These Perfectly Timed Photos Will Take You By Surprise Every Time You Look At Them

More photos have been taken in the past decade than ever before, thanks to smartphones and affordable cameras. Usually you have an idea in your mind and get your camera ready to capture the perfect shot but realize you didn’t time it right. How disheartening! But sometimes things just fall into place and you click a picture without even realizing its perfection. That is exactly what happened with these people who had no idea they would end up with a gem of a picture when they tapped their fingers on the camera!

A Tumbled Photographer

We’ve seen people clicked while tumbling down and we are all guilty of laughing at it. But how many times have we seen a picture captured by a photographer while they were falling down? This picture is a first for most of us! This wedding photo probably made the cut in the final pictures since the bride and groom wouldn’t want to miss out such an iconic photo to remember their big day. The stunned expression of the wedding party is the icing on the cake.

Dolphin Trouble

Regardless of whether you like animals or not, you are certainly not afraid of dolphins. These gentle mammals of the ocean are everyone’s friends but this little girl doesn’t think so. Her parents wanted to capture her with this smiling dolphin but instead got two of the most contrasting expressions in a single frame. From her point of view, how can you expect her to smile when a giant unknown creature is less than a foot away from her face? This wasn’t the picture they were going for but this is so much funnier!

A Sleepy Sports Day

It takes a lot of energy and alertness to excel at any sport. One wrong move and you can end up really injured. This is especially true for pole vaulting with all the height involved. This woman however, is yawning while up in the air. Woman, if you are bored of pole vaulting you may want to try fencing in a hot air balloon just hovering above an active volcano. That might open her eyes and close her mouth!

Flying Carpet

This woman is living the Aladdin fantasy that too at a beach, we are so jealous! Or perhaps that’s a hover board prototype that hasn’t yet made it to the market. In reality, it is none. That’s just a wooden board with the shadow of a flag placed too perfectly and timed just accurately for a photo. Though we would have preferred the Aladdin carpet, the optical illusion this picture has created is also awesome. It’ll be fun to watch how many people are fooled by it!

Fish Faced

Princess Ariel made us fall in love with mermaids. Half human body and fish tail from the waist down gives them an exotic appeal but do you know what would be better than that? The reverse mermaid! Since mermaids are a fictional concept, it isn’t that odd to imagine a reverse mermaid that has the face of a fish and the body of a woman. We’ll wait for Disney to bring this concept to the screen, till then we are happy with this perfectly timed photo that gave us a peek of what our fantasy would look like.

A Swimming Accident

We’ve all experienced some disappointment while planning our leisure time. Sometimes our friends cancel on us and at other times the traffic delays our plans. But nothing prepares us for an accident like this on our swimming day. This woman’s swim session started with a hump on the head, what a bummer! But at least she got a funny story out of it to later tell her kids. Plus she even got a mention on this list, so all is well.

Catching A Plane

This picture is a cocktail of a brilliant idea, awesome photography skills and perfect timing! It just gave a new meaning to the phrase “catching a plane”. There is so much going on for this picture that we can’t find a flaw. It is a plane flying overhead and “caught” by the photographer, of course we love it. But the fact that it was shot through a puddle’s reflective surface as a selfie just takes it a notch higher.

A Special “Cocktail” Bath

Having a cocktail waterfall over your face while you take a nap on the lap of a smartly dressed woman, who wouldn’t want that? Probably this kid! The man in the picture has no idea what has transpired on his right but thankfully the woman realized that she splashed her cocktail over the poor kid or perhaps on her new dress. We don’t know what her shocked expressions are for but hopefully the kid had napped enough. This couple surely doesn’t need a tantrum on top of all this mess!

Shifting The Sun

We all know the struggle of driving when the sun is shining right into our eyes. It’s hard and all we want is for the sun to slightly change its direction and spare our eyes. That’s too far off a dream but this picture at least gives us the illusion that it’ll come true. The way the sun is captured with the crane seems like it is being shifted around. Kudos to the photographer who probably stood there for hours to get this epic shot. We just hope this crane will move around the sun some day!

A Not So Sweet Moment

Once you’ve had a hearty laugh at this woman’s expressions put yourself in her shoes. We’ll probably be crying and screaming if our dessert slipped off the plate like this. On the flip side, it wasn’t that bad though. She saved an hour at the gym, thanks to the brave cheesecake who decided to sacrifice itself and fall to its death. Who are we kidding here? Of course she applied the 3 second rule and gobbled the tempting piece of goodness in one go!

