This Girl Thought She Had Lost Her Wallet But Received Something Unexpected In Her Mail

Watching your favorite sport live while sitting in the stadium is quite an exciting experience. However, amid the crowded stadium, there are a few things that the spectators need with them - an alert mind and attentive nature. Taylor Sloan’s experience proves the above statement true as she was just expecting a fun-filled day at the super motocross games in January 2016 in Oakland, California but she returned home only to discover something missing. However, she was one of the lucky ones as she was reunited with that lost thing. The reunion is what took over the internet and you’ll know why!

Young, Motivated And Cheerful

The 22-year-old sports enthusiast, Taylor Sloan Santa Rosa, California is a kind-hearted girl who believed in doing good deeds and appreciating people for their smallest wonderful gestures. She graduated from Sonoma State University and received a law degree that gave her an entry ticket into the real world of law. The bright sunny days in California were a motivation for this young girl to spend her time outdoors and do what she loves when she has an off day from work.

Stadiums – Her Happy Place

Taylor was always in for watching the games in the stadiums and was the happiest while cheering for her favorite team. MBA giants or San Francisco’s NFL 49ers, she was always excited for a game and to have a great time watching the field happenings. Apart from these conventional sports, Taylor loved adventurous events that happened in the state. So, when the super motocross event had its tickets on sale, she jumped and grabbed hers to witness the race!

Be A Responsible Attendee

Such sporting events are always crowded with a little space to pass through the tiers and find a seat. For security reasons, these events are conducted with a strict set of rules for the audience. Apart from decorum, there are guidelines regarding the stuff people carry with them. Taylor was aware of all of it and this time, when she was heading for the motocross event on January 30, 2016, she just had a pink wallet with her that contained some cash, her ID, and a debit card.

A Thundering Event

The motorbike racing events are definitely loud and thrilling. Taylor Sloan was headed to an even crazier category of such events. She was attending the most famous motocross race - Monster Energy’s Supercross Live of that season that features numerous tracks and hurdles across the country. She was expecting a huge crowd, loud cheering by the audience, and unbelievable energy in the surroundings. Taylor found herself attracted to this clamor and was a part of it. But she was unaware of something really important happening there.

Smart Decision?

Taylor might have made a smart decision of carrying a small wallet with her to the event but she could not anticipate that it was not entirely in her favor. One tiny mistake followed this decision and she regretted it later. “I had one of those wallets that doubles as a mini-purse. It probably should have been inside something, but I didn’t want to carry much, so I just had it in my back pocket,” Taylor explained.

Wallet In Trouble

She thought about convenience while heading to the event but she could have never predicted how her plan would backfire. While she focused on the event, she could not pay attention to her belongings. Amidst all the enjoyment and hubbub of the racing cars, her pink wallet might have jumped out of her pocket and gone for an adventure and Taylor could not even tell at that moment.

Loss Of A Possession

The things that had been with us for a long time are always important to us regardless of their monetary value. So, when we lose them, it is shattering! That’s what happened with Taylor. “I had my wallet in the back of my pocket and probably just lost it when I sat down in my seat,” she confessed. The pink wallet had her debit card and ID that are really crucial things carrying personal information. She was stressed and didn’t know if she would ever find her pink wallet again.

It’s All About The Luck

The incidents where people lose their valuables in a crowded place are not rare. It happens a lot but the outcome is different for distinct scenarios. Some are fortunate enough to find their possession after searching for a while but others have to live with the materialistic loss. If ill-luck follows, even the “Lost & Found” department may turn out to be futile. How much luck did Taylor carry with her that day along with the pink wallet in her back pocket?


With high spirits and zeal, Taylor entered the premises of the Supercross Live event looking forward to a great day with her friends oblivious to the happenings that would ruin it for her. She was on her seat happily involved in the race and cheering loudly. She had no clue that her wallet was not with her anymore. The game had gripped her and she was not paying attention to anything else but the fun lying ahead.

