were several noteworthy moments during the 2009 MTV VMAs. one of which we have already discussed at the start of the article. Along with Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech, Lil Mama unexpectedly attended Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' performance of "Empire State of Mind" as well.

At the conclusion of the song, the rapper posed for a photo alongside Jay-Z and Keys. Afterward, Lil Mama expressed regret over the event on MTV News and said that she had no intention of offending anyone. She just wanted to apologize. She expressed that it just happened because she could sense it.

We don’t know who is to be blamed for the mishap. However, the music was really motivating.

As Elizabeth Taylor is Introduced, a Man Streaks — 1974 Academy Awards

Although this moment is not related to any actor to a random human being, the whole scene is pretty awkward. At Elizabeth Taylor's introduction by co-host David Niven, a guy raced across the stage. His racing was not that weird. However, he was completely nude and was racing while flashing a peace sign.

Whomever that person was, his act was pretty weird. There are many different ways to express the views. There was just no need to make someone, in this case, Elizabeth Taylor, uncomfortable. It is still a mystery how this man got past security at the Oscars. 

Nonetheless, the situation was handled by the team. Even Elizabeth commented on the whole act that Niven and Taylor handled the unexpected interruption admirably. She even expressed that they set a high bar of how an awkward situation is to be handled. 

Obviously, the streaker got what he must have wanted. It might be a chance that he could have been a homosexual rights activist, artist, and photographer. He, eventually, received some attention for his work and we got an event to add to our list.

2014 Golden Globes Acceptance Speech by Jacqueline Bisset

Jacqueline Bisset gave one of the most awkward acceptance speeches. She could have experienced shock when she won Best Supporting Actress in a TV Program, Miniseries, or TV Movie for her role in Dancing on the Edge. Nonetheless, it is common for actresses to be taken aback when they win. Obviously, they might need time for the news to sink in.

However, giving an embarrassing speech is something that is rare. It was a bit rare, especially coming from the mouth of Bisset to utter the "S-word" in her victory speech. She even further added that his mother used to tell her to go to hell and never come back. This was how she ended her speech. 

Nonetheless, it should have been an expected behavior from Bisset’s side as she was waiting for the award for a long time. She received her first Golden Globe award after receiving five nominations, at least. It was indeed a long wait to win an award. It is quite possible that she might have become overwhelmed after hearing her name.

2008 MTV Latin America Awards, Katy Perry, "Keeps Falling"

Falling is something that most actresses have experienced during the Awards show. Katy Perry is no different. At the end of her "I Kissed a Girl" performance at the 2008 MTV Latin America Awards, she leaped into a large pink cake, slid on icing, and was unable to climb back up.

The funny part was that she slid not once, not twice, but four times. Even when her guitarist attempted to assist her, she fell again. It was indeed a hilarious scene to watch and even she was laughing. However, it must have been incredibly slick. In the end, she gave up hope of getting up and simply crawled away.

Nicole Kidman's Academy Awards 2017 clapping

Nicole Kidman has received a lot of attention since the 2017 Academy Awards. However, the attentions are totally for some different reasons. It is obviously not for the reason you may suspect. 

The reason that helped Nicole to stay in focus since 2017 is her special way of applauding. Her clapping resembled a seal. As soon as people realized Kidman's clapping looks like a seal, memes featuring her clapping quickly spread online.

Afterward, the actress explained this wasn’t a way in which she usually claps. She expressed that she was doing so to protect her pricey rings and even accepted that it was incredibly uncomfortable. 

Nicole expressed that even she wanted to applaud wholeheartedly. However, because of the pricey rings and the discomfort her way of clapping was bringing her, she didn’t want to clap. However, she thought that it would be weird because then people would question why is she not clapping. Therefore, she chose to go by Seal Clap.

2013 Emmy Awards: Guy Appearing Behind Neil Patrick Harris

The second time Neil Patrick Harris presided over the Emmy Awards; the strangest thing happened to him. As he was presiding, an unidentified figure suddenly materialized behind him. It was later revealed that the man who stood behind him wasn’t even aware of the Awards show.

The man, who had materialized behind Neil Patrick, eventually sidestepped offstage as soon as he got to know that an award presentation was going on. The weirdest part was that he wasn’t any random man.

