Women Unravel A Family Mystery After Their Friends Told Them They Looked Alike

Growing up with a twin sibling is like having a constant partner in everything and for Rachelle Dyer and her twin sister Kristelle Arthur Harrington, it was no different. They grew up together in Washington and never left each other’s side until they stepped into the real world. From the West coast, Rachelle was moving to the East coast for new work opportunities. But bidding goodbye to her twin sister was not going to be easy. Little did she know, she and her family were about to unearth some deep family secrets at the new place. New beginnings took her half a century back!

Raised In Washington

Rachelle Arthur Dyer had lived near Seattle for a long time with her family. In 2004, she had gained enough experience in her hometown as an elementary school teacher and was ready to move to a new place as one step ahead in her professional life. It was time to depart the Washington state for a new beginning. She had to say goodbye to her twin sister, Kristelle and it was a tough one. However, Rachelle was embarking on an entirely different journey that she knew nothing about.

Living States Apart

Rachelle packed her stuff and bid the most difficult farewell to Kristelle. But they hugged and waited for another warm embrace that would happen after a long time. The memories were packed in Rachelle’s luggage and she was taking them along happily. Rachelle might have anticipated a lot from this moving from Washington but she was enrolled for a surprise ride in the new state. But she wasn’t the only one on the receiving end of the unexpected.

A Unique Case

The twin sisters, Rachelle and Kristelle had something unique about their past. They were adopted together in the 1960s at birth. A very loving and affectionate family took them and raised these girls. Although they never knew anything about their birth parents, it didn’t come in their way as each other’s company filled much of that void. However, the truth can’t be buried for long.

Adoptive Family

Their adoptive family gave them all the love and care they deserved. They were the happiest little girls growing up with two younger brothers and learning the true meaning of family. Now, Rachelle was off to another state and on an unpredictable path that would lead her towards a door opening up to their family history. Turns out, history was full of mysteries that they never could have guessed.

Welcome To The East Coast

Rachelle had been living on the west coast for years and finally, she was here on the east coast with her family to commence another chapter of her life. She and her family were settling in Virginia Beach where Rachelle found a great job at Tallwood Elementary School. She was hired at the Special Education Department of the school as an assistant teacher. The family was adapting to the new surroundings and neighborhood. Rachelle gained new friendships at work but they seemed to be asking her one strange question every time.

A Familiar Face

While working at the school, Rachelle met new people and had a good circle of friends and acquaintances at her workplace. Weirdly, all these people had the same questions for her whenever they met her. She was presented with a similar platter of questions and it was turning mysterious to some extent. Any person at the school who saw her would tell her that her face was very familiar and they strongly feel that they know her from somewhere. But that “somewhere” was not yet discovered!

Confused Aura

They wanted to know if she had been in Tallwood Elementary School before or was somewhere nearby before she entered the premises of this school. This became a common topic of discussion among the school’s staff members. Yet, the origin of this topic was unknown. She was from Washington and had just shifted to Virginia. So, what was this confusion all about?

A Mysterious Resemblance

Rachelle was muddled on hearing every colleague and friend at the school tell her the same thing. She knew she had someone who looks exactly like her but she was miles away from her in Seattle. She had just one twin sister, Kristelle, and she had never met these people. These friends were not wavering from their opinion that Rachelle had a very close resemblance to someone they had met or known.

An Answer

After much perplexity, everyone remembered that person who came to their mind when they saw Rachelle. She was a teacher at the same school too but was not working there anymore. They were reminded of that former teacher whenever they saw Rachelle. Rachelle’s colleagues finally had one answer. Now, the task was to reveal the astonishing resemblance to Rachelle. But there was more to this resemblance than what they initially thought.

The Lookalike Revelation

Since Rachelle’s work friends knew who she looked like now, they revealed that she was a spitting image of Shannon Holley Nicoll, a former teacher at the Tallwood Elementary School. Turns out, Shannon was a few years younger than Rachelle and worked as a student-teacher there some time back. The ones who had been at this school for quite long were aware of Shannon and so, when Rachelle came for her first day, everyone was reminded of Shannon but could not paint the image instantly.

Similar Face, Similar Job

Rachelle found that Shannon had a transfer to King’s Grant Elementary School. King’s Grant Elementary School was also located in Virginia Beach. It was staggering to even think that this lookalike was also a teacher. Isn’t that insane? After spilling these details, the co-workers were intrigued by the uncanny resemblance of these two teachers and came up with a plan.