Blending With The Nature

The colors of nature are beautiful and we can never stop admiring the pretty elements of nature - the sky, the sea, the plants and what not! When surrounded by any of these elements, it is refreshing for our mind and how we wish to be fused with nature! 

Speaking of fusion, this girl is merged with the sea and the sky, all because of her outfit. She would have never thought that her t-shirt and jeans would be so “appropriate” for a beach day. You can’t help but keep looking at this picture.

Kissed By A Little Frog

We’ve heard about warts on frogs but certainly not about a wart that looks like a tiny frog. This one right here decided to sit on this woman’s face right when she was ready to be clicked. Talk about photobombing! We love the depth and detail in this picture, from the freckles to the grey eyes, everything looks picture perfect and then the wart settled on her face like a mole. We wonder if we should complain or just delve into its rare beauty.

Christ’s Lightning

If anyone’s faith in Christ is beginning to waver, they need to see this picture. The famous “Christ the Redeemer” statue seems to be emitting lightning on a dark night as a show of its power. One of the most surreal scenes if you ask us! Of course it is just a perfectly timed photograph that captured lightning as it flashed behind the statue. But believing in a little magic never hurt anyone!

Two In One

Every so often we try to get a good picture clicked but instead end up with a funny shot of our friends doing something silly in the background. That’s kinda what happened with this girl who was flashing her best smile for the camera but her friend stole the spotlight. We don’t think she meant to overshadow her friend with this trick of hers. Was she trying to wash her face with beer or pour it into her mouth in a fashion that goes against the laws of physics? Let’s just say we better not trust her with a bottle of champagne!

A Strong Headed Woman

Let’s all unanimously call this the best timed photo ever! Of course, we’ve all seen people do headstands and it’s really cool. But not many people have attempted to capture this talent in a still photo, do you know why? One moment after this perfect pose, the person tumbles down like dirty laundry! Clicking the picture at this exact moment is next to impossible so three cheers for this photographer here!

Focused To Yawn

Being in the military means you have to stay focused all the time. Even though soldiers are trained for this, they are humans too and can have weak moments. Let’s not blame this soldier for yawning in the middle of a military parade. It isn’t easy to maintain focus during a parade where you can’t even look left or right, let alone talk to a friend or zone out. He’s lucky they didn’t say anything about moving their mouth!

Dancing For Demons

How this woman is doing this is beyond us but the way she is clicked mid-dance is giving us the shivers! Of course dancers have a lot of flexibility and we understand she didn’t hold this pose for long but we are still spooked. It isn’t only how she was captured mid-dance but her jet black hair, red gloves and the apparent weightlessness together that is making her appear possessed. We hope she danced her way out of the demon’s clutches.

Sweatshirt Mistake

No matter how you wear this sweatshirt, it will be inappropriate. But had this woman worn it how it was supposed to be worn, the damage would have been less. It isn’t only the pose or that it was draped in an unfortunate way or even that it is a Mickey Mouse. The biggest issue here is that this woman is standing in a line at a theme park and a bunch of kids might have seen her. We hope she didn’t ruin some childhoods that day!

Pot Of Gold Awaits

As a kid we’ve all heard stories of the leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and wished to someday find it. We forgot about this childhood fantasy as we grew older until we saw this picture. We bet the person who clicked this picture had planned to follow this road till the end and try their luck at finding the pot of gold. But mid way they were mesmerized by the beauty of this scene and instead stopped to capture this epic shot.

Half And Half

What kind of a creature is that? Half the head looks like a human and then suddenly there are whiskers sprouting below the nose with a strange mane like beard. Are we hallucinating? To our collective relief, this is just someone’s failed attempt at getting a cute picture with their pet cat. The feline took the ticking of fingers as a perfect clue to jump up towards their owner. The resulting photo is probably better than the original idea!

"Red Faced" Girl

We don’t know how this happened but we want to believe that the cameraman had their fingers ready to capture this particular moment. If we’ve ever come across a picture that was real but looked photoshopped just for its sheer coincidence, it is this one! The round red ball replaces this woman’s face too perfectly and reminds us of Spiderman's Mysterio. The ball-headed villain wasn’t much different from this picture, he just didn’t have as many sparkles!

