Humans have been fascinated with photos more than ever! From GoPros to smartphones, people have so many options to document their life and what goes around them. Every photo has a story behind it because now is the era of story-tellers with cameras. Brilliant compositions and perfectly timed frames never fail to indulge the onlookers into weaving their own stories, wondering about the possibilities with curiosity. One can see right in their eyes that a photograph has lit up a spark of excitement in their heads. These photos did just that with their perfect timing and framing!
If “Just Hanging Around” Had A Face
Being able to jump high is a pre-requisite for a basketball player. The higher they are able to jump, the better chance they have at scoring a basket. But are they supposed to jump up even when they are nowhere near the ball? This one player is seen calmly levitating while his team-mates are hustling for a basket. Perhaps he already played his part, but we think the photographer present there was capturing meme-worthy frames. If that as his intention, he certainly succeeded because this is an epic shot!

Something’s Fishy
This pelican doesn’t seem to understand the laws of physics while trying to hide a fish in its bill. It might feel sorry after a while for flunking science lectures, but today its mischief has been revealed! The picture is taken from the perfect angle where the light illuminates the pelican’s bill in such a way that the silhouette of the fish is clearly visible. Who do we give credit to for this masterpiece- the photographer or the pelican?

Tom-Mouse Cruise
The little guy innocently reminds us of Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible, while it’s caught red-handed trying to hide in a clever place. Who knows what this extra-skilled member of the rodent family was up to? Perhaps the house owners watch too many action films and this little hero picked up a few stunts while living rent free. But we guess Tom-Mouse Cruise’s game is over today. The enemy with the mobile phone was ready with the camera on and Facebook open, ready to expose it.

Catching A Flight
We can all agree that if you are a procrastinator, catching a flight while mentally battling the stupendous traffic on the roads can be a challenging task. Sometimes, the traumas of missing a flight dance in your dreams and affect the waking life too. This picture is beautifully timed. One thing that stands out in this picture is the skill that can only be attained after a certain period of practice. We believe the photographer is either a procrastinator who missed a flight, or a pro at catching a flight last minute!

A Head-Bump In Process
People from different backgrounds have different ways of social greeting and so do the animals. Most animals can’t behave well around humans, except a dog. Here in this photo, the little lamb seems too excited. Perhaps they were trying to celebrate its birthday and in his excited state, it took the human by surprise. What’s there to be scared of? That might just be the way this poor pet expresses its excitement. No harm in a little head-bump to make it feel a little more at home!

Loading ‘Cat Lord'
The whole cat family is known to be among the proudest animals. When a group of lions is called ‘A PRIDE’ what are we expecting from cats? Even though cats have been domesticated, they still treat humans like their slaves! Perhaps that’s why this cat didn’t cooperate with its human when they decided to take a picture. The end result looks like a scary cross between a human and a cat. We’ve learnt our lesson- never mess with felines, definitely not for a photo!

It is a bit farfetched but if you know your geography well, it might strike you that it somehow looks like the reverse of the sphinx of Egypt. The sphinx has a human face and animal body, whereas in this picture, body of a lady is topped by a dog’s head. This clever photograph might just be a prank played by a friend who had a clever eye and had perfect timing. It’s all about the angle of the woman and her dog at which they are sitting in line with the camera.

Say Hello To My Friends
Cat people and dog people don’t ever go well along with each other. But here a cat seems to have taken an ambitious step to end that prejudice. This cat is trying to put a message across- if cats and dogs themselves can get along, what is the issue with their owners? Or perhaps it is a really naughty cat and is going to record a black-magic ceremony of converting dogs into cat-worshippers too, just like their hoomans. Who knows, cats are catty after all!

Chasing The Rainbows
How many of you have heard the story that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? This photographer might have also heard it and thought of showing his friends on social media that he is going to be rich soon. All he needs to do it keep traveling on this road and hopefully, he’ll reach his pot of gold. In case he doesn’t, let’s hope he finds another rainbow to chase!