That Star-Crossed Moment

After a while, Taylor sensed something wrong and that’s when she found out that her wallet was no longer with her. “I didn't see it was lost until the event was over,” she recalled. This was the hardest part and the most devastating thing to notice after having a gleeful day. She could not recall it falling to the ground or someone stealing it. Where was she supposed to look for it?

Unable To Process

Taylor was baffled by this experience and could not absorb the fact that she just lost her wallet and all the things in it. It seemed like everything happened in the blink of an eye and she could not zero in on that instance. The 22-year-old tried to recall all that happened when she entered the stadium and sat on her seat but it was all just a blur. The excitement was piquing when she had stepped into the arena and that was about it!

Traveling Back A Few Moments

She was shocked and panicking but that wasn’t the solution. There had to be an option that would transport her back in time and she could hold on tight to her little pink wallet before jumping excitedly during the game. But this is real life and that wasn’t possible, right? She had no time to waste as a lot could go wrong in the next few minutes and she needed to take an action.

First Step - The Debit Card

Although it was hard to wrap all of it around her head, Taylor finally came to terms with it. There was no hope of finding her wallet as it vanished without leaving a trace. She had to move on and avoid further damage. Her debit card was in there too and it wasn’t a safe scene when it is in an unknown person’s hand. The consequences could be worse and to steer clear of them, she had to cancel her debit card immediately.

Few Clicks And Sorted

Canceling one’s credit or debit cards is just a matter of a few clicks these days and Taylor was thankful for that. She was not suffering any financial loss except around $40 cash that was there in the wallet. But this whole incident was taking a different turn and was becoming more than just another case of a lost wallet. After making sure her bank account is safe, she had another task at hand.

Essential Things

Apart from the debit card, her wallet also had her ID in it. Now, she could not drive around without her license and it’s definitely inconvenient. Her hands were tied until she had a new driver’s license with her. For achieving that, she had to head over to the DMV and report the incident. She desperately needed the license and she could not travel around the city without it. But there was a long road before a new license was issued to her.

The DMV Process

Many things were going on in her head as losing her wallet came with its own troubles starting with spending her time standing in a queue at the DMV and waiting for her turn to receive a new one. While she was there all sweaty and exhausted with the process, there was something else going on a few miles away.

Nasim Lawrence

Many people were watching the Motocross race in the arena that day when Taylor’s wallet fell off and gave a distressing ending to her otherwise joyful day. Among those cheerful people, there was one 10-year-old kid, Nasim Lawrence who was enjoying the game like everyone else. But what he came across during the game was unexpected for a young kid like him. That wasn’t all, he had a lot in store ahead after stumbling upon that item.

Wallet’s New Friend

So, turns out, this 10-year-old spotted a lonely wallet on the ground with no owner in sight. Nasim picked it up without any hint of who it could belong to among the hundreds of people who came there for witnessing the popular show. He was puzzled as he encountered this situation and did not know his next plan of action should be in such a bewildering case.

Pink Wallet On The Ground

Nasim Lawrence was also present at Supercross Live with his family on January 30, 2016. Taylor was unsuspecting of the terrible moment that just took place with her and unfortunately, no one around her noticed the wallet falling off her back pocket. However, this boy chanced upon it while excitedly moving towards the concession stands with his parents. One look down on the ground and something caught his attention instantly. He noticed it and screamed for his parents to listen, “I found a wallet!”

Taking It To Safety

The pink wallet lying on the ground had grabbed this boy’s attention and he quickly informed his parents about his find. It seemed like an important and valuable thing as there can be a lot in a small wallet. Nasim picked up that wallet and sat on his seat. He wanted to find its owner and so, his parents examined the wallet to check if there is any ID in it that can help them track down the owner.