Guests From Space

We are convinced these are aliens visiting our planet for their yearly vacation. They just figured it would be better to hide their strange faces behind metal helmets to not startle earthlings with their appearance. The woman on the right is also flabbergasted with their looks and can’t take her eyes off them. We love our imagination that turned this perfectly timed photo into an alien holiday picture! In our defense, the metal pole aligns too well with the heads of the two gentlemen sitting on the bench.

Filming Snow Fights

Even though we want from all our heart to believe that this is a real life version of Frozen, it isn’t the case. It isn’t even a new crazy hairstyle, that would have been a good consolation after our “Frozen” dreams were dashed. This is the perfectly timed photo of a snow fight. Though it may sound less exciting than the other fantasies our minds generated, it still is awesome. A snowball crashing on someone’s head and splitting in rays giving the impression of a full head of hair, that’s dreamy!

Dunkster In Making

Jumping high up in the air to smash the ball through the basket is not new for a basketball court. But the way this guy is captured casually floating mid air is impressive. This guy surely has some skills that’ll help him ace the game. We wonder if his jumping skills will ever be useful in day-to-day life outside of the court. Perhaps, at the supermarket to reach stuff on the higher shelves!

The Wrong Ball

We bet the dog was expecting a tennis ball when their human asked them to play catch. But being the good boy he is, he caught the full football in his mouth. And bam, someone was ready with a camera to capture the shot. Those expressions are of intense shock though and perhaps a sliver of pride mixed in. But we don’t know if he’ll ever want to play this game again, poor doggo!

Posing For Selfie

Posers or not, we all want to join this gang taking a selfie! It is fun to imagine what happened one second before the picture was taken and a minute after that. It does look like the cat is handling the technology while the dogs stand behind and look confused. A least that’s what we want to believe. But for the love of animals, we hope the cat was okay after whatever stunt it pulled to get this shot taken!

Eyeing The Fish

The Marine Hunter

What even is this hat wearing hunter of marine life? That’s the body of a man but the face is replaced by a fish! This picture could go on international news with the headline “Sea Monster On The Lose, Found Fishing On A Boat” but alas, we know this is just a perfectly timed photo. Someone was trying to capture the big fish this man caught but at the exact moment it jumped up and made for this scary photo. Let’s all vow to not show this picture to our kids, ever!

Falling Background

It’s just a regular photo of a man posing near a swimming pool. Apart from the fact that he is flaunting his biceps, nothing is interesting about this photo. Wrong! A closer look at the background reveals the epic moment before a hilarious fall! The two women in the background were so busy talking they didn’t realize where the edge of the pool was. The photographer unknowingly captured the moment before she fell head first into the pool and we can’t stop imaging whatever happened one moment after this click!

Holiday Gone Wrong

Don’t we all feel this guy’s pain? After a hectic week all we want is to just grab a cooling drink and relax on freshly mowed lawn. Just imagine what happens when such a simple plan goes horribly wrong! This man knows what it feels like to have your Sunday plans ruin without much effort. The weekend doesn’t seem to be going well for him. The moment he plopped himself on the recliner, it busted and there he was with his drink splattered all over him!

The Musical Clouds

Is that statue smoking a pipe? Or perhaps the statue playing the trumpet is singing songs of weather. That would have been interesting but alas, it is just optical illusion. But the way this picture was timed and clicked works as a consolation for us! The clouds were of the perfect shape and at the right place at the right time. Too much of a coincidence but it is hard to believe that someone would have planned this click.

An Airplane Worth Framing

An airplane captured flying right in the middle of the building. What are the odds? Imagine standing outside your home and deciding to take a random picture of the sky above you. A second later, you end up capturing this. Something like this can never be planned and that’s where the beauty lies. We wonder what people residing in that building have captured on their phones. Perhaps a hot air balloon or an eclipse, we are waiting for more of these!

Missed Landing

Tossing gummy bears in the air and trying to catch them straight into the mouth is not an original idea anymore. So what happens when someone wants to play this game but with a unique food item? Something like this happens. We are screaming on the inside seeing how her ice cream scoop plopped on her shoulder instead of her mouth. She not only lost her treat but now has more laundry to do. That’ll be a bad day in our books!

The Creepy Guy

The first time you look at this photo, you’ll also be calling this guy creepy. Trying to touch a woman while she’s all smiles for the camera with a friend is just wrong but is that what this really is about? Perhaps our brain is weird, it sees what it wants to see. Upon closer look you’ll realize it is a case of epic optical illusion. The man’s arm aligns perfectly with the other woman’s hand. Less creepy more creative, that’s what we are all about!

