While you are so engrossed in your favorite TV show, there are certain things that you might have skipped. We get so fixated on the characters and the story that we fail to notice the “goofs” made in the show. If you are a true fan of television shows, you cannot miss these TV bloopers that came to light after a while.
The One Where The Apartment Changes
You guessed it right! We are talking about the “Friends” TV show here and a blooper that you all missed!
As the show progressed, we see Monica’s apartment as number 20. The show’s budget might have demanded a few changes and the change of apartment could be one of them. However, they forgot to give an explanation about it in the show.
Monica seems fine with it and so are we!

The Popular Pizza Toss
This pizza toss is from “Breaking Bad” and Brian Cranston aced it when he threw it on the roof of Walt’s house. The pizza made a smooth landing and that scene became a highlight of the show!
There is one thing that you skipped about the pizza in later scenes. The placement of the pizza changed slightly and the toppings increased out of nowhere. That’s confusing!

Scene Gets Stranger
The Netflix series “Stranger Things” managed to grab everyone’s attention with an amazing plot but one goof was not discovered by all. It was a real one!
In season one’s finale, Nancy has a gun in her hand as she shoots a creature and the number of shots fired by her total up to 8 without reloading. The thing here is that the gun used by her could have only six bullets at once. How did she fire eight shots then? It sounds strange and smells like a blooper!

From Fearless To Fearful?
When Phil from “Modern Family” decided to overcome his fears in season 3, he also walked a tightrope as he was scared of this activity. Now, let’s go back to season 1 where Phil had admitted about his expertise in tightrope walking that he learned from the trapeze camp. How did that turn into fear after two seasons?
The fans were baffled and might be expecting a few answers from the hysterical family!

Let’s Search For The Ribbon
We are taking you back to the “Seinfeld” days with this scene from the episode “The Red Dot” from season 3. There is a gift involved decorated with a red ribbon and Elaine opens it to find a sweater in it for her.
Let’s focus on the ribbon that Kramer puts around his neck in that scene but the next moment, when there is a wide shot taken, Kramer is lying in the same spot with no ribbon. Wait, that’s not all! On zooming back in, the ribbon appears again. Is that magic?

A Dance Theory
This is about “The Big Bang Theory”, a show that revolved around science (maybe a little more than that!) and a group of friends chasing this field. So, where did dance come from here?
Recall the first few episodes where Sheldon clearly stated that he and his roommates are not into dancing and have never taken a dance class in their life. However, this statement didn’t seem to last long as Sheldon was seen shaking a leg as the show went ahead. We wonder what happened!

Stare At The Glare
In one of the episodes of “Homeland” where Mansour Al-Zahrani, a Saudi diplomat is giving an interview, there is something that his glasses give away. The room where the scene is shot has an abundance of natural light and that could have contributed to this blooper.
Go deep into those glasses and you can see the cameras and the crew in their space. We are sure they didn’t want to be on camera this way!

Breaking The News In Advance
The most popular TV series, “Breaking Bad” made a few mistakes when they engrossed you in their story. True fans noticed some of the bloopers and the mention of Osama Bin Laden’s death in an episode is one of them.
The episode in which they talked about this terrorist’s death was set in 2010 and till then, the news of his death was not known. It came out after a few months. Weird, right?

Monica Needed A Break
For this blooper, refer to season 8, episode 5 and you’ll see Monica and then, you see a stand-in for her and of course, they didn’t intend to leave a hint of that but the fans spotted the error.
Phoebe is talking to Monica as they are seated on the couch but at one point when the camera is focusing on Phoebe, there’s a little peek into the stand-in from the corner of the frame. We can say, “The one where they missed an edit”.

Natural In Supernatural
The one gaffe in “Supernatural” turned out to be really awkward as it was easily recognizable and the people are shocked that the crew did not figure this out while editing.
During a scene involving Dean Winchester (played by Jenson Ackles) and Jared Trista who played Sam in the show, Jenson calls his co-star by his real-life name instead of the on-screen one and it was quite evident. Such mistakes are “natural” but don’t end up in the final cut as happened here!

