It is extremely fun to photo-bomb someone but when the reverse happens, people are generally not very happy. Who would want a stranger yawning in their photo? Nobody! But for these people photo-bombing brought all the more joy because there weren’t some random people walking into their photos. Celebrities accidentally stepped into the perfect shots these people were about to take and made them extra special with their presence! None of these people were expecting their idols to pop their head in their photos but the shock value makes it that much more interesting. Here are some of the best captures of celebrities photo-bombing their fans!
A Sneaky Photo-Bomb
This couple would have never imagined that Jake Gyllenhaal would photobomb their selfie while they were just out for a date night. We all wish for such pleasant surprises but dreams like these don’t come true so easily. Gyllenhaal made this couple’s evening even more special by photobombing the picture. We aren’t sure if they knew who was sneakily making his way into their photo or if they discovered it the next morning, either way this was a once in a lifetime occurrence!

Here For The Celebration
Adam Sandler was coincidently in the area when this couple was taking their wedding photos. While the actor could have changed course to let the couple continue with their pictures, he decided to jump in and be a part of their special day. BTW was he missing his days on the set of The Wedding Singer? This role alone explains why he would be so happy to be a part of a wedding where he knows neither the groom nor the bride but is getting clicked with them!

Looking Right Into The Camera
It is tough to decide what’s funnier, the sudden appearance of John Krasinski in the frame or that he is posing for the selfie with those guys like he wanted to be a part of it. This is definitely the best surprise one can get at a baseball game (or anywhere else for that matter!). Not only was Krasinski framed perfectly between the two guys but it seems like they noticed who they were capturing accidentally because their smiles are huge!

Blessed By The Best
The incredible star of Hollywood, Bradley Cooper seems to have made his way to this couple’s wedding and made their big day even more unforgettable. That’s Cooper’s old college and he definitely had no plans to attend a wedding that day but fate had other plans. Cooper spotted the couple celebrating their wedding day and decided to bust into their photo-shoot! This couple could not have anticipated such a wonderful surprise on the day they would remember for the rest of their lives.

Choosing Sleep Over Celebrity Meeting
This kid had a little too much of pizza that day and just dozed off at the table in the restaurant. It couldn’t have come at a worst time because after this guy dozed off, a celebrity popped up on his table! But his sleep made him miss the greatest opportunity of hanging out with the huge star of Hollywood, Tom Hanks. The “Philadelphia” actor wanted the kid to wake up to a photo that would make him jump with joy and so, he posed with him without interrupting his snores!

A Dream Photobomb At Microsoft
Anybody in the world would be thrilled to visit the Microsoft offices so it wasn’t strange that this man wanted to take photo with this Microsoft sign to take back as a souvenir. But never in a million years could he have thought that his photo will be photobombed by the great Bill Gates himself! The guy had no idea while getting the photo clicked that the business magnate had appeared behind him but he probably jumped up and down in joy after seeing this photo!

A Smiling Face In The Background
Hugh Jackman getting clicked with his fans is enough to make this picture special. The actor smiling for the camera to make his fans happy is so pure but there is more to this photo. A closer look in the background reveals another star who stood there photo-bombing Hugh as he got clicked with fans. Patrick Stewart, another star from the X-Men movies is present and has managed to be a perfect photobomb! These fans were probably ecstatic to see the double celebrity dose they got.

Pleased To Meet Mr. Hanks
This couple got a dose of good luck when they bumped into Tom Hanks on their wedding day. The couple was taking wedding pictures in a park when they bumped into Tom Hanks while he was jogging. The star stopped to congratulate them on their special day. The couple was thrilled to see this legendary actor and their pictures leave no room for doubt. Not many people are lucky enough to meet their favorite celebrity on the most important day of their life. We hope this couple bought a lottery ticket after this!

Not A Casual Run Anymore
Celebrities don’t usually want to be noticed while they are out jogging. Their fans have such high expectations of how they look that bumping into them when they are all sweaty isn’t ideal. But sometimes just meeting a celebrity is enough, especially if it is an already special day. This couple was taking their engagement photos in a park when Amy Schumer spotted them during her jog. She just had to stop by to congratulate them and she didn’t care how sweaty she was and just posed for a few shots!