A Meeting

They decided to set a date and time for a meeting as pictures don’t do justice to one’s looks. So, they were planning for Rachelle and Shannon to meet and see what compelled them! The meeting needed a valid reason and they had their thinking caps on to come up with a brilliant idea that neither can deny. It was an exciting moment but no one imagined where this would take all of them.

Searching A Common Ground

Rachelle's colleagues were convinced with the idea of making her meet with her doppelganger, Shannon. But the planning needed to be very strategic and something that doesn't make the women have an awkward first encounter. Movie night would just include exchanging popcorn bowls instead of an actual conversation. So, they put that one aside and mulled over better ideas. Her co-workers found one thing that both of these ladies loved and everything fell into place.

Music To Their Rescue

It comes as no surprise that our friends know what we love and what's our happy place. Rachelle's and Shannon's mutual friends were able to pick that common interest as they were clued up on their hobbies. Music was the connecting string and now, choosing an activity for the meeting was a breeze. They bought tickets to Kenny Chesney's concert in 2009. They were all set to watch the country star perform but the highlight for this group of friends was something else.

Mirror Image

Their mutual friends succeeded in bringing these two women face-to-face and when they saw each other, it was almost like looking at one's mirror image. They were stunned at what their mutual friends noticed! These two girls wanted to be in the same frame to capture a memory that can be relived through that picture in the future. Rachelle shared “And when we looked at each other we were like, ‘Wow, this is kind of like looking in the mirror.’”

Seized With A Click

Rachelle already had a twin back in Washington and having another mirror image in Virginia did not startle her much. It was just a happy memory that would make her smile every time. She was glad to meet her doppelgänger and have such an incredible time with all her friends. However, this selfie on their phones was more than just another piece of memory and they'll know it soon.

Calm Before The Storm

Shannon and Rachelle were quite impressed by the observing powers of their co-workers but after a while, having similar faces just felt like another chance event. After that meeting, these two never really ran into each other on the street nor did the co-workers plan anything. This might seem all usual to them at that moment but what can they predict about the future? They were moving towards an advanced world with new technologies and it was time they explore one of those advancements!

Diving Into Genealogy

One of the major studies in medical science is that of genealogy and with great advancements, genetic testing came into existence. A few years ago, this process was emerging in the states and Rachelle’s husband came across this type of testing. He was intrigued and quickly asked his wife to give it a shot with her twin sister Kristelle to know more about their biological family. Rachelle jumped to this opportunity and was ready for some answers!

What Do Genes Tell?

Genetic testing aroused this Rachelle’s and her husband’s curiosity to know about her ancestors and the ethnicity to which she belonged concerning her biological parents. Anyone who opts for genetic testing has two choices - Firstly, the tests would reveal the percentages of that person’s various ethnicities, and secondly, there’s DNA matching which is optional. In DNA matching, the results would reveal a few people with similar genetics who could be related to that person. Rachelle was all set for the test and was thrilled to receive the results.

Curiosity Was Piquing

Rachelle Dyer took the DNA test in 2017 when her husband pushed her to do so and after she took it, she was keen on knowing the results that would unveil a lot about her biological ancestry. The results were handed to her in March 2018 and it was time for some revelations. However, Rachelle never signed up for the DNA matching option as she did not see any relevance of that considering that she already had a twin sister. Soon, she would be forced to make another decision.

First Few Pages

She turned the pages of the results excitedly that gave her a sneak peek into her ancestral history. She was able to know a few things about her birth family and the combination of ethnicities that she had. She was just holding a few pages of the test, there were still some that would reveal another part of her genetics.

An Ancestry Project At School

This huge breakthrough in genetics was becoming a topic of discussion at various spots and it had to reach the educational institutions eventually. When the principal of Tallwood Elementary School was enlightened by this concept of genetic testing, he turned it into a project for the students to learn more about their ancestors. While the school was working on this genealogy project, something startling was happening in the backdrop.

Another Round Of DNA Testing

The students were actively participating in this ancestry project but they were not the only ones who were curious about the whole genetic testing concept. The principal of the school was fascinated by the project and the response of the students towards it. He was aware that Rachelle had already taken this test once and so, he persuaded her to turn those pages again and even go ahead with the DNA matching. Rachelle agreed!

Diving Deep Into The Genes

Rachelle was about to add a few more pages to that genetic test she took in 2017 by requesting the DNA matches. She followed up with the same company that gave her the first phase results of her DNA tests. The website showed the amount of DNA shared between Rachelle and the potential candidates that were a match. Further, it even disclosed the nature of their genetic relationship that meant she could know if the person was her first cousin or a fourth one.

It’s A DNA Match!

