Millennials or as they are called Generation Y are the people who are born between 1981 to 1994/6. And this generation is the one that is laying the foundation of new trends in society. Unlike their previous generations, millennials are practical and make decisions based on logic. And with changing times and trends, there are some products that millennials no longer treat essentials. They are not following the footsteps of their previous generations and changing the shopping trends with their logic. Read on to discover the changing shopping trends for the millennials in the US.
GoodBye To Cars (And Gas)
For years, cars were considered an essential commodity but Gen Y doesn’t agree. This in turn means that they are not buying gas or getting their driver’s license too. If you look at the figures, it reveals that the number of drivers aged between 18 to 25 years has lowered down nearly 25%. One of the reasons could be that in urban areas, young drivers prefer taking the public transportation rather than spending time to find parking, which is sometimes a big hassle for the drivers.

Fabric Softener Is A Thing Of Past
There was a time when fabric softener was used whenever our mothers did laundry. But if you ask millennials about it, they would say they don’t use it. The reason is simple that they are not sure what it actually does. The sale of fabric softener dropped by 15 percent between 2007 and 2015. One of the reasons could be that the technology in washing machines is getting more advanced and more fashion brands prioritize comfort, and millennials no longer feel the need to buy fabric softener.

Dodge The Traditional Workout
Millennials are health conscious and choose to eat healthy and organic options when it comes to food. As a consequence, the number of people going to traditional gyms is decreasing. This does not mean that Generation Y is ditching workouts, they are just avoiding the typical giant room filled with fitness machines. This generation is choosing gyms that are specifically made to cater certain types of workouts. They are spending money for hitting crossfit or a kickboxing class to focus on fitness activities that they enjoy the most.

Not Eating Cereal Anymore
It comes out as a surprise that this generation doesn’t enjoy having cereal in the morning. Probably they have a jam packed morning schedule or they are just too lazy to eat cereal in the morning. According to the New York Times, 40 percent of millennials surveyed said they do not eat cereal because it was inconvenient for them because of the hassle of cleaning after it. It turns out that washing a spoon and a bowl is a hassle for the busy bees of the generation.

Business Suits Are Not Their Style
While choosing what to wear to the workplace, Generation Y’s fashion choice is different from their previous generations. They are no longer choosing business suits to wear to their workplace, the reason could be that it is not their personal style anymore or the office environment has become more laid back than it was before. However, some fashionable pantsuits are surely in trend, but wearing casual business attire is more in trend these days and is no more restricted to only on Fridays.

No Keys For Their First Home
These days it is rare to see classic pictures of proud home buyers, holding their new keys as they stand outside their first owned house. The reason is that the property prices are hitting the sky with each passing day that millennials are not able to afford buying their own homes. Besides, many youngsters believe that investing in real estate means that they are bound to live at a particular location. But they would rather choose to move with ease according to their life commitments.

Ditching The Traditional Milk
From almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk to oat milk, youngsters of today can choose the milk they want to have according to their needs and taste. But what is the reason behind them ditching the traditional cow milk? One of the reasons is that today’s generation is shifting more towards veganism and opting things that do no harm to the environment. Besides, they consider these options as healthier alternatives. Whatever the reason is, it has resulted in a 40% decline in milk sales since 1970.

Weddings Or Diamonds Are Not For Them
For many people love is shortly followed marriage but not for Generation Y. In the 1980s, two-thirds of the people between the age of 25 to 34 had married. In the present day, more than half of the people of that age group are single. Maybe millennials prefer saying “I Don’t” instead of “I Do.” Not only this, but diamond sales have come down too, even among those who decide to marry. Rather, millennials are opting for less expensive and more unique options for engagement rings.

Movie Theatres Are A Big No
There was a time when people used to head to the theatres with a tub filled with popcorn and a cold drink in hand to watch a movie. But these days even the comfort of reclining chairs, bar service and surround sound cannot draw the attention of the millennials. Why would they when they can save the ticket money and watch movies from the comfort of their home? Millennials have the privilege to stream movies online and enjoy them by sitting on their couch with lights off and pajamas on.

Stocking Up The Groceries Is Outdated
Generation X would spend an entire day at the grocery store, buying groceries in bulk and stocking them up but this seems to be an outdated thing for the millennials. The reason that Gen Y does not believe in bulk grocery shopping is that they are not devoted to cooking. So even if they spend money on groceries, they will go to waste anyway. And if in any case they have to purchase bulk quantities, they would prefer online shopping rather than spending an entire day at the grocery store.