That Look At The Camera
Michael Cera seems really fond of the camera and even crazier about making way into his fan’s pictures. The way he comfortably got in the frame of the two guys showing off their shades is phenomenal. Now, they have a new thing to boast about – Michael Cera photobombing them! In this case, Alia Shawkat joined the star to create a picture that went viral. Their strange expressions are what make this photo extra funny. We wonder how the cameraman didn’t notice what was happening in the background!

An Extra Special Wedding Picture
Wedding day is full of excitement and some anxiousness for the couple who are ready to take the vows and start a new life. But one celebrity brought some extra thrill for this couple on their special day. Keanu Reeves appeared out of nowhere and decided to get clicked with the bride and groom. Who wouldn’t be excited to get clicked with a celebrity and that too on their wedding day? We bet this couple have this photo framed with Keanu as a sweet remembrance of the say they said ‘I Do’!

An Ironic Photo-Bomb
Wearing a Slash t-shirt for cycling around the town, this old woman never imagined that the lead guitarist of the rock band, Guns N’ Roses would be standing right behind her and give a surprise appearance in her picture. What makes this picture priceless is not the presence of the guitarist, but the fact that this grandma was blissfully unaware of his presence. We wonder if she ever turned back after the photo and realized her hero was standing behind her like a guardian angel!

When ‘The Boss’ Is Posing
We have all attempted to take a selfie at a concert hoping to get ourselves and the celebrity is the same frame. But how often do we succeed? It doesn’t happen so easily but this girl got super lucky when she managed to capture Bruce ‘The Boss’ Springsteen in a selfie while he was performing. This photo would have been amazing even if only a side Bruce’s face made the cut but here he is, full-on posing for the girl’s selfie. We know who lived the best day of their life at this concert!

Coachella For The Best Celebrity Photobomb
A couple’s random selfie at Coachella turned out to be extremely special and unexpected when Aaron Paul photobombed them. While Coachella is full of celebrities, it isn’t common to capture a star ‘accidentally’ in a selfie. The Breaking Bad actor was hanging out in the background when this couple took a picture, blissfully unaware of the star’s presence. It is sad that they didn’t notice earlier, who knows he might have said hello to them. But a picture is worth a thousand words so this wasn’t a bad deal!

A Royal Intruder
When we speak of royalty, we imagine poise, elegance, and sophistication but what happens when a prince is caught off guard? When Winnie Harlow was taking a photo with her manager at an event, Prince Harry was snapped in the background in an awkward position. We are guessing that he meant to make this funny face for Winnie but in case this was an accident, we hope the Prince didn’t break any protocol. But we bet even the queen won’t be mad at this funny face!

Two Stars One Photobomb
When this Modern Family fan bumped into Phil Dunphy aka Ty Burrell, she knew she had to take a picture with him. Even her dog was excited about having this special moment captured! But then out of nowhere, Breaking Bad star, Bryan Cranston stepped into the frame to ‘ruin’ the moment! The girl didn’t know she was posing next to two stars instead of one but we bet she squealed with joy when she finally saw the photo!

Greetings From Nicolas Cage
This new mom just wanted a picture taken at the supermarket in front of the wine section. When someone has stayed after from wine for 9 months, it makes sense they’d want a picture taken with their treasure when they can finally drink! But this woman got more than she had bargained for. Nicolas Cage was in the store and photobombed this woman and her baby to create the most epic photo. Years later her kid would look back at this photo and understand how lucky he was!

The Quintessential Paris Photo
Millions of people visit Paris each year and pose in front of the famous Eiffel Tower. You cannot visit the city of love and return back home without taking this quintessential photo! This group of people were doing the same but were interrupted by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger on a bike. The photographer was ready and so were the posers when Arnold decided to just casually stop by in front of their camera. This guy definitely knows how to photobomb and we can learn a thing or two from him!

When RiRi Was Not Pleased
Who doesn’t want to get a picture with the amazing singer, Rihanna? It would be a dream come true and this guy got that opportunity but Rihanna did not see that coming. RiRi’s expressions don’t lie! We wonder if he did this intentionally to get a spontaneous reaction or was it just an unplanned selfie moment. Either way, this man caught her off guard. It won’t be wrong to say that she doesn’t seem too pleased about it!

