These Dating Memes Will Leave You In Tears Because They Are Relatable AF

Dating is tough and so is to bring humor in our terribly sad dating lives. Twitter is here to give you a hysterical dose.

We Keep Waiting

Isn’t this relatable to the core of your heart? If not, are you even part of today’s dating scenario? Whoever we like and admire is already taken. In other cases, they are just out of our league and not interested in us. 

And if by chance, they are interested in you and single, everyone is already trying to get your delicious order in the restaurant of dating.

Turning Blind

It isn't just love that turns us blind, even in the phase of infatuation; you tend to ignore all red flags.

He is a cheater!

So what?

He is a druggist!

Do I care?

He is a killer!

Well, I can fix him?

Babe, all you need to fix is your brain and not the criminal you like for his legit “killer” attitude.

Slipping Into The Comfort Zone

How can you not even know what it means? You remember being all proper the first time you met that guy you liked? Yes, that douchebag!

We know you ordered wine on the first date. And we also know you had switched to your comfort drink, beer by the fifth date. Just to break your bubble, he knew it already. Your beer belly was the proof.

Yes, That Feeling!

How badly you wanted to get out of that date? The way you excused yourself to go to the loo. The moment you called your best friend and gave them the red alert. It was all so beautiful and memorable, isn’t it?

Knowing that you are never going to see them again is such a blissful moment, at least for us.


Some people wait till they reach the fifth date but the rest cannot bring on the filter they need on the first date. I am “The Rest People”. When the food arrives, caring about what the next person will think is the last thought I can have in my mind.

This Meme Is Me.

This food hogger is me.

So, the rest people are unashamed of being in love with food. All we need is a person who shares the same love of food.

True To Words

The bio on dating sites is of the utmost importance. We gotta nail it or we can’t nail the person we swiped right on. So, adding adventurous in your bio is a must. And honestly, we all are low key adventurous but most of us have not gotten permission to explore the world or even the city we live in. 

So, before people start asking questions about the adventures you have been part of, you better start doing something to add in your conversations.

Our Stars At War

It’s amazing how we click with someone, isn’t it? However, we are always afraid of losing that person, so, we tend to lie at some point. 

Those lies include fake adventures, fake social life, and sometimes the movies you like but haven’t seen. Now we believe that maybe lying isn’t the best solution. Because the STAR WARS could be the last fake interest you share with her.

How Do They Know?

Have they been snooping into my life or my phone? Well, if they have… I am going to sue them for publicizing our boring dating life because, in a legit manner, this has been it. No calls, no meetings, no kisses, no feelings. It all ends at texts and continues in Instagram stories, just watching them.

The dating scenario is boring and dull, in short, it isn’t meant for the people who want butterflies in the stomach and weakness in their knees.


Oh, men are full of it these days because they can’t afford to lose the one person they are dating. There is already a famine of suitable partners these days.

Hence, when you open up the door for her, make sure you rip off the door. It has two benefits, firstly, it shows your strength and secondly, you can hit the men trying on her for the hundredth time.


Well, we aren’t talking about just the physical ones. When people start dating and it’s on the basis of their looks, we think it is indeed shallow. There are other things you can look forward to… their money, their cars, the fancy dates they can take you on, and how can we forget the obvious ones, right?

Just kidding, please date us!

Overboard Honesty

You remember when our teachers taught us that honesty is the best policy? Well, this guy didn’t know how much it could hurt him. Sometimes honesty can rip apart your heart and all you can do is flash the least honest smile of all times.

How about this one? So, do we like honest people anymore? 

Umm… We are not completely sure!


With numerous options available in the world, dating has become tricky and we are not really sure what is that we want in our partner. Hence, all we can do is stick to the hit and trial method to see if something works for us or not. 

We talk to people, we find they are not what we want, and we ghost them. So, that is the basic criterion of how things work in the present-day dating game.

The Playroom

Women get attached too soon and dream about their wedding within the first month of dating a person. Whereas, men are on a completely different page when it comes to dating. Once they are bored, they are out of it and no one can stop them after they have decided to leave that particular dating zone.

Not even your love, darling!

All I Can See

When it comes to being in love, we are committed to just food. Our love is pure, so, whenever we are under the thousand stars, all we can think of is… food! The definition of romance is to be holding hands of the person we like and when we look into their eyes there should be just one thing that we see and it is our beloved FOOD!

Creepy Enough?

How long have you two been dating? What if a few months down the line you realize that the person you are dating is a serial killer and he finds his targets on dating websites? 

Would you like to be one of them? Well, if not, why not just skip the blind dating concept completely? It might save you from a lot of creepy stuff.

Every Damn Time

This reality is too hard to digest but somehow, we are not okay with this harsh truth. Your crush is never going to like you back, no matter what. In case you had a crush on yourself, there is a chance you will stop liking yourself.

Maybe there is a way out of this, keep pampering yourself and you might fall in love with yourself and the others will follow.


This is actually true for all the people who have been heartbroken once in their life. However, if we find logic in this meme, is it okay to be this way all your life just because your heart was broken once?

Another way to see this post is that millennials prefer being cold-hearted and without feelings. After all, casual dating is today’s scenario.

Introduce Him

The moment you are unsure about someone and want to get out of the dating scenario, just introduce him to your friends or family groups and you will have all your answers.

A picture of him or screenshots of your chat with him will be enough. A third perspective sorts a lot of things for a person. These people in the group will help you get a better perspective.


Dim lights are amazing only when you want some action in the bedroom. However, when you need some action of flavors on your tongue, you need light to read the menu.

We want to read the menu perfectly, see our food clearly, and smell it before we can hog on. Nothing can come between us and our food, forget about the date who thinks that vibe is sexy in dim lights.

Faking Interests

Impressing your date with cultured interests and taking them to places that may leave a good impression is bang on. And if you still haven’t made enough impression, then just act that you are appreciating the act. 

Your date might think you are aware of what is actually happening.