Swearing Off Domestic Beer Brands
There was a time when you would find domestic beer brands like Budweiser, Coor and Miller at house parties or backyard barbeque evenings. But if you have ever been to a millennials’ get together you won’t find these domestic beer brands in their refrigerators. Seems like Gen Y has a different taste in alcoholic beverages as well as they prefer buying beverages like hard lemonade, iced tea and seltzer. Besides, they prefer craft beers rather than these local brands.

Cruises Are Not For Gen Y
A good cruise seems ideal to Gen X for having a refreshing and fun getaway. And as cruise ships are getting even bigger and more exorbitant, you might think that people would be lining up to board one. But this is not the case with millennials. Gen Y doesn’t seem to enjoy water slides, golf courses, extravagant buffets, and nightly entertainment. In the view of marketing experts, Gen Y is looking for more authentic travel experiences, and it does not include traveling on a huge yacht.

Red Meat Is Not Their Cut
It turns out that millennials are not much of a fan of eating beef. Gen Y is a generation that is very conscious of their environment. Millennials would rather choose the green diet than eat red meat. They have moral reasons for this too. Besides, millennials are also left with less money to spend on groceries after they pay rent, student loans and other expenses. In such a case, buying beef is something luxurious for them that they can easily cut off their grocery list.

Napkins Are Disappearing
If you ever dine at a millennial’s home you won’t spot napkins there. As for the Gen Y, napkins are out of style for their homes. According to consumer studies, 15 years ago, six out of ten households used to buy napkins. In the present day, only four out of ten households buy it. The reason is that youngsters these days would rip off a piece of a paper towel to their guests rather than having dedicated napkins for the purpose.

Mayo Isn’t For Them
You must be aware of the time when mayonnaise was a staple in every household but have you noticed it is not found in many households anymore? The millennials are quite conscious of the things they put inside their belly, this is probably why they have broken up with mayonnaise. According to the market survey, the sale of mayo has dropped. Gen Y’s hatred for mayonnaise is because of its composition which takes a toll on their health. They are replacing the condiment with more organic alternatives like avocados.

Ironing Is A Hassle
Days of wearing a crisp, ironed shirt when you step out of home are a history now as you won’t find an iron at millennials’ homes now. The brands these days are emphasizing to advertise their no-iron materials, guaranteeing that the apparel will remain wrinkle-free without the hassle of ironing. Gen Y has tossed out all the fabrics that require ironing. Besides, there is no wrinkle that putting an item of clothing in the dryer for a second won’t fix.

Landlines Are Not Their Call
A survey revealed that 66 percent of millennials live in a totally wireless home. Forty-one percent do not even have a landline at their homes and 83 percent of the millennials sleep next to their cell phones. With all these statistics, there is no wonder millennials have cut off the landline cables. Besides, as the Gen Y kids are renting homes, going through the process to set up a landline is totally a bit too much for them.

Lottery Tickets Are Not Their Money Decision
Millennials face major money challenges with debt, rising housing prices and plateauing salaries in their hands. But that does not mean that this generation would try their luck in the lottery. This generation is not ready to bet their money on the lottery. The Gallup survey revealed that while 61 percent of the people aged between 50 to 64 played the lottery, only about one-third people between the ages of 18 to 29 are doing the same. It looks like the Generation Y has scratched lottery tickets out of their to-do lists.

Post Cards Do Not Resonate To Them
There was a time when postcard sales reached 20 million every year. But presently, only 5 million are getting sold. Creation of email is responsible for rolling out the postcards. Later, with the introduction of Facebook and Instagram, the Internet became the widely distributed postcard. Millennials consider writing letters and sending them out a waste of time and money as they can do the same on the internet within seconds. For them, postcards are just a mere piece of decoration rather than a means for correspondence.

Stilettos Aren’t Comfortable
Millennials are prioritising their comfort over style. This is the reason why they do not consider stilettos their style anymore. They are no longer fans of high heels. Besides, they would wear something comfortable for the night. And such behavior of the Gen Y has pushed sneaker sales across the country. Brands that previously focused on heels are now starting to offer more comfortable alternatives to the millennials.

Against Investing Money
Chances are bleak that millennials will invest their money in life insurance and stock market. Reports suggest that seventy-five percent of millennials don’t have life insurance because they can’t afford it. Gen Y is so burdened with their finances that they don’t think about investing in the future. As far as stocks are concerned, only 13 percent of millennials admitted that they would invest in the stock market. In marketing experts’ view the reason behind this is that this generation witnessed a stock market crash and decided against making any investment.