Sword-Fish Warrior
The two ladies are on a peaceful vacation and they just want their pictures to be clicked while the light is good. But so does the whale jumping into the frame, desperate to get a good picture for its tinder profile. This smart whale already has an anthem recorded and ready. But from a viewer’s perspective, the whale’s timing and position in the frame makes it look like a sword handle, and the lady looks like a rebellious warrior on vacation straight out of Game of Thrones.

The Royal Photobomb
The Queen of England is one of the most important figures in the world. Though she bears a ton of responsibilities, Her Royal Highness manages to steal a moment or two to have fun. After all, it is moments like these, accompanied by bits of childish-happiness that keep us going. These two girls must consider themselves lucky and blessed to capture the Royal Smile along with theirs. Being at the right place at the right time can’t be justified more. Perfect timing!

When A Clown Wants A Burger
This might not be a drive-thru window and the people in the picture might not be restaurant employees, but what’s the harm in making up a story? The matching outfits of the three people make them seem like a team wearing uniforms so who knows, they really might be employees! The clown in the van outside is photobombing them as if he is an angry customer waiting for his food while the staff is clicking photos. The story is wild but so is the picture!

Elastic Man
We know what you might be thinking, but no, it is just an illusion. No normal man can have arms this long. But sometimes watching the reality closely takes away the fun out of something that at one glance looked beyond normal and lit up some curiosity. What would you have done if you had arms this long? Would you have picked pockets or be a friendly neighborhood bulb-changer? Some people will just use their long arms to scratch their backs nicely!

At A Levitation Camp
Photographers can’t control gravity and make things levitate, but they can control how the viewer will interpret the picture at a first glance. In this photo a shadow is cleverly used near the tent that gives an illusion of it being suspended mid-air. The scenery in backdrop feels mesmerizing and spiritual, so one might wonder if such a place exists where one can rent a tent that can levitate! The place seems so captivating that we’d visit it even if there are no levitation camps.

A Twisted Head
This might have confused the photographer and he didn’t want to feel stupefied alone, and thus this paranormal looking picture found its way to the internet. At one glance, the woman seems to possess an out-worldly neck and the way she has turned her head to show her profile, it has only added to the creepiness. The truth is there are two people in the frame- a customer in foreground and a bartender in the background. Did we ruin the creepy factor of this photo?

Through The Fish-Eye Lens
Fish-eye lenses have been an all time favorite of under-water photographers. This person seems to be teasing the photographer by creating a visual pun. The photographer seems to have gotten it and captured the frame as a proof of his friend’s wittiness. He does look like he actually has fish eyes under a fish shaped eye mask. May be the person is wondering if it was that easy to get a fish vision and navigate in the ocean under the water just like the fish do.

The Longest Legs In Town
Some pictures are downright weird. One has to look again and again to find out a way to correctly interpret the picture. This crazy photo makes one girl look like a giant with abnormally long legs with the other one is weirdly small! Well, it’s not them. The girls are just making an innocent pose dreaming they will look playful and beautiful in the picture but the camera angle changes the way people look at this shot!

Let’s Move The Moon
While there is perfection of timing and placement of shot, the poetic gesture makes this picture stand out. It is not always only the skill that counts, but thought holds equal importance, if not more. Moon has always been a romantic darling for poets all around the world. Many of them would have dreamed of moving the moon according to their will, taking this heavenly work of God to places. This photographer has just expressed the same desire using the medium almost everyone can understand.

The Girl With Three Arms
This young lady is getting some memories framed but she made one mistake. She vested the power to capture her memories to a naughty friend, who did not miss a chance to give it his own flavor. The girl posing with both of her hands on her waist now appears to have grown a third hand, just for the convenience of holding a drink. Perhaps the twisted angle to the photograph makes it a better memory for her and the photographer!

Warp Leap
It was the carefully devised plan at the photographer’s end to decrease the shutter speed because there were chances that this wild little frog may get bored posing for a good shot and leap his way out anytime. So it did, leaving an impression as if it was a super frog out of a science fiction film. When it encountered a highly advanced life-form who has extended brain-memory into internet and hard-disks, this super frog became skeptical and leapt its way back into the warp-tunnel.