A Jenga Attack

Every game is fun until it starts to attack you! These two kids learnt it the hard way when their Jenga tower began to collapse and hit them in the process. We bet their experience was close to meeting the Hogwart's Whomping Willow! As for the adults standing nearby, their expressions are a mix of bewilderment, horror and relief for not being the ones taking the hit! It is good the kids’ view is obstructed by the Jenga pieces, those are not the expressions they’d want to see on these guarding adults!

Purrfect Karma

If you have a cat in your house you have already witnessed such a scene. They are known for their mischievous ways, knocking things over and all around making a mess for their owners or rather, their staff. But for this one time, the mischief was rewarded with purrfect Karma. After this hilarious accident, the owner probably treated the feline with some catnip and a can of tuna. Of course after it was dried down with a towel, the things we do for our masters!

Day In The Wild

Whatever this woman had planned for the day, it wasn’t this! She just wanted to have some quiet time with the birds, feed them and probably just make friends with them. Sadly, it didn’t go as planned. The expressions on her face are of utter shock like she didn’t expect the ostrich to come this close. This isn’t the friendly moment she had pictured in her mind. The bird surely is enjoying the moment of terror it created. Talk about sadists!

Timing The Headrail

Now that’s what you call skater solidarity! One friend lending his head for support to a fellow skater as he wall rides, that’s what we are all about. No matter how much we want to see their friendship through this picture, it isn’t what it’s trying to be. The skater guy was clicked at the exact moment his hand aligned with the other man’s head. It could have been a missed moment easily but thank god for the photographer who froze it in time and saved the day!

Fainting At Altar

This would have been a beautiful wedding photo of the bride and groom kissing after saying their vows. But that’s too standard and not up to the bridesmaid’s liking so instead she fainted and left the groom wondering is he should kiss the bride or give her CPR. We bet it became their favorite story from their big day! We can imagine the bride telling her kids, “And that’s how Aunt Katie passed out on the altar and posed for this epic picture.”!

Tricking With Treats

Most of us have tried to capture our pets in a perfect photo but who has really succeeded? They’ll look away or move or just jump out of the frame just when we tap the button. But someone managed to click the most epic picture of their dog. The dog is smiling ear-to-ear at the thought of enjoying his treat and has probably not noticed the camera trying to sneakily capture the moment. Perhaps that’s the way to go- trick your pet with a treat and click all you want!

Discomfort Food

Is there anyone on this planet who doesn’t love pizza more than their entire existence? Let’s be clear here, if such a person exists we don’t think we trust them very much! We are all united by our love for pizza which is why this picture pains us equally. The woman was excited to make a pizza and get a great picture with it. But one moment of distraction and all her dreams of delving into some comfort food were dashed. Legend says she is still mourning over this accident.

The Floating Flame

Was the photographer spooked when he clicked the picture of this little lamp and saw that the flame was on the “wrong side”? Probably not because this is more technology than magic! We have taken photography for granted now that it’s been around for years. We assume that we see with a camera what we can see with our own eyes. But thanks to fast shutter cameras of today, we are viewing something that we couldn’t have done unassisted.

Leaning The Tower

Kids from around the world have tried their hand at creating the perfect shot for “The leaning tower of Pisa” but this one takes the cake. We are impressed by all the people who made this photograph possible. The poser, the two people carrying her and of course, the photographer who aligned everything to the T! We wonder how many hours of trial and error it took them to reach this epic result but it was totally worth it.

A Field Day

Believe it or not, this is a picture of the leader of the free world, Bill Clinton while playing football on a beach in South Carolina back in 1993. Whether in the Oval Office or on the field, American leaders know what they are doing! This may not be a good catch or even good form, but if you don’t have someone in your team who is ready to stop the ball with their face, you aren’t playing it right! It is the winning that counts, right?

Flying Goalkeepers

Being mid-air with such arched backs and focused eyes is making these cats look like they are the goalkeepers in a soccer match. Of course we are imagining too much with this scenario but what else could have happened that would them up in this pose? Perhaps they were scared by a giant bug flying right in their direction and ended up jumping back as a reflex. Even though this makes more sense, we still hope they were playing some sport after all, who doesn’t like sporty cats?