A Thorough Inspection

Nasim and his parents were comfortable in their seats and opened the wallet. They gave a thorough look inside it and found some cash, a debit card, and a driver’s license. They read the name on that ID – Taylor Sloan, a blonde young woman as they inferred from the photo. Nasim was confident that he could find that girl in the crowd. “We’re sitting there and the whole night, he can’t focus on the motocross…because he’s looking at every single lady that looks like Ms. Sloan,” Nasim’s father shared.

Diversion Of Mind

Instead of watching the motocross event for which he was there, Nasims’s focus was now on spotting Taylor Sloan in that crowded stadium. He was not taking a sigh of relief until he found the woman whose wallet was in his hand. Whenever he saw any young blonde in the arena, he identified her with Taylor Sloan’s picture on the driving license. On any such encounter, he would yelp, “Dad, I think that’s her! Dad, I think that’s her!”

Observing Closely

The 10-year-old might be using his observation powers to the fullest at that moment but it was not yielding any result. It’s tough to find a particular person in such a huge crowd especially when you are just relying on an ID. His father had to explain to him that they can’t ask every woman there about the lost belonging. It was not logical and so, they had to follow another direction to accomplish the mission.

A Package On The Doorstep

Taylor had applied for a new driving license and was waiting for it to arrive so that she can drive again. However, two days later a package arrived in Sonoma County where Taylor’s mom lived. The license could not be delivered to the wrong address and that too in a box. It created a mystery for her mom. Why would a package addressed to Taylor be on her mom’s doorstep?

Unknown Return Address

She called her daughter to inform her about the package that came in with Taylor’s name on it. It was all perplexing for both the women. “She sent me a snap of the front [but] I didn’t recognize the return address, so I told her to go ahead and open it,” Taylor revealed. They would need tissues after the unboxing!

Confusion Took Over

The mystery had taken over her mom’s house and the package was even messing with Taylor’s head as she had no clue what it could be. All she was waiting for was her driving license and it could not be delivered to her mom. Her mother could not let this confusion prevail for long and so, she opened it as Taylor suggested. Everything was at sixes and sevens until the items in the box were revealed.

Revealing The Contents

Apparently, the Lawrence family took the wallet home and were kind enough to mail it to the address that was mentioned on Taylor’s driving license. It reached where it had to and caught them off guard. But the wallet was not the only thing inside the package, it carried something more that would lead to a few tears here and there.

Benevolence Poured Through Words

The tiny pink wallet sat there in the box with one note by its side. It was a hand-written letter by that 10-year-old kid, Nasim Lawrence. In the letter, he had addressed Taylor with some heart-warming words and she was in awe of the little kid and his kindness. This note was just the beginning of a story that would involve many twists and turns.

Gesture That Left Her Speechless

As Taylor’s mom read every line written in that letter, Taylor was surprised by such a young kid and his thoughtfulness. She was awestruck by his act of kindness and the way he felt about this situation. “I was overjoyed… He sent me all my belongings back, but I didn’t even care about that. I was like, ‘The letter is adorable!’ I want to share it with everybody! So that’s exactly what I did,” she expressed. “I was ecstatic. It was the sweetest thing. It was adorable.”

From Facebook To The World

After Taylor absorbed all the positivity, she was eager to post the letter on Facebook and let the people know about a 10-year-old’s kind gesture and how it touched her. It was incredible and the response she received on that post was unimaginable! Her post received many likes and it was shared by many users who were moved by this amazing act of kindness. It went viral and it was just a matter of time until the story reached some major news channels.

Experiencing Fame

Their story was all over the news channels and soon, everyone was talking about the beautiful gesture. Nasim’s mother was proud of her son and said during an interview, “His school principal came up to him and said, ‘You’re famous!’” Mrs. Lawrence was on Facebook as soon as she was told this. She was over the moon as she scrolled through the channels posting her son’s story and appreciating him.

Definitely A Big Deal

It was a joyous time in both homes as they saw their story going viral on the internet. They had never thought that one small moment of losing and finding would bring them to this place of fame. However, they still had a lot more in store for them that was not yet disclosed. They just had to sit tight and be prepared for the most adventurous ride they were booked for.