Reservation In The Future
The period drama series, “Mad Men” depicted the 1960s era but we are sure that Le Cirque restaurant did not exist during that time in New York. This fine-dining came into existence around 1974 but Joan from this TV series made a reference to it and gave rise to this embarrassing blooper.
We think they stepped into the future for a while and booked a table there.

Game Of Age
Melisandre, AKA the Red Woman in “Game of Thrones” wore a necklace around her neck in season 6 that carried significance. That necklace was “magical” making the Red Woman look young in every moment given that she wore it around her neck.
The gaffe came to light when the fans noticed that Melisandre had a youthful appearance in season 4 even without that piece of jewelry. We guess she was an “ageless beauty”!

Paranormal Activity Of Cards
One error while editing the episode of “Frasier” season 1 led us to the paranormal world as the scene had some weird elements that could not be matched with reality.
The shot shows Frasier and Martin around a poker table having some conversation and cards. After the camera focused on the poker table and cards again after a close-up of Frank, the cards had a mystifying position change. The tables turned on the game!

Blooper In The Light
The series “Orange Is The New Black” made some mistakes and we can’t help but place our fingers on this one. This occurred in season 4 episode 8 when Tiffany is having a conversation with a guard.
When she asks him about his wish to travel back in time and the place where he wants to be from the past. His reply carries a goof as he says he wants to see Rob Halford and so, would love to attend a Judas Priest concert in 1999. That year, Tim Owens was the band’s singer and not Halford. Oops!

The Conspiracy Of Necklace
Amidst all the chaos that Rachel and Ross created about their love confession, you missed the necklace mistake. In this scene, Rachel is seen standing while Ross reveals his plan of buying a cat with Julie, his girlfriend.
Rachel’s neck has no ornament in the beginning but as the camera zooms in to her again, you can see her wearing a neckpiece. The next moment, it vanishes. What just happened?
Just be thankful that Ross found out about Rachel’s love for him in that episode!

A Serious History Mix-Up
The historical show “The Tudors” failed to be accurate about the past of England in the 1500s quite a few times. Season 2 of the show had a few blunders related to history and they can’t be ignored.
The one scene with a court musician, Mark Smeaton played by David Alpay had a major blooper as he played the violin and the facts say that this instrument came into existence in England during the 18th century. The show made it available in the 1500s and that’s hard to believe!

The Mysterious Case Of Cartridge
Remember “Malcolm in the Middle” and how much sense it made as we watched every episode? The show got really famous and received great reviews. However, no show can be saved from the curious eye of the people who can notice even the smallest blooper.
Here, the characters, Reese and Dewey had no cartridge in their Gameboys when they were shown to play with it. It happened in two different scenes!

Too Much Education
Jackie from the period sitcom “That ’70s Show” was a sophomore and the other characters were juniors in high school. If we consider the timeline of the show and the years they spent in high school, there is some confusion. It turns out that they spent seven years in high school. We can’t really wrap our heads around that!
Every season has an episode dedicated to Christmas and Halloween, so, the argument about the season lasting for not a whole year gets meaningless.

Error In A Bottle
While the show “Downton Abbey” took the viewers to England of the 19th century, they made every effort to make sure that every aspect is of that time and no blunder is created. However, perfection doesn’t exist and so, they had to face embarrassment.
Hugh Bonneville and Laura Carmichael did a publicity shoot as their characters with the show’s theme and that’s when people noticed a mistake in the form of a plastic bottle from the present time. Clumsy, enough?

Married To Whom?
All the viewers of the sci-fi show “X-Files” are wondering about Mulder’s wife who was never mentioned in the entire series despite Mulder wearing a wedding band in season 5.
Apparently, Chris Carter, the creator revealed later that he wanted to build a plot around his wife. Unfortunately, it never happened and the fans were left in thoughts about that side of the story. What if that was a trick to engage you, people!