Feeling Close To A Fan
Now this photo cannot be planned like others. This was a mere co-incidence that Tim Duncan of San Antonio Spurs appeared from television to tell his man how proud he is to have him as a fan. Lakers and Spurs have been NBA rivals since the ‘70s and their clashes in the court are nail-biting. The picture speaks even more about America’s freedom of expression. You can support two rival teams and still stay under the same roof. Perhaps that is what made Tim Duncan feel so proud about.

Planting A Human
The three ladies posing for the camera have no idea what is going on in the background. While some creatives can argue whether planting a human as a tree can produce more similar samples or not, some may see it as if a gardener is using a human shovel do dig the soil out. We believe the girl was trying to pull off a cheerleader stunt and the guy was no professional, who let her fall down head first while co-incidentally photobombing the ladies!

Taking In The Scent Of Hair
Shampoo companies have not left any hair-problem unaddressed and have minted money on everything, even on fragrances. We do agree that it is important for a shampoo to have a pleasant fragrance, but in this picture, the shampoo seems to be out of the world. The woman seems to be too carried away by the other woman’s hair scent and wanted to snort it all in. In reality, she could simply blame this illusion on camera angle and timing!

Smoking Angels In The House
We have all at least once wondered what angels do for fun. Do they really live above the clouds? In the frame, some friends of angels seem to be blowing away some nice thick clouds. Perhaps they created clouds so that they can stay hidden from the eyes of earth-dwellers or they are just having fun. There are so many stories one can cook up just by looking at this picture which in reality, is a beautifully timed photo with an imaginative and skillfully crafted frame.

When The Sky Is Upside Down
Now we don’t know what this lady is trying to convey here. She is doing a perfect head-stand and seems so comfortable while pulling this difficult stunt. Her neck muscles must be really strong and her balance looks amazing. We wonder how much workout one needs to be capable of posing like this. What kind of workout routine enables one to be such a pro-poser? We bet she fell down right after the ‘click’! Or did they photoshop the picture?

Witnessing The Proposal
This little cute hippo in the zoo seems unable to figure out what exactly is going on out there. Perhaps mama-hippo was right; humans are weird. Cine-fanatics might find symbolism here and point out that the baby hippo symbolizes an adorable little kid they will have after she accepts the proposal. While we can keep arguing if it was well thought picture, we can all agree that the baby hippo jumped into the frame at right time and added the ‘cuteness’ factor to the entire picture.

Out Of The Camouflage
Ever wondered what is the saddest thing in the life of a gecko? They have been camouflaging for so long that they have forgotten how to get themselves noticed. This picture of a woman photobombed by a gecko might just be their attempt to get noticed by humans! We bet two geckos were having a chat about changing their situation right before this photo was taken. They schemed to jump right into the photo just as the photographer says ‘cheese’. Are we looking at a revolutionary picture?

Humpty-Dumpty’s Great Fall
Only if all of us could see the poetry around, the world would be a much fun place. This little kid is a cute imposter of the world-famous Humpty Dumpty, who had a great fall. He is living such a moment. In fact, the kid is in the middle of that moment. Time has passed while something could be done and now the certainty is ground zero. But heroes rise, kid! We just hope that the photographer bought this poor cute child a candy afterwards for giving him one great shot!

Obama: The Great Wizard
We had no idea that the ex-president of the USA possess some outwardly powers only a wizard can master. Though he does look like he is out of a Harry Potter movie ready to unleash his magic on Voldemort, he is a victim of illusion! The man was giving a speech when the photographer captured a moment where his hands aligned with the sun in the background in a way that he looks like he owns the ball of fire!

An Intruder In Buddha’s Meditation
This airplane surely seems to have disturbed Buddha’s concentration while he was trying to meditate. Buddha being the enlightened one, knows that no one will hear his mellow soothing voice, so he politely decides to hold the airplane’s outlet nozzle and silence it. No matter how much we like this version of the story behind this photo, the truth can’t be farther from it. The photographer captured this shot when the plane was flying and for a moment aligned with Buddha’s fingers. Now that’s called perfect timing!

