Want To Magically Clean Your Shower? This Dishwasher Tablet Hack Will Come Handy!

While cleaning the house remains our least favorite thing to do around, we still keep at it as messy rooms, piled up laundry, and unwashed dishes don’t appeal to anyone’s eyes. However, there’s one place in the house that doesn’t undergo cleaning on a regular basis. Yes, we are talking about the bathrooms. Restoring the lost shine of the shower sounds like a task that would always be pigeonholed. One of the major reasons for this postponing is that the cleaning of the bathroom demands a lot of effort or that’s what you have been thinking. But one trick that makes this job a smooth-sailing involves dishwasher tablet. You won’t ever put off the task once you know the magical process.

Cleaning The Shower Effortlessly

You may have been delaying that cleaning of the shower for days now but all the dirt stuck in the corners and grime covering various regions is quite repulsive. You can’t turn a blind eye to it and there has to be a day when you pick up your cleaning tools and begin the task. But there’s good news! You don’t have to spend hours scrubbing off the stubborn dirt as someone just revealed the most effective and undemanding way to clean the entire bathroom.

A Clean And Gleaming Shower

Even after putting in all our energy and efforts to clean the bathroom, we are still left with stains that don’t seem to disappear. Seeing our bathroom shine after working so hard remains a dream as our struggles go in vain. There’s one solution to realize that dream of watching your shower shiny and polished. Pick that dishwasher tablet and bring it into your bathroom. Let us see how this hack works and what you need to do exactly.

Before You Squander Money

We know futile attempts at cleaning your shower can disappoint you to great extent. Those marks, stains, and limescale residue can be tough and won’t be wiped off easily. Whether you have a glass shower door installed or a shower curtain put up, the dirt finds its way on everything. Before you shell out money on new expensive shower curtains to get rid of those stains, you must try using the dishwasher tablet according to the latest trick that has worked surprisingly well for so many people.

Using The Dishwasher Tablet In Shower

The annoying dirt stuck on every corner of the shower is a universal problem and one woman has finally revealed the brilliant hack to make your bathroom shine and gleam like never before. Grab that white wonder sponge (Magic Eraser) and the dishwasher tablet from your kitchen and you are good to go. Note down the dimensions of the tablet after measuring it and create a hole in the sponge of that size. The tablet should perfectly fit in. Next, dampen the cleaning sponge and rub it on the shower curtain or the glass door of the shower. Wash with warm water and your eyes will glint with astonishment on viewing the shiny space!

One Final Tip

It is advised to use gloves while giving a cleaning treatment to your bathroom with a dishwasher tablet as this tablet contains strong elements. Many people who came across this trick gave it a try and were amazed by the results it yielded. No one thought that one thing available at home would turn out to be so useful. Someone even used this hack to clean their oven door and it proved to be a success as well!