The name of the man was Paul Greenberg. He was a writer for the awards event. Nonetheless, we are still unsure if it was premeditated or just an accident. However, it is quite reasonable to assume that Greenberg would be aware of the show's existence. There is a chance that the whole scene was planned by Paul himself.

2013 Billboard Music Awards song: Miguel Falls on a Fan

The rendition of "Adorn" by Miguel was practically faultless until he hopped from one area of the stage to another. During the performance, when he just hopping here and there, he fell on some audience members. It was indeed painful for both Miguel and the fan he fell upon.

In the end, everything turned out to be great. Miguel did an interview with one of the fans he fell on. During a backstage interview with one of the fans he landed on, Miguel seemed extremely delighted to introduce his new buddy, Khyati. Everything was fine between the two.

Miguel and Khyati were going along well, although they just met. It seemed that the fan didn’t mind him falling over her. She might have understood that everything that happened was a mistake. Miguel further explained that, regrettably, their meeting was not ideal, but he believed that they got along.

2007 American Music Awards: Joe Jonas Slips and Injures His Hand

Three panes of glass broke in front of the Jonas Brothers as they arrived for their performance of "SOS." Nonetheless, it gave them a dramatic entrance but it also led to further drama. Despite the fact that it appeared to be quite cool, Joe ended up wounding himself.

Joe accidentally fell over the panel and cut his palm with the glass that was laying on the ground. There was blood coming out of his hands. Although the cut was small, it could have spread the infection.

However, Joe soon bounced back and finished the song. He continued his performance and proved that a small cut wouldn't hinder an incredible performance. He took the incident light-heartedly. During an interview after the event, joe expressed that it was just a little blood. He even expressed that he just rocked and rolled away the pain.

Ian McKellen Quote Messed Up by Sam Smith at the 2016 Academy Awards

The ideal duty of a host is to be aware of what they are saying. They should quote people nicely and always use appropriate quotes. However, a big blunder happened during the 2016 Academy Awards.

The show dedicated the moment to the LGBT community and was supposed to do anchoring around the context only. However, Sam Smith quoted Sir Ian McKellen who said that "no openly gay man had won an Oscar." 

Winning an Oscar is a big deal. Sam Smith won Best Original Song for "Writing on the Wall," which is their first and only win as of 2021. They did so in honor of the LGBT community.

The Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role Oscar has never been won by a gay man. McKellen believed that no gay man could ever win an Oscar. Luckily, even though, Ian was misquoted on the stage, there were no resentments. Additionally, on Twitter, McKellen defended and praised the performer.

Individuals Offended by Seth McFarlane at the 2013 Oscars Awards

Since 2013, a lot has happened. We can't help but wonder if Seth McFarlane's gags from Family Guy would still be funny today. Nonetheless, the time has changed and with it, the perception of people taking a joke has also changed. 

Several viewers were shocked by the host's opening song "We Saw Your Boobs," during the 2013 Oscars Awards. The song featured pre-recorded footage of Charlize Theron and Naomi Watts making mortified expressions. Nonetheless, it wasn’t appropriate for the host to use that song as an opening song.

Despite that, the show's viewership increased. Everyone present there found the song funny instead of offensive. They enjoyed the opening performance. You would be shocked to know that the comic was even requested to return as a presenter the following year.

Chrissy Teigen's 2015 Golden Globes crying face

Not just Nicole Kidman's seal-like clapping during the 2015 Golden Globes event has gone viral. Chrissy Teigen's tearful expression when her husband John Legend entered the stage is also there in the list.

Chrissy’s husband entered the stage to win the Best Original Song prize and her expression after seeing her husband went viral on social media. She started crying and her look looked funny to most people. There were memes shared using a photo where she was giving weird expressions.

Teigen clarified that she was excited to see her husband on the stage and behaved accordingly. She was sorry that she didn’t practice her crying face before expressing herself. 

Obviously, Teigen was being sarcastic when she mentioned practicing crying. She expressed that she became a meme for 5 minutes. The fun fact is that her face is even popular today. Even now, many years later, the crying picture is used as a meme.