A Starry Night
Two guys bumped into the gorgeous actress, Felicia Day and asked to take a photo with her. Turns out, Felicia wasn’t the only one who acknowledged her fans with a photo that evening. Will Wheaton, her co-star in The Guild surprised them by appearing in the background. But when a beautiful woman is posing with her fans, how can Wheaton direct the spotlight on himself? He decided to ruin this sweet picture with a cheeky expression! We bet the boys weren’t mad at this, after all, they got two stars to pose with them!

A Surprise Second Celebrity
What is better than enjoying a game in the stadium? Meeting your favorite celebrity and getting clicked with them while your team wins! This guy was excited to spot Modern Family star, Eric Stonestreet and decided to take a picture with them. He was all smiles for Eric and the camera, not realizing who was behind him! TV legend, Neil Flynn had made his way into the photo behind the two smiling men. The boy had no idea that the Scrubs actor was also gracing his photo. Now that’s what you call a surprise second celeb!

Photobombing Like The Queen
Sometimes celebrities are happy to be a part of your photo without your noticing it and that makes the picture even more special. But this feeling is taken to the next level when you are photobombed by the queen herself! This rare incident happened with two young tennis players who were just taking a picture on the field. They had no idea that Her Majesty Elizabeth II was strolling past them. The Queen actually stopped and smiled at the camera from the background and created a viral photo!

Sneakily Paired Up With Parrots
This guy was so proud to be taking a photo with a pair of beautifully colored parrots. He was smiling his widest to match the energy of the birds but he had no idea that there was someone else in the background fighting for attention! Scott Pilgrim vs. the World fame Michael Cera turned towards the camera just in time to be captured behind this guy and his gorgeous parrots. That just adds to the humor factor of this photo!

A Not So Sneaky Photo
Are you also wondering why someone would post such a blurred and out of focus photo online? This woman never meant to take her picture in the first place! She wanted her friend to click a photo of former celebrity couple, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone while they were dinning in the same restaurant behind her. This was supposed to be a sneaky photo of the celebs but Stone and Garfield quickly understood what was happening and decided to pose for the picture!

Two Photos In One Frame
Jimmy Fallon has created an enterprise in photobombing people and he is pretty good at it! He is always looking for new opportunities to have fun with other people’s photos and he took it a notch up when he involved Chris Evans and Chris Pratt in his ‘crime’! During the Super Bowl back in 2015, Fallon and two of the best Chrises around photobombed a couple with their hilarious poses. It seems like these were supposed to be two photos and somehow got jumbled up in one frame!

Double Celebrity Dose
This happy lady was having the time of her life when she met iconic country music singer and songwriter, Keith Urban. He looks more than happy to click a picture with her and make her day. Isn’t that sweet? But the story doesn’t end here. Just as the two were gearing up to take a photo, another music icon, Taylor Swift strolled past them and accidentally ended up in the picture. She looks so guilty to be intruding in the photo but she probably made this woman even happier!

When The Prince Photobombs
Everyone has at least once dreamed of getting clicked with a member of the royal family. That’s one dream that won’t come true for most of us, except these guys. The best part is that they didn’t even try to get clicked with the prince, he photobombed them! During the Commonwealth Games, a group of rugby coaches were taking a selfie when Prince Harry stuck his two thumbs in the background to photobomb them. There couldn’t be any more joy in a photo!

Photobomber In His Element
If there is a perfectly timed selfie with a celebrity in the background, it is this! When this guy took a selfie with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson in the background, he was lucky to click at the right moment or else he would have missed the celebrity. The best part about this photobomb is that ‘The Rock’ was in his element and gave his most angry look to the camera for this epic photo!

Engaged To Photobombing
The best photobomb is when someone’s head magically appears out of nowhere. But this photo is even better because the head in question belongs to the iconic comedian, Dave Chappelle! A couple was taking engagement photos in a brewery in Ohio when out of nowhere, Dave pops in and photobombs them. The couple is posing for their photos while drinking beer without realizing what’s happening behind them but the photographer was quick to capture this epic moment!