Doorbells Don’t Ring Their Bells
Doorbells might ring bells for the previous generations but not for millennials. They no longer have doorbells outside their homes. They have reasons to ditch this seemingly necessary commodity. To begin with, many millennials are choosing to live in apartments instead of standalone homes, where doorbells just are not a fixture. However, even if it came with a doorbell option, millennials would not use it. Chances are that they would text their friends and family members that they have arrived rather than ringing the bell.

Dumping Off Cable Subscriptions
It is a well known fact that cable subscriptions are being kicked out of the market, and that millennials are contributing a huge role in the downfall of its sales. Gen Y lives in a digital world where they rely on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu. YouTube is also offering a cable alternative to its users at a much lower price than cable. Gen Y is the busy bee, so they have dumped the idea of cable packages so that they can watch their favorite shows anytime according to their own schedule.

Not Lovin’ McDonald’s
There was a time when McDonald’s drive-thru attracted a huge crowd of people to its restaurant, but younger customers just are not lovin’ it anymore. Besides, millennials are discovering healthier, fresher options when it comes to eating out. In addition to this, places like Chipotle are being preferred by the youngsters as they can easily customize their meals rather than picking one from a pre-decided menu. McDonald’s even attempted to attract the millennial crowd by releasing vegetarian burgers but so far they haven’t witnessed the desired result.

Checking Out Of Hotels
People have enjoyed staying in hotels and found comfort in ordering from room service when they booked a vacation package. But that is not the case with Gen Y. Millennials now look for more “authentic experiences” and they prefer living like a local by subletting an apartment or renting an AirBNB. The young travel enthusiasts are dodging luxurious hotels and choosing hostels or even a farmstay. Nonetheless, millennials are checking out of the expensive hotels and opting for less expensive comfortable stays.

Washing Off The Soap Bars
Millennials are revamping their grocery list and the one thing that they ticked off their list is soap bars. According to a MarketWatch report, 60 percent of Millennials are of the opinion that the bars of soap are crawling with germs and would rather use body wash to clean themselves. While 60 percent of Americans above the age of 65 said that they would use a soap bar to wash their face, in comparison to them, only a third of millennials said the same.

Casual Dining Isn’t Their Piece Of Cake
Millennials seem to enjoy two modes of eating restaurant foods. Either they are getting it delivered online or they are deciding to wine and dine with a reservation at a nice restaurant. Unfortunately, for places like TGI Friday’s and Applebee’s, they are not a part of either category. According to market studies, the sales at casual dining restaurants are declining over the last few years. Some CEOs believe that millennials are responsible for the decline as they are no more eating at these fast casual spots.

Department Stores Aren’t For Them
Department stores used to be one stop solution for all shopaholics. These stores are equipped with everything from designer clothing, shoes, perfumes to makeup. But guess the millennials think that these stores are not for them. Over a period of time these department stores are being replaced by something which is more accessible to youngsters: the Internet. Presently, millennials are choosing to spend their valuable time shopping from the comfort of their homes and getting deliveries right at their doorstep.

Designer Clothes Isn’t Their Fit
If you ever switch to any 2000s reality television show, you would witness a wide variety of brand named labels all over the stars. However, it is no longer a trend among the Millennial population. Instead, the Millennial population is choosing to spend their money more wisely on clothes and get their hands on thrift stores or fast fashion brands. Being an environmentally conscious generation, youngsters prefer these brands and stores as they do not cause a hole in their pocket and are environmentally friendly too.

Wine With Corks Do Not Fit Their Taste
Have your sip and dine plans turned out to be a disaster because someone forgot to bring a wine cork? Well, it seems like the Millennials took note of your experience and chose the screw-off wine tops rather than the conventional corked bottles. Millennial consumer behavior indicates that they prefer buying wine that is easier and friendlier to take to their friends’ homes and other get-togethers. And this is the reason why they have ditched the wines with corks.

Driven Away From Motorcycles
A few years ago you would witness roads flocked with motorcycles but not in the present days. The sales of motorcycles have gone drastically down over the last couple of years. Millennials' interest in motorcycles is far less than the previous generations. They are quite expensive, which is why places like Harley Davidson have started introducing less expensive options. Secondly, Gen Y is of the opinion that the maintenance of the motorcycle is as expensive as the motorcycle itself and they just are not ready for this financial liability.