2017 Academy Awards Best Picture Mistake: "La La Land" and "Moonlight"

The Best Picture winner at the 2017 Academy Awards is one of the most well-known instances of a mix-up at an awards ceremony. The erroneous envelope was presented to Bonny and Clyde stars Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway as they were delivering the prize. Moonlight triumphed, despite the fact that La La Land was declared the winner.

Yeah, the organizers messed up while announcing the winners. They gave the wrong envelope to the hosts and they announced the name of the wrong winners. It was the biggest mishap, even though it was corrected later.

It turns out that the envelope announcing Emma Stone's Best Actress Award was given to the presenters after it had already been revealed. The confusion was resolved, although it took until La La Land's acceptance speech. Luckily, celebrities know that these mishaps are no big deal and they also take these things light-heartedly.

The 1995 Academy Awards include a bad joke by David Letterman

It's not simple to host award events, and not all jokes work. The 1995 Oscars were hosted by former Late Show host David Letterman. To start the show on a gloomy note, he opened with a joke. However, his joke didn’t work as nobody was able to comprehend the joke. 

Truly speaking, we're still having trouble understanding. There is a chance that Letterman must have thought that it is a great opening joke but it wasn’t. He started by saying that he has been itching to do something all day, and he thinks they can handle this.

Then he said “Oprah? Uma. Uma? Oprah followed by saying that he was feeling considerably better now. Then he just randomly asked that have anyone met Keanu and the kids. Indeed, we also don't understand what was he trying to explain. It is better if we would just let it be in the past.

2016 Golden Globes: Leonardo DiCaprio Makes a Face at Lady Gaga

Another award show moment that went viral is related to Lady Gaga. As Lady Gaga slipped by Leonardo DiCaprio to claim her Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture for TV for American Horror Story: Hotel, the moment was captured in a GIF. 

DiCaprio was seen cringing when Lady Gaga was passing through him to receive the award. It didn’t take the internet long to capture the moment and turn it into a meme. However, the reality was definitely different.

Afterward, DiCaprio explained everything in an interview. He said that he was just sitting like that and didn't even know what was passing me. There is no deep-rooted hatred in his mind for Lady Gaga.

2006 Country Music Awards: Faith Hill's Response to Carrie Underwood's Victory

You've probably figured out by now that not everything is as it seems. Faith Hill and Carrie Underwood were nominated for Female Singer of the Year. There was a healthy clash between them and both of them are extremely talented. 

However, when Underwood won the award, Hill didn’t take it very well. She didn't exactly look happy about losing to Underwood. Hill's joy changes to a scowl as she started cursing after learning who won. However, it turned out that everything was a complete misunderstanding.

Hill clarified the misunderstanding on her website. She explained that she couldn’t even phantom the idea of acting disrespectfully towards a fellow musician. It was unthinkable to her.

Supporters had assumed that Hill was disappointed about the defeat and her response was just a reflex. They believed that she must not have meant her reaction. As the fans love her, they understood her situation. Female Vocalist of the Year is deservedly given to the wonderful Carrie.

1989 Oscars: Rob Lowe Sings With Snow White

Hollywood's hottest star Rob Lowe is not well-recognized for his singing. Nonetheless, he is a great actor. However, one very odd thing happened at the 1989 Oscars. Although entertaining, his opening act at the event featured an actress disguised as Snow White. The performance received mixed reviews.

It was the brainchild of Grease producer Allan Carr, who was ostracised in Hollywood following the performance. Disney was also upset with the improper use of a copyrighted rendition of Snow White. 

Even though, Rob did his best to make everything right. His efforts were not appreciated as he offended many people in the process.

Mistakes in Nicki Minaj's 2014 MTV Music Video Awards wardrobe

The phrase "the show must go on" is apt for Nicki Minaj's performance of "Bang Bang" with Ariana Grande and Jessie J. Minaj. For her routine, she had to change quickly between her solo performance and the group performance. Changing outfits in the middle of the action is extremely risk-taking as the time to change is usually low. 

To further add to the risk, Minaj made the last-minute choice to match the vocalists by donning a black outfit. The dress was complicated and had a zip. When the music began, she was unable to zip up her dress. 