Lord Of The Photobombs
Most of us remember Elijah Woods from his role as the little hobbit, Frodo, in the Lord of the Rings films. Those were some of the most entertaining movies with Woods almost convincing us that he was in fact a hobbit. But the truth is that he isn’t so short in real life. He might have been trying to prove that by photobombing this group of friends! He fits perfectly behind them without them even realizing it. Who knew Frodo was a sneaky little hobbit!

When Music Photobombs Soccer
Anyone who has ever followed the British pop sensation, Ed Sheeran on social media knows that he is a fan of soccer club Ipswich Town FC. When he is not making music, he cheering for his team on the field. But sometimes he likes to take it a step further by messing with the rival team! This photo is a huge example of Sheeran’s fun side. He didn’t shy away from ruining a photo of some rival fans on the day of a big game by popping in the background!

When Trudeau Treads
Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is known for his lively personality and the urge to make situations funny. So it isn’t strange that he is photobombing other people with his contagious smile. Two ladies were taking a picture while Justin happened to be in the background with some men. It seems like he was pumped up with the cheery smiles of these women and decided to pop his head up for the photo. But if the political leader was caught off guard, we still love his jovial face!

Caught At A Concert
Anyone who has ever been to a concert knows that clicking a picture near the stage is a must! This group of guys also attempted to take a cool picture while Justin Timberlake was singing up on stage in the background. But interestingly, the star saw what was happening and looked right into the camera posing with full swag to steal their thunder. Their expressions are of shock but we bet they went home happy and content with a real treasure in their phone!

To Be Or Not To Be
The legendary rock and roll frontman of Aerosmith, Steven Tyler photobombed a woman in a parking lot. She simply wanted a cute picture of herself when Tyler came in from the side dressed in red. It is difficult to say if he meant to be in this photo or if this was an accident. Either way he has made this photo memorable for this smiling lady. BTW on first glance we thought it was another lady with shades!

Whizzing Past The Celebrity
A big group of people were taking a photo to capture this special brunch when a celebrity photobombed them. With so many people filing the frame, can you spot a celebrity here? It’s almost like a Where’s Waldo? moment! On the left hand side, staring directly into the camera is none other than Wiz Khalifa! We bet it took these people a few long stares at this photo to spot the American rapper. But once discovered, this photo deserves to be framed and displayed on the mantel!

Beyoncé In The Shadows
What would be your reaction if you looked at a picture of yourself and realized that there was a person lurking in the shadows behind you? It would creep you out! But not this guy because when he looked at this picture he realized that none other than Queen Bey herself was standing behind him. The award-winning pop-R&B powerhouse, Beyoncé was passing by when this guy got his picture taken. We bet he pinched himself after finding out who photobombed him!

Bowled Over By Baseball Player
This girl is without a doubt a fan of the Brewers, her shirt says it all! It wouldn’t be wrong to say that this woman would have given anything to get a picture clicked with former baseball pitcher, Matt Garza. It looks like the genie granted her this wish when she went to watch a game! She got a picture taken of herself and behind her is the man himself! She had no idea at the time who was photobombing her picture with their adorable smile but we bet once she realized, she screamed in ecstasy!

Funnyman Makes An Appearance
Taking photos while watching a game at the stadium has become a necessity for people who don’t want to fall out of the social media game. But one person took it too far by photobombing other people’s selfies! The American stand-up comedian, actor, and voice artist, Ken Jeong was attending a baseball game when he decided to pop into a selfie of a couple of news reporters. Being a funnyman we wouldn’t expect any other expressions from him and the girls seem to enjoy it, so it’s all good!

Jennifer Photobombs Jennifer
Jennifer Lopez was taking a selfie for her Instagram at the 2015 Academy Awards. But she was photobombed by Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux. JLo could have clicked again to post on social media but she ended up sharing this photo with her fans! The starlet was happy to be photobombed by two other talented artists who attended the award show with her. The three look pretty comfortable together in this photo. Perhaps one day we’ll see them together in a talk show!

The Third Wheel
Anyone who has been dragged with their friend on a date knows how annoying it is to be a third wheel. But sometimes it can be fun too, like when you get a chance to ruin their romantic photos by popping your head in! That is exactly what George Clooney did when Cindy Crawford tried to click a romantic picture with husband, Rande Gerber. Clooney popped in with a funny face but instead of ruining the photo, he made it even more special. Cindy even posted it as such on her Instagram!