To her surprise, Rachelle found a match! She had someone out there with a similar DNA and it was unexpected. The whole situation blew her mind but this was merely the beginning. This woman’s name who matched with her was Tracey Hall and the information stated that she might be her first cousin. This medical advancement was about to enlighten her with some hidden truths about her family.

Connecting With Extended Family

Rachelle was ecstatic when she discovered that she had a first cousin who lived around town. So, she did not think twice before contacting Tracey. When Tracey connected with Rachelle, she was amazed by this discovery. But the two were still in the dark about what this connection meant and where it would take them. Rachelle and Kristelle were unaware of a lot of things about their birth parents and biological family but with this one match, they were closer to uncovering the big secret. Tracey would help them trace that secret!

Knocking For Answers

Tracey was holding a secret that was passed on to her by her mom, Sue Hall, who lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Sue had been tight-lipped about this whole family mystery for a long time but she realized that there needed to be someone who was privy to this unrevealed information if she died. She knew someday someone would come looking for answers. She was so right! But it happened sooner than she expected as Rachelle’s footsteps approached this secret and Sue had to serve her with the truth.

The Family History

It all started in the late 1960s when Sue’s sister, Janice was in Washington for some time before returning to the east coast. When Janice was back in Virginia, she walked down the aisle and was married to Dean Holley. She gave birth to two daughters with him and the family was living happily. Janice spent a lot of time with Sue and Tracey too as they all lived close to each other. However, there was one thing that was only known to Janice and Sue.

The Buried Past

Janice and Sue might have buried some old secrets but they could not escape the reality for long. Those secrets may have to be unveiled soon. This past moment was never brought to the table until now. Sue knew that Janice had been through some experience in Washington that was never talked about before she came back and settled in Virginia with her husband. 

Sharing Secrets

The two sisters, Sue and Janice shared all their life experiences. So, Janice told everything that happened in Washington to Sue and it had been years since she was hiding it away. Tracey was the next one to know it and she was the one who would reveal it to the right ones who deserve to know it when the right time arrives or the situation calls for the revelation. Turns out, it won’t be long now.

Unsettled Life Before Settling

Janice gave birth to twin baby girls in Washington but due to the tough circumstances that existed during that time, she had to give those little girls up for adoption. She had no means to raise them and give them a happy and comfortable life. Nothing was known about these girls but Tracey was sure that she had two more cousin sisters.

From The Biological Family

Rachelle and Kristelle had never imagined that they would meet someone from their biological family. The thought of their birth parents was always accompanying them but they never picked it up. Almost five decades later, Rachelle was connected to her blood relatives through DNA matching. Tracey was glad that she finally knew her cousins whom she had only heard about in those tales told by her mother. Genealogical testing had led to this incredible reunion but this was just the start of a journey that had more details attached to it.

An Adventurous Move

When Rachelle moved to Virginia with her family, she didn’t predict that she would travel back in time and be aware of all the family secrets that were present in that place. Her questions about their biological family seemed to be answered after she met with Tracey. She informed her that Rachelle and Kristelle have two half-sisters and nothing could be more exciting than this news.

Close To The Half-Sisters

Moving to Virginia was proving to be quite adventurous for Rachelle as she was encountering some people that were holding information for her that she had never even heard about. Finding her half-sisters was not an exhausting task as they lived just a few miles away from her. It felt like things were meant to turn out in favor of these twin sisters.

The Concert Night

One genetic test had brought Rachelle closer to her half-sisters and she did not have to look beyond Virginia to find them. One half-sister was living in the same town as Rachelle and when she heard her name, she was taken back to the concert night. Yes, Shannon Nicoll was Rachelle’s half-sister! What they just thought to be a doppelganger situation turned out to be much more than that. This new-found family had a few more members who had to be in one frame for a perfect family photograph.

Magical Moments

Knowing about Shannon and recalling all that their mutual friends told them about their similar looks filled Rachelle with joy and she realized that she was a part of some miracles. When she discovered that Shannon had an older sister, Lisa Holley, she was over the moon. Tracey had a huge role to play in this reunion as she was the one who knew the entire story through her mom. The girls would still be in the dark if it hadn’t been for Tracey.

Mother’s Dreams

Rachelle and Kristelle might have found the sisters but they still had a few questions about their birth mother. Unfortunately, their biological mother, Janice Moore passed away a year and a half ago before this reunion. “Janny was determined to do the best thing for the twins and we always wondered about them. And I always thought that if the twins wanted to find us they would have by now,” Sue shared. “I'm still in shock that this has all happened and I'm glad it did. I think Janny would have been happy about it.”