Nonetheless, Minaj had no other option but to enter the stage holding the dress up with her hands while she rapped. Then to make matters worse, she had no underpants on. Even though everything went wrong, she didn’t stop her performance. The professionalism of Nicki Minaj is indeed praiseworthy. No matter the circumstances. 

Britney Spears' 2007 MTV Video Music Awards performance has been canceled

Britney Spears has delivered a number of amazing VMA performances. One such amazing performance is her rendition of "Slave 4 U" in which she sang while carrying a python around her shoulder. However, her rendition of "Gimme More" in 2007 was uneven. 

Undoubtedly, Britney is a great performer but a pretty awkward moment happened during the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards. During that time, her dance had a jerky pace and she appeared preoccupied. Many anticipated the singer's comeback.

However, there was no coming back then. The detractors proclaimed the end of Britney’s career. Her performance was canceled from the routine of the Awards show. Canceling her performance, undoubtedly, broke her confidence for a while.

Nevertheless, Britney was all set to make a comeback. She overcame the setback. She took the VMA stage in 2016 and delivered a performance to remember. Undoubtedly, she proved everyone wrong with her performance. She made a statement that her career is not over yet.

Flesh Dress by Lady Gaga at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards

Throughout the years, Lady Gaga has worn numerous dubious-yet-amazing ensembles. Her dress for the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards is among them. She wore a notorious Flesh Dress for the show and she was indeed looking stunning. The stylish statement is impossible to forget. 

Lady Gaga stunned everyone by accepting the Album of the Year award for The Fame while wearing a gown made of flesh. It was quite unexpected that she was wearing a dress made with actual flesh. There were several diverse opinions over her dress.

Although there were conflicting opinions on the dress, it turned out to be one of the highlights of her career to date. Obviously, it takes a lot of courage to wear a dress made of raw beef. 

The garment is on exhibit in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame after being dried out. Yes, we can go and see that extraordinary dress that Lady Gaga wore. It is surely a sight to see.

Rami Malek is ignored by Rosemarie Kidman at the 2019 Golden Globes

Normally, the award presenter offers the trophy to the winner and gives them a hearty hug. However, it was not the case when Rami Malek won the award at the 2019 Golden Globes. When Nicole Kidman gave Rami Malek the Best Drama award for Bohemian Rhapsody, neither she gave the award to her nor a hug. 

Malek took an effort to make the whole situation a little less awkward. He lightly stroked Kidman's back as he won the prize, maybe in the hopes that she would turn around. However, she clearly ignored him and looked away from him.

However, later in an interview, Kidman clarified her actions. She expressed that she shares a great friendship with Rami Malek. Kidman also clarified that she was just enjoying the vibe and did not feel his touch on her back. 

Kidman also revealed that even Malek didn’t take the whole situation to his heart and maybe he didn’t even notice. Both of them came to know about the whole situation after it became viral. Once both of them got to know about it, the two were giggling about it. They even exchanged emails regarding the whole situation.

The 2018 Golden Globes' Best Director nominees are all men, according to Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman and Ron Howard presented the Golden Globe for Best Director. They observed that during the 2018 Golden Globes, all the nominees were men. They didn't even hesitate to call out the all-male, all-white candidates for the same.

Both Portman and Howard pointed out that all-white males have caused so much controversy in Hollywood. They are dominating the whole nominations of the Awards show. They knew that was a problem and pointing them out during an Awards show was indeed courageous.

Here are the all-male candidates, Portman stated before the montage of Best Director contenders' movies. Portman maintained a solemn expression while co-host Howard chuckled. Portman deserves praise for not holding back when speaking her opinion.

Miley Cyrus' 2013 MTV Video Music Awards twerking

Miley Cyrus' time as a Disney celebrity is one of her most memorable times. Even though it feels like years ago, the beauty of her performance is indeed extremely memorable. She appeared on stage at the VMAs in 2013 with Robin Thick to perform his track "Blurred Lines" at a time when she was losing her Hannah Montana persona and had recently released Bangerz.

It was during her performance during the show that Miley experienced her cringy Awards show moment. Obviously, she took it bravely and everything ended up good for her.

Miley twerked with Thick while waving a foam finger, poking her tongue out for her performance. She was wearing a flesh-colored latex bra and matching pants. The people didn’t take the performance well. There were several negative feedback on the performance and even some people had filed complaints to the FCC. 