Singing Praises

Taylor was being interviewed by various news channels and she was all praise for the young boy, Nasim, who inspired her and many others. “It was just this simple act of kindness that just warms my heart… I'm glad it's getting attention. It obviously goes to show that he comes from a really great family,” she shared. But there was another wholesome side to this tale.

Expressing “Sweet” Gratitude

That one heartwarming letter was enough for Taylor to tell how wonderful this kid is. She had not yet met Nasim in person but she wanted to do something to bring a smile to his face. As a "thank you", she mailed back Nasim a sweet package. She added a $20 reward and a bag of candies in the parcel to let him know that his kindness had touched her. She was hoping to share a few more letters and packages with him just like pen pals do!

From Pen Pals To Real Pals

Taylor looked forward to exchanging more such letters with him or maybe meeting him one lucky day. “The fact that he took the time to write it and it was so cute and my favorite line was -- I'm glad I got it instead of some bad person,” Taylor revealed. When Nasim’s mom heard about her son going viral, she quickly sent a friend request to Taylor and they were in touch. It was time that these kind people shared a couch and have an actual conversation!

On The Ellen Show

Since their tale of kindness had been traveling around the world, it also reached Ellen DeGeneres and she invited them on her show for a chat. The Lawrence family and Taylor Sloan appeared in an episode of the show and talked about their experience. Nasim and Taylor were finally meeting each other! Ellen asked each of them to narrate their side of the story for the world to know the incredible chain of events that led them here.

Applauding The Kindness

“We need to reinforce there are good people out there,” Ellen exclaimed while being impressed by the two young selfless, and benign people. Nasim and Taylor were thrilled to be a part of the show and they were grateful for Ellen’s words of appreciation for them. That was not all for these amazing guests on The Ellen Show. There were a few surprises lined up in the backdrop.

Customized Chained Wallet For Taylor

Ellen had a perfect gift for Ms. Sloan. In that light-hearted environment, Ellen remarked, “I don’t want you to lose a wallet again, so I got you a gift.” The next thing that showed up on the stage was definitely amusing as one can expect from Ellen. One of the staff members brought a long metal rope that was attached to a new wallet. That chain is connected to the body from one end and hence, no more loss! Ellen had something mind-blowing planned for the Nasim too.

Dreams Coming True

The interview was taking an exciting turn as they moved forward with the questions and the audience was applauding these two for reinstating their faith in humanity. Ellen asked Nasim about the $20 that Taylor sent over to him. He answered, “I love video games, so I’m gonna save up my money and buy some new video games.” After he explained his dream to buy video games, Ellen declared, “We want you to have more than that, so we’re going to give you all of this… $1000 worth of video games.”

Those Priceless Expressions

That one announcement left everyone on that couch awestruck. Nasim’s dream of owning a few latest video games was fulfilled and how! The Lawrence family was going home with gifts loaded in the trunk that included the latest Xbox One gaming system, PlayStation 4 gaming system, and a red gaming chair. Nasim’s one act of kindness landed him in such a positive place with love and appreciation coming his way from all around.

Parents Couldn’t Be Prouder

Nasim’s parents watched their son set a perfect example of what kindness looks like. He showed everyone the unbelievable impact of one such selfless act. “It feels kind of odd because I've never got this fame before,” he shared. Nasim had just picked up a wallet he saw on the ground and mailed it to the person it belonged to just because it was an “honest thing to do.” He never thought that those few seconds would bring him here. How inspiring is that!

Heart Of Gold

Nasim Lawrence was truly concerned for Taylor’s lost wallet as when they mailed the package to Taylor, he was eager to know if it would be at her door in time. The kid kept asking his dad. “He said, ‘Well, dad, do you think we're going to get it to her before she has to go to the DMV?’ He didn't want her to stand in the DMV line,” Nasim’s dad shared. This pure-hearted kind soul has given out a very strong message to the world with his gesture.