On The Other Side Of The World

Kristelle was also informed about all of this. “I was in Australia for New Year's Eve and had to have emergency surgery for appendicitis. I get back home and a couple of weeks later it's like, bang, this all happens,” revealed Kristelle. She even added that their parents had told them about their half-sisters but they never knew anything beyond their existence. Now, she was elated to know that her twin sister had finally found them and they were planning a get-together.

Wrapped In Joy

The girls were on cloud nine while they planned a meeting. Kristelle was recovering after her surgery and kept wondering all about her half-sisters. “Me and Rachelle had a wonderful childhood and upbringing, but we always wondered what our sisters would be like,” she shared. The four of them were equally delighted for the reunion and it was time they connect on a personal level. They had a lot to share and reveal!

Cheerful Reunion

In February 2019, three sisters, Rachelle, Shannon, and Lisa, and their families gathered at one place after days of planning this and it was a celebration. Rachelle had answers to almost all her questions related to their biological mother. Sue assured them that Janice loved her girls but the conditions forced her to give them up for adoption. She even told them that their birth mom made sure that the twins are raised under the same roof and among the ones who have faith in Catholicism.

Just One Regret

When these sisters met for the first time, amid all the laughter and chatters, Rachelle was missing something. There was one missing puzzle piece and that was her birth mom. She might have heard all about her till now but this one regret of never meeting her stayed with her. “I feel like I was a year-and-a-half too late because that's when our birth mom passed away,” Rachelle expressed.

Her Plan

They felt that their mom was looking upon them from above and had a lot to do with this special reunion. “All four of us feel like she's had a big hand in this. Getting us all together at this time in our lives. We all really needed it,” Rachelle revealed. “I've never had my own family in Virginia Beach. And Lisa and Shannon don't have the mom they grew up with there anymore.”

Shocked And Surprised

While Rachelle and Kristelle were aware of the fact that they had two sisters somewhere in this world, Shannon and Lisa had no clue about having half-sisters. “Lisa and I had no idea at all that our mother had even given birth to twins in the past. They knew that they were adopted all these years -- so for us, it was pretty mind-blowing,” Shannon expressed. “When they told me we had half sisters I stood up and turned white as a ghost. I immediately figured it was Shannon and that meant Lisa, too,” Rachelle revealed.

Destiny Has All Figured Out

Shannon and Rachelle’s encounter was destined. They were grateful for their mom to share her secret with Sue who passed it down to Tracey and here they were having a beautiful time together. “I like to think that now they have two new pieces of her in me and Kristelle,” Rachelle shared about being there for her new sisters. Rachelle had come a long way from being a teacher at Tallwood Elementary School as she was able to know about her sisters through her colleagues.

Not Just Colleagues

While recalling the whole incident starting from the questions being asked to Rachelle when she joined the school to the sisters being reunited after many decades, they realized another thing. The two mutual friends who were telling Rachelle that she looked like Shannon were not just Shannon’s colleagues but much more than that. Shannon shared during the interview, “The two friends that kept telling her that we looked alike were my childhood best friends. Lisa and I grew up across the street from them!”

The Little Things

The four sisters had the most memorable time of their lives with all their families present there to share the happiness of reuniting. The kids were amused by how their aunts had similar mannerisms. “Both of my children came to the dinner and every time the four of us would laugh they put their hands over their mouths because they couldn't believe how much we sounded alike. I mean, we were finishing each other's sentences,” Shannon revealed. "This has been the biggest gift you can imagine.”

A Prestigious Invitation

After their story was picked up by many channels, “Good Morning America” heard about the journey of these four beautiful women. So, they all were invited over to that show for recording a segment where they shared all about the experience. Their story and the way they expressed each moment warmed everyone’s hearts and it felt like the ladies had known each other forever. “You can tell there is love here. A lot of emotions come with it, but there is complete love here,” the host announced.

Inseparable Now

Since their meeting, a strong bond has emerged among them and they are cherishing every moment they spend together talking to each other. Shannon and Lisa are grateful that they found their half-sisters and were glad to know that they were raised in a wonderful family with two brothers and loving parents. “Such a great part of the story, to know that they had a good life,” Shannon exclaimed on the show.

Filling The Void

Losing their mom was heartbreaking for them but Rachelle and Kristelle came into their lives to make them feel her presence around them. “Holidays will be different. For us, with losing mom recently. She was thanksgiving. She was Christmas. She was all of those things and made it everything,” she added. “There was this void there, and now we feel like there is a piece of her.”