Despite the negative comments and FCC complaints, one thing that no one can ignore is that Miley was simply being herself. The way she performed was the basic nature of Miley. Maybe, we should at least appreciate her for that.

2001 Academy Awards: Björk Lays an Egg While Wearing a Swan Dress

Björk's swan dress will always rank among the most memorable red carpet-ensembles. One thing other than the dress that caught people's attention was that the singer also transformed into a swan. 

That's true. When Björk entered the 2001 Academy Awards and was posing for pictures on the Red Carpet, she deposited an egg. Additionally, she also brought a dozen eggs to scatter on the red carpet and she literally just scattered them on it. It was indeed a sight to watch. However, that's not all as she did something more as well.

Björk had become a swan once the eggs were concealed in her garment. She placed the eggs when the time was appropriate. Obviously, when she could see the cameras. We can’t even believe how crampy those eggs have been for her.

Elinor Burkett Runs to the Stage at the 2009 Oscars

It turns out that Elinor Burkett also rushed the stage during her acceptance speech the same year, at the 2009 Oscars. Therefore, Kanye West wasn't the only one to do it. Burkett had been a member of the production team for Music by Prudence, the documentary that took home the Best Documentary award. 

When Elinor rushed on the stage along with the team, the other producers asked him to leave. It was a pretty awkward situation for the crowd. Undoubtedly, it was quite disrespectful to Burkett as well. However, the producer had no other choice but to tell him to step down as he was interrupting his acceptance speech.

Only 10 seconds had passed after Roger Ross Williams, the movie's producer had begun to accept the award when Burkett stormed the stage and began to speak. Williams handled it expertly and reclaimed the spotlight.

Gwyneth Paltrow's 1998 Academy Awards acceptance speech

When Gwyneth Paltrow won Best Actress for Shakespeare in Love, she gave a speech that seemed to stretch on forever. She thanked an endless number of individuals. She expressed her gratitude to everyone throughout the speech, including the Academy, the other women nominated in the category, her family, and her agency.

Nonetheless, a long speech, even though it is for appreciating people, is boring. Although Paltrow was just thanking everyone responsible in her life to get her the award, people got bored with her never-ending speech. She was indeed trolled for her speech afterward. 

Paltrow herself admits that she never sees the speech. The speech wasn't that horrible, despite the fact that it is recognized as the day the honesty of the Oscars died. She most likely remembered to thank everyone.

1991 Emmy Awards joke by Kirstie Alley

Macaulay Culkin was indeed very endearing when he gave Kristie Alley the award for Best Actress in a Comedy Series for Cheers. Nonetheless, his reaction was unforgettable. The crude joke the actress told to thank her ex-husband Parker Stevenson was a total contrast to it.

Alley mentioned about her ex-husband that he was the man who gave her a big one for the past eight years. Definitely, it was giving way too much information. The words of Alley made Culkin uncomfortable. He didn’t know how to react. The lovely Culkin must have missed the humor.

Angelina Jolie, Jenifer Aniston, and Brad Pitt in the Same Room at the 2009 Academy Awards

When Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston divorced in 2005, the entire world was astonished. They were one of the most well-known couples not only in Hollywood but in the whole world. So 

Brad Pitt was in a relationship with Angelina Jolie during the time of the 2009 Academy Awards. Things were tense for Pitt and Aniston at the Oscars even four years after their divorce. Given their history, perhaps Pitt’s co-star Angelina Jolie from Mr. & Mrs. Smith wasn't shocked. 

Yes, Jolie, Aniston, and Pitt, all three were present then and the situation was pretty awkward. As things between Pitt and Aniston were not great, they were not even looking at each other. The tension between them could easily be sensed by others around them.

Aniston was there to present an award. As she was giving the presentation, Pitt and Jolie were seated next to each other. The whole time, the couple didn’t even share a look with Aniston. They were just beaming the whole time she was presenting. Nonetheless, they clapped when she finished her presentation.

Nevertheless, it seemed like Aniston also didn’t give Pitt & Jolie much attention. As soon as she was finished with her presentation, she left to go on a date with her ex-boyfriend John Mayer.