A Belly Ripple
Friends are always unpredictable, one can never tell what new prank they’ll come up with. They might be sophisticated in the eyes of outside world, but when they are with the people they love, in no time they become teenagers again. Now the person who got a serious belly slap had no idea what was going to happen. While we clearly see the ripple formed on his belly already, it came with such a surprise that he hasn’t gotten time to react yet.

Sailing Like A Boss
Hands down, we have no idea whether this picture is meant to show a fearless man full of attitude or it is just a co-incidental frame. But it is one gem of a photograph. If we think the frame is not orchestrated, there are only two possibilities: one, the person hasn’t yet gotten the time to react. Second, that man is a real life Boss. Either way, this photo is impressive!

Rise Of The Devil
“One day, when people of earth turn their head away from God, I will return. That day is today!” It won’t be a bad opening scene if incorporated in a horror film. Why does it look like a devil is about to appear from behind the clouds? It seems like two red horns are slowly rising and very soon a giant devil will jump out at us. Just the thought of it is scary but thankfully, this is simply a well timed photo.

God Of Thunder Is Here
One of the two things happened here: Thor has landed, avengers are assembling and Earth is under alien invasion led by Loki. Or The Statue of Liberty went to cinema and saw Ragnarok the movie, and swayed away by Chris Hemsworth who played Thor, the God of lightning and thunder. Now, the fan-girl is trying to summon upon the lightning strikes by pretending to be Thor. By logic and reality, none of these scenarios are true but are we ready to accept that this is simply a play on timing and camera angle?

One Super Flamingo
All the flamingos seem to be calling upon their leader, they may have something important to discuss. It looks inspired by an iconic scene from Batman movie of the flamingo-verse where they call upon their super hero by making the super-symbol. Whether photographer thought about this batman thing or not, he definitely saw the bigger picture of flamingo-ception. In one way or another, the one who captured this moment is definitely a movie buff or into contemporary art.

A Fiery Jump
If it really does happen, what a scene it would be! Fans will go crazy and comic books will be written and films made on this American footballer. We have to say, pretty good timing. The picture is more of symbolic nature, explicitly revealing what is going on in a pumped up motivated sportsman while he or she is on the field. Hope he landed near and safe!

Moving The Eiffel Tower
We don’t think the French would allow the displacement of Eiffel Tower, something that is the most famous landmark of their country. Obviously it won’t be advisable to attempt such a thing. For a moment, if we imagine that someone decided to do this without warning people who are already inside, how rough would their lunch go! The soups would splash and curries would spill. Also it would need a stupidly big crane!

Crashing Into A Pole
Looks like a failed attempt to photobomb someone’s nice picture but still managed to do it somehow. One must keep both hands on the handle and eyes on the road while riding a bike. The subject of the photograph seems to not have processed what happened in the background. Perhaps the cyclist did not intend to photobomb and just got distracted by something he saw around. Who knows he might have seen his crush and then crashed into the pole, head first.

This super bug has broken the sound barrier and seems to be entering the supersonic speed zone with a boom. Where do you want to go this fast, little bug? What can the scenario possibly be? Is it late from office and it is the review day? Or is it a member of some emergency response team and has been called upon for duty? Guess we will ask the bug, when it is back from wherever it is going in such an urgency.

Jesus Killing A Mosquito
Jesus seems to be proud of the humans who advanced in the field of technology so much that they have created flying machines to travel via air just like birds and insects. He looks ecstatic to witness the moment. Maybe there is too much turbulence and Lord Savior is trying to help the pilot by diverting the direction of wind. Jesus is always kind and giving, so what else can he be doing?

The Ice-Cream Thief
Summers treat man and bird the same way, but every species has its own tricks to survive. For birds, they can go and dive into water to chill out anytime without worrying about the office. Humans, on the other hand, invented chilling foods such as ice-creams to help cool off with a pleasant flavor. But birds don’t need to buy or make their own ice-cream. Instead, they can target upon their favorite flavor and attack the human who has bought it, fly away quickly and have a family dessert!