You Can Open a Can Without A Can Opener And Here’s How

You never know in which situations life can put you someday so it is better that you prepare yourself for such situations beforehand. Let’s accept that we all love impromptu plans to hills or beaches with our friends and family. While spontaneous plans are fun, sometimes, we tend to miss out on stuff, especially trivial tools like can openers, knives, etc while packing in a rush. We have got you covered for a situation where you might need to open a can without a can opener.

If Things Get Bad

Even though opening a food or drink can without a can opener is not something that is considered exactly a life skill but it can still save you in a situation when you are hungry and need to open food cans or when you are sitting with your friends and need to open a beer can.

Using A Concrete Surface

You do not need anything but a flat rough surface like concrete or a sidewalk. Put the top of the can on the concrete and rub it swiftly. After scrapping it a lot on the concrete, squeeze the can from both sides. After a few seconds, you will see the lid pop off right away. If you fail to open it, try rubbing it on the surface again.

With The Help Of A Metal Spoon

This trick can come in handy to you if you do not find a concrete surface nearby. Grab a metal spoon from the kitchen and grip it firmly in the palm of your hand. Hold the can with your other hand and start rubbing the spoon back and forward on the top while pushing it down with some force to make a gouge. Keep rubbing the spoon with force and you will be able to pierce a hole at the top. Use the edge of the spoon to slowly cut all the way around the top. Lastly, fold open the top, and voila you are all set to enjoy your meal.

Using A Fork

Before beginning with the trick, there is a little warning that this tip is going to destroy the fork so it is advisable that you use an old fork. Firmly grip the fork in your palm and place it on top of the can in a way that the prong is on the inner edge and the other three over the rim. Tap it down with your other hand or a stick until you pierce the edge of the can. Keep the prong of the fork inside the hole and work your way around the entire edge, ripping the metal. If you face any difficulty while ripping the metal with just one opening, pierce several consecutive holes and then try again.

With A Pair Of Scissors

Grab a pair of scissors with its blades closed initially. Hold the scissors’ handle tightly to avoid any accident and place the can on a plain surface. Point the tip of the scissors downwards on top of the can next to the lip of the tin. Use the palm of your other hand to tap the scissors to pierce the can.

Using A Knife

You can open a can with a knife in no time but you have to be extra cautious to avoid any injury. Use a pocket knife or a small paring knife and try to puncture the can with the tip of the knife. Keep puncturing holes evenly around the edge of the can, and the